Sparring match between brothers

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Magna: LET THE BATTLE BEGIN! *runs to the side line*

Yuno activates his Spirit Dive and flies towards Asta and tries to slash him with his Spirit of Zephyr.

Asta says "to slow" and vanishes. He reappears behind Yuno and throw a punch. Yuno reacts fast and could block it with his sword. But Asta's fist is wrapped with anti-magic and destroys Yuno's sword. Yuno builds distance between him and Asta.


Ten big bows appear around Asta and shoot at the exact time at him.

Asta: If you use Mana Zone, then I think I should pick up the pace a little bit, *smirks* ANTI-MAGIC: INFINITE VOID!

Every arrow, what were on the way to Asta disappeared. Yuno's Spirit Dive also deactivates.

Yuno: Bell, why is Spirit Dive already deactivated? We trained, so that we can hold it for 30 minutes.

Bell: I don't know. I think that punk sucked all the mana up.

Yuno: I think so too. I also feel that my mana get drained. *tries to form an attack* Why can't I use my magic?!

Asta: I created something like mana zone with my anti-magic. It sucks all mana up and if I want I can make it to anti-magic. I give you a little tip to fight against it. You have to make a small mana zone with a lot of mana in it. But I already won the match.

Asta disappears in a black flash and is now behind Yuno.


Asta shoots a spell, what looks like Noelle's sea dragon's roar, but it is black with red eyes and much bigger. Yuno would get hit from that but Asta cancelled the spell.

Yuno: *shocked because of the attack* W-why did you stop the attack?

Asta: If it would have hit you, you would be near death or dead. Julius I think I won the match, right?

Julius: *starts in his eyes* Yes! That was a amazing match! I never thought that you would improve that much Asta!

Asta: *chuckles* I didn't go all out. I didn't use my transformations and used just a few spells. And I didn't put full force in these spells.

Everyone: *shocked*

Magna: How did you this void thing? I felt how my magic drained.

Asta: When I was training, I thought how good Mana Zone was. Then i created something like it. It took some time to control it, but now I can use it without troubles.

Nacht: *comes out of the shadows* Hello there Asta.

Asta: Hey Nacht. How was your mission? Did you see the whole match?

Nacht: *chuckles* The mission went well. About the match, yes, I saw the whole match. I already thought that you have got stronger, but I am surprised that you got that much stronger. But why didn't you use your devil powers?

Asta: About that... I can't use them for a while.

Nacht: What?! Why?

Asta: When Me and Liebe were on our way here, I got a idea for a new attack. But we overdid it a bit and now Liebe is in a coma, until he has his whole anti-magic back. But it shouldn't take lone until he wakes up again.

Orsi: 'Asta didn't even use his whole power but easily defeated Yuno. When I remember back when they were young, Yuno always won'

Julius: Asta, it looks like you can now make spells with your anti-magic. You used an attack that looked similar to Noelle's attack spell.

Asta: When I found out that I can make spells with my anti-magic, I couldn't think of much spells, so I copied some of my friends.

Julius: *stars in his eyes* Can you show me your strongest selfmade spell in your base form?

Asta: Sure. *looks around* Does someone lives on this mountain? *points to a mountain*

Julius: Not that I know. Why?

Asta: Is it okay if I shoot my spell on it?

Julius: I don't think it is a problem. But isn't it too far away for a spell?

Asta: *laughs* Nope. Just to demonstrate it, it is the perfect range. *goes on all four*

Asta: ANTI-MAGIC: ROAR OF THE DEVIL KING *shoots it on the mountain*

The mountain explodes and a shockwave throws everyone on the floor except from Asta

Julius: *starts in his eyes and jumps because of excitement* This is incredible! Asta, when Liebe wakes up, you have to show me your powers in your transformations!

Asta: Sure thing, Julius!

Noelle: *pinches Asta's cheek* Next time warn us from the shockwave, Bakasta! *gets an aura like Yami when he is anngry*

Asta: *gulps* Y-yes ma'am! 'She hasn't just got more beautiful, but also a lot scarier'

Marx: *calls Julius with his communication magic* Julius-sama, where are you?! I just a big explosion and when I went to your office, you weren't here.

Julius: Hello Marx! I am at the Black Bulls hideout. And don't worry about the explosion, it was Asta. I asked him if he could show me his strongest attack in his base form.

Marx: *jaws dropped* 'This guy is only 18 and has such a powerful attack in his base form' Okay, I let it slide this time, that you left your office without saying something to me. But please come back as soon as possible. There is still plenty of paperwork waiting for you *hangs up*

Julius: *sighs* Looks like I have to go back, but thank you Asta to show me your powers. I will see you soon. *turns to the church* It was nice to meet you. See ya *disappears*

Orsi: We should also get going. When we leave now, we are back at the church before dinner.

Asta: Finral, were you at Hage before?

Finral: Yes, should I make a portal for them to Hage?

Asta: Yes please.

Orsi: Thank you very much, Finral.

The younger kids hug Asta an Yuno

Finral: *makes the portal* You can go through the portal now. It should send you to the entrance of Hage.

Sister Lily: Thank you very much. Asta, Yuno make sure you two visit us soon.

Asta: We will try to get a free day together and visit you guys together. Bye guys! It was a fun time with you!

The church left and the portal closed

Yuno: I also have to go. Sir William said, that he needs to speak with me. See you soon Asta *flies away*

Asta: Guys, let us go back to the hideout. Let us enjoy our free day.

Magna: You say it right, Asta!

They all go to the hideout

CHAPTER FINISHED! Please tell me how you like the fighting scene. It was my first time writing one, but I hope you guys still like it. 

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