realizing Feelings

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Right now it is evening and everyone is doing their own stuff

Asta: *is lying on his bed* 'I don't know what is going on with me. Since I left for my journey, I have this weird feeling. But only when I am around or thinking about Noelle. When I was training, I missed all my friends, but I missed Noelle the most and thought about her most of the time. Now I am back, I can't get her out of my head. This last year she got a lot more beautiful and a lot nicer.' *sighs* 'I think I should ask Finral about that' *gets up and goes to Finral's room*

Asta: *knocks on the door*

Finral: Come in!

Asta: *goes in* Hey Finral!

Finral: Oh, hey Asta! What do you need?

Asta: I need your help.

Finral: With what?

Asta: W-well, when I was training outside the kingdom, Noelle was the person that I thought the most about. And since I came back, she is always in my head.

Finral: *laughs*

Asta: Oi, don't laugh! I just want to know what is going on with me!

Finral: Sorry, but I haven't thought that especially you would fall for her?

Asta: What do you mean?

Finral: Let me guess. You want to hang around Noelle more and you always think how beautiful she is and how she has become, right?

Asta: Y-yea, but how did you know?

Finral: *places a hand on Asta's shoulder* Asta, you are in lover with Noelle.

Asta: So, that feeling is love?

Finral: Yes.

Asta: But what should I do? I don't think that Noelle is feeling the same way as me. And still also, she is royalty. Even if she would feel the same way, most of the nobles and royales would make fun out of her.

Finral: Don't worry. I am sure she feels the same way. And since do you care what nobles and royales think? You are also the future Wizard King. This would be the best partner, that a royale would ask for.

Asta: You are right. But when I am in love with her should I ask her out on a date?

Finral: *raise an eyebrow* Do you even know what a date is?
Aska: Yes. Always when you came back from one, you told me what you did and that you got rejected at the end *laughs*

Finral: *embarrassed* W-well, that is in the past. But just ask her out and go to a restaurant with her.

Asta: Thanks, Finral. You helped me a lot. I will ask Noelle right away. *goes out of the room*

Finral: 'If he wouldn't be so dense, he would know that Noelle likes him'

Asta goes to Noelle's room and knocks few times but no response.

Asta: *opens the door* Noelle, are you even here? *sees that nobody is in the room* Maybe she is in the living room.

He goes to the living room but sees that only Charmy and Vanessa are in there. Charmy is eating and Vanessa is nearly passed out because she has drunk too much.

Asta: Hey you two. Do you know where Noelle is?
Charmy: *says something but you can't understand it, because she has her mouth full with food*

Ata: Vanessa, do you know where Noelle is?

Vanessa: Y-yea *hic* s-she said that *hic* wanted t-to train a *hic* little b-bit

Asta: Thanks Vanessa! *runs out of the hideout*

He walks around the forest for a few minutes he hears Noelle saying her spells

Asta: *is behind a tree* 'Even when she trains, she is beautiful, when I think about asking her out I still have doubts, but now I can't back out anymore' *comes out* H-hey Noelle!

Noelle: Oh, hey Asta! Why are you here? Dou you also want to train?

Asta: No not at the moment. I came here to ask you something. *gets a little embarrassed*

Noelle: *sees that he is embarrassed* 'What is he going to say say? I have never seen Asta embarrassed' Asta, you can just tell me.

Asta: *sighs* 'Now or never' N-noelle, I wanted t-to ask if you want to eat w-with me t-tomorrow?

Noelle: *blushes* 'D-does he mean like a date?! N-no this is Asta we are talking about.' S-sure. But why was is so hard to ask that?

Asta: W-well, I don't want to invite you to just eat, I want to ask you if you want to go out with me like a d-date *is embarrassed and looks in the floor* 'I think this was a bad idea'

Noelle: *surprised and blushes more* 'A-asta really asked me out on a date!'

Asta: *after a few minutes of silence* I think this was a bad idea. Sorry, if I wasted your time with a dumb request *starts to go away*

Noelle: 'B-but I want to go on a date with him' *grabs his hand*

Asta: *looks back* N-noelle?

Noelle: I would l-love to go on a d-date with you, Asta.

Asta: *wide eyes* R-really?!

Noelle: Yea.

Asta: But why didn't you say something when I asked? I thought that you would say no.

Noelle: I-I was just surprised that you asked me out.

Asta: Oh ok. So, is tomorrow evening a good time?

Noelle: Yea.

Asta: I know that you said that you will pay for the food next time, but I invite you, so I will pay.

Noelle: F-fine, but next time I will pay. Even if you invite me, okay?

Asta: *chuckles* Okay. I will go back to the hideout, you coming too?

Noelle: No, I will stay here a little longer and train more.

Asta: Okay. I will go to sleep soon. Good night, Noelle.

Noelle: Good night, Asta

When Asta left Noelle alone

Noelle: 'YES!! I thought this day would never come! He really asked me out'

To Asta in his room:

Asta: 'Thanks god she said yes. For a moment I thought she would say no' *goes to sleep*

PART FINISHED! I hope you liked it! And sorry if the title is not that good. I am not good at finding titles.

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