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Hades: In this form no human is a match for me! This will be your end, brat! *throws punch in high speed*

Asta: *barely could dodge* (This form is on another level! Even if I would block a punch of him, I would still get flying on a wall. Good thing that I can use Union mode for 4 hours. Maybe he gets out of his form first.) *builds up distance* ANTI-MAGIC: ROAR OF THE DEVIL KING!

Hades: *his arm gets hit but it regenerates, but slowly* (H-how does he know this spell?! I thought it was a myth. More reason to kill him.) MAGMA-MACIC: SEA OF DEATH! *The whole floor is covered in magma and everyone starts flying*

Asta: *tsk* (Every moment that passes, it gets more a pain in the ass. I have to hit him with an attack, that he can't regenerate.) ANTI-MAGIC: DIMENSION SLASH!

Hades: *his two left arms get cut off and don't regenerate* Why don't my arms regenerate?! What attack was that?

Asta: (I can only use it one time a day. I need to think of an idea to kill him.) An attack that slash trough dimensions. Together with anti-magic you won't be able to regenerate for a while on the spot I hit you.

Hades: You improved very much in the past year. MAGMA-MAGIC: BINDING MAGIC! *the whole magma on the floor shoots towards Asta*

Asta: (This is too much and too fast! I can't dodge this!) *gets hit and is pined on the wall*

Hades: HAHAHAH! Now I can slowly kill you!

Noelle: TRUE WATER-MAGIC: POSEIDON'S SPEER! *hits Hades and destroys one of his 2 right arms* *breaths heavily* (I can only make one until I have my mana again. It use all my mana.)

Hades: *regenerates his arm* This was a powerful attack, but it isn't enough for me. I think it would be funnier to see your reaction if I kill this bitch first! *makes a little sword and shoots towards Noelle*

Yuno: (This attack is too fast that I can defend her!)

Noelle: *gets hit in the stomach and coughs up blood and drops on the floor*

/The magma on the floor is binding Asta right now, so the floor is clean/

Everyone: NOELLE!

Mimosa: *runs to her and starts to heal her* (This wound is bad! I need to stop the burning)

Asta: (T-this can't be! I d-don't want to lose her!) *looks Hades dead in the eyes* I will kill you! No, I will destroy you! *a black aura starts to surround him and the magma disappears*

Everyone feels this aura and gets a chill down their spine*

Asta: *you can't see him in the black aura* I will kill you! Even if not here, I will hunt you down! I will torture you!

Asta's grimoire sucks all the aura up and something new gets written on a side. When all the aura disappears, everyone sees this:

/a short character showcase: Hades his form is like in the picture

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/a short character showcase: Hades his form is like in the picture. You can think of the person in front of him as Asta. Asta's new form is a little bit smaller than Hades' form/

Yuno: (W-what is this? Not only the aura is terrifying, but the form too!)

Klaus: (Don't tell me Asta lost control)

Hades: (My theory was right after all. When I saw his anti-magic, I hoped that it doesn't turn out this way. This form... it is a piece of a myth that is written in a few temples in the underworld! I need to kill him before he masters this form!) This will be funny now! Bring your best sho-

Asta: *flies in high speed to Hades punches him in a wall*

Hades: *coughs up blood* (His speed is on another level! I was aware that he gets a great boost in every aspect, but I haven't thought that the boost will be THAT great)

For a few minutes, Hades is only blocking Asta's attacks.

Noelle: *slowly awakes* W-what happened?

Yuno, Klaus and Mimosa are with Noelle

Mimosa: Thanks god! You are alive!

Noelle: Mimosa? What happened?

Mimosa: Hades hit you with an attack.

Noelle: *sees Asta's form* Don't tell me this is A-asta.

Klaus: It is him. We all think he lost control.

Yuno: After you got hit, he transformed to that.

Noelle: (A-asta) *tries to stand up*

Mimosa: *holds her down* You have to rest, Noelle.

Noelle: But I need to help Asta

Mimosa: There is nothing you can do right now!

In Asta's mind

Liebe: Asta! Get a hang of yourself! Noelle is not dead!

Asta: *doesn't answer*

Liebe: How should I help you if you don't talk?! *goes in the real world in his chibi form and flies to the other* Yo!

Noelle: Liebe! Do you know how to help Asta?

Liebe: I have an idea. But we have to wait until the fight is over. When he is still in rage form, you have to talk to him, Noelle.

Noelle: Alright.

Asta: *jumps on Hades and pins him on the floor* *in demonic voice* ANTI-MAGIC: ROAR OF THE DEVIL KING!

Liebe: Shit! Noelle, you have to do it now! If he shoots this attack in his rage transformation right now, he will destroy everything in this area!

Noelle: Ok! *flies on Asta's shoulder* Asta! You don't have to do that much! I am still alive!

Asta: *looks to her and in demonic voice* N-noelle?

Noelle: Yea, it is me!

Asta: *cries a little and snaps out of his rage but stays in his transformation* *in demonic voice* Thanks god! I thought I would lose you.

Hades: Don't ignore me! *charges an attack*

Asta: Not today, you bastard! *puts his hand in Hades chest and pulls his heart out and crushes it* Sayonara!

Hades: *dies and gets back in his normal form*

Asta: *transforms back and hugs Noelle* Thanks god you are alive!

Noelle: *hugs back* Thanks god that you are back to normal.

The other run to them

Yuno: Asta, what was this transformation?

Asta: I don't really know. Liebe, we have to ask a few questions to Nacht's devils. Maybe they can read the writing in my grimoire or know something about this transformation.

Liebe: We sure have to ask them. I don't really know, but the transformation reminds me on something, but I don't know on what.

Asta: Let's head back and report to Julius. We have to tell him a lot.

Everyone: Hai!

In a small hole in ceiling:

???: I have to tell Master of that. We maybe need to prepare for war now. *vanishes*

Chapter finished! Sorry that is comes out a little later than normal. Up until now the Wattpad's website was down, so i coudn't upload. Hope you liked it! See ya!

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