Captain meeting

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At the captain meeting. It is noon. I think to forgot to say, but Acier is captain now, since she has awakened again. Nozel is vice-captain.

Julius: Asta, why did you call this meeting?

Asta: It has something to do with my new transformation. I had a strange dream related to it.

Jack: You call a meeting because of a dream?!

Asta: Let me speak first, Jack. In this dream I was in front of a strange temple. When I went in it, a devil appeared. His name was Angst and he called me master for some reason. He told me that he waited for me for 800 years.

Nozel: Do you know the location of the temple?

Asta: He said something of the Land of the never-ending Desert. Julius, Lolopechka, do you know where this is?

Julius: I have never heard about it.

Lolopechtka: When I go into the memories of the other queens, I can see something about this land.

Asta: Do you know the location about it?

Lolopechtka: It is on another continent. If you start sailing northwest from the Heart Kingdom's port, you can get there in a few days.

Asta: Julius, please allow me to travel to it.

Julius: You can travel there, but not alone. You can make your team here. Some captains can give you some manpower.

Noelle: Asta, why do you want to travel there so much?

Asta: I don't really know for myself. I just want to know more about the new transformation.

Noelle: Then I will come with you.

Asta: Are you sure? It can be dangerous.

Noelle: If it gets dangerous, it is more reason that I come with you.

Yuno: Asta, I want to come with you too.

Asta: If it is alright with Williams-san.

Williams: It is alright. If you want, Mimosa can come too. It is always nice to have healer with you.

Asta: Thank you very much, Williams-san.

Acier: I will come too.

Asta: Are you sure, Acier? It can take a long time and who would replace you as a captain?

Acier: Until I come back, Nozel will be do the tasks as a captain. Nebra and Solid will come too. They never go to missions and this is a good one for them.

Asta: Alright. Then I will also take Nacht, Vanessa and Finral with me. Then we are a team out of 10 people. We will go tomorrow in the morning.

Lolopechtka: I will arrange you a ship for your journey.

Julius: It looks like everything is settled. This meeting is over!

Next day everyone meets at the Black Bulls hideout

Asta: It looks like everyone is here now.

Solid: Mother, why do we have to come along on this mission?! We are royalty and we don't have to go on missions.

Acier: Shut it, Solid! You are also a Magic Knight. Therefore, you have to go on missions.

Asta: Finral, please make a portal to the port of the Heart Kingdom.

Finral: Hai! *makes a portal and everyone goes through it*

Gaja: Good day, Clover mages. This ship there is yours. *points to it* This ship drives on its own to the set location.

Asta: Thank you very much, Gaja-san.

They go on the ship and it starts sailing. Everyone goes to their rooms and unpack their stuff. Asta is the first one to finish and goes on the deck

Asta: (I should meditate. Maybe I can get in contact with Angst again.) *sits on a open spot and starts meditating and he gets in the temple again*

Asta: Angst, are you here?

Angst: Yes, I am here, master.

Asta: I just wanted to tell you that I am on the way to you. Please tell it the royal family.

Angst: I will do that, master.

Asta: Thank you. *stops meditating*

Acier: *is behind him* Do you often meditate?

Asta: *stands up and turns around* Sometimes. It helps me more to relax. But right now, I meditated to speak with the devil again.

Acier: Are you sure it is a good idea to go there?

Asta: *looks in the horizon* I am not sure myself. I want to know more about my new transformation. But there is something else.

Acier: What do you mean?

Asta: I don't know either. There is that one feeling that says I should go there.

Acier: Alright. I just hope everything goes smoothly there. Maybe we can get one more allied for the Clover Kingdom too. How long does it take that we arrive there?

Asta: When everything goes smoothly, then 4 days.

Acier: What should we do until then?

Asta: That what we want, I guess. I will train most of the time.

Everyone trained for the first day. Let's skip to dinner

Solid: What is this purpose on this mission?

Asta: To find out about my new transformation and maybe to get a new allied for the kingdom.

Solid: Why is there a mission for your transformation? You are just a peasant.

Asta: Because with the new transformation I killed an ex-ruler of the underworld. It would be a great power boost if is there is more about it.

Solid: *tsk* Then why did I have to come along?

Acier: Because you are royalty. If you behave good, there is more chance that we will ally with the other land.

Solid: If you say so.

After dinner everyone goes to their room. Asta and Noelle share a room.

Asta: *already in bed* When do you think your brother stops to behave like that?

Noelle: *gets out of the bathroom* I don't know. It is annoying how he treats you.

Asta: *chuggles* Don't worry, I don't care that much. I just hope that he behaves in front of the royal family of the other land.

Noelle: I hope so too. One wrong word and it could get us killed.

Asta: I am sure everything will go well. But let us go to sleep now.

Noelle: *cuddles him* Good night, Asta.

Asta: Good night, Noelle.

Chapter finished! I hope you liked it!

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