Reunion with the family

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Change about character design: I make Asta as tall as Yuno.

???: A-asta?!

Asta: Hey Father, Sister Lily, kids!

*Aruru and Hollo jumps on Asta and hugs him*

Orsi: Is that really you, Asta? *already crying*

Asta: Yes Father, it is me. *hugs Orsi*

Orsi: You got a lot taller and you got more muscles than you already had.

Asta: *laughs* Yea, that is the result of my hard training.

Sister Lily: I heard that you got promoted to a captain. Congratulations!

Asta: Thank you! Now I am one step closer to become Wizard King.

Yuno: Still, I am the one, who becomes the Wizard King.

Asta: No, I will be the one! If you want, we can spare!

Yuno: Sure thing, but don't cry if you lose.

Noelle: Yuno, I wouldn't be so confident. Asta defeated Luck and my mother with ease.

Yuno: *surprised but doesn't show it* W-well, we will see about that.

Asta: Nash, I hope you still train a lot.

Nash: Yea, of course! I promised you that I will be stronger and join the Magic Knights if you also join them.

Asta: Good to see, that you are still remember our promise. What about you Recca? Do you also will try to join the Magic Knights?

Recca: No, I will stay at the church and help Father and Sister Lily.

Asta: That is nice of you.

Noelle: Asta, is this your family of your church?

Asta: Yes Noelle. Guys, this is Noelle, a member of the Black Bulls and one of my closest friends.

Orsi: Noelle? Like Noelle Silver?

Noelle: Yes.

Orsi: So you are Acier's daughter, right?

Noelle: Yes, how do you know my mother?

Orsi: When Asta and Yuno were babies, she often came to visit Asta. Most of the time, she talked about you and hoped that you and Asta will get along.

Noelle: *blushes a bit* 'We already get along pretty well, but I hope in the future it will be more than that'

Sister Lily: *goes to her and whisper in her ear* Can it be, that you like Asta more than a friend?

Noelle: *blushes a lot and whispers back* m-maybe.

Sister Lily: *giggles* Well, I hope the best for you, but you should make a move soon. After all, Asta is a strong and good looking captain of one of the strongest squads. I bet there are a lot girls, which would try to get in a relationship with him.

Noelle: *sighs* I know, but up until now, I haven't had the courage to tell him about my feelings.

Sister Lily: It is better if you take your time, but don't forget about you rivals. *goes back to the kids*

Orsi: What are your plans for today, Asta?

Asta: Well, today is my day off. Yuno, Noelle and I could show you more around the capital and after that, we can go to the Black Bulls hideout and you can watch my sparing match with Yuno.

Orsi: Sounds like a good plan.

*they walk around the capital, buy some street food for the kids, laugh a lot and are now in font of the Wizard King castle*

Sister Lily: Isn't it the castle of the Wizard King?

Asta: Yes.

Orsi: Why are we here?

Asta: I thought if Yuno and me will have a sparring match, Julius-sama would like to see the match. Come on, you all can come with me.

Orsi: Is it really ok, if we bother him? I am sure he has a lot of paperwork.

Asta: It is ok. I know him pretty well and I know, that he has always time to see a battle between strong mages.

Orsi: If you say so.

*they go to the office*

Asta: *knocks*

Julius: Come in!

*everyone goes in*

Julius: Hello again, Asta! I see, that you brought some morer people with you, Noelle and Yuno.

Asta: Yes, Julius-sama. This is my family of the church. I met them and Yuno looking around the capital and I thought I would visit you with them.

Julius: *stand up and goes infront of Orsi and Sister Lily* Nice to meet you. Asta told me a lot of you guys. You raised a strong and respectful Magic Knight.

The church: *bows*

Orsi: Thank you for your compliments, Wizard King! I hope Asta doesn't trouble you too much.

Asta: *shouts* I am still here, you know!

Julius: *chuckles* Don't worry, he doesn't trouble me at all.

Orsi: That is good to hear.

Asta: Julius-sama, I wanted to ask if you want to see Yuno's and my sparing match?

Julius: *has stars in his eyes and gets excited* I would love to! And Asta, you don't have to address me with sama. You can just call me Julius.

Everyone: *dumbfounded*

Asta: Y-yes. T-thank you a l-lot, Julius.

Julius: I acknowledge you as one of the best, if not the best Magic Knight. And I don't even speak about power. You help every person and you don't care if it is a commoner or a noble. And you are the person with the strongest willpower.

Asta: *touched because of Julius's words* I am really thankful for your words, Julius. I am very thankful that I can work as a captain under you. I couldn't think of a better boss than you.

Julius: Thank you Asta.

Asta: Then let us head to the Black Bulls hideout for our match.

*when they arrive at the training ground of the hideout* All members of the Black Bulls, the church and Julius are standing on the side line and Asta and Yuno are standing across each other on an open field

Finral: Who do you guys think will win?

Vanessa: I bet on the captain.

Everty Black Bull nods in agreement

Orsi, Nash and Recca bet on Yuno

Sister Lily: I think it will be close match.

Julius: *can't wait for the beginning of the battle* I bet on Asta.


Chapter 6 finished! I try to upload the next part tomorrow! 

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