Sparing Match and morning at the capital

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When they got to the training grounds:

Asta: *takes katana out of his grimoire* Let us begin!

Luck: * uses his fastest spell*

Asta: *dodges it easily*

Everyone: *shocked*

Luck: This will be very much fun! *moves around and attacks Asta in light speed*

Asta: *dodges easily* If you want to hit me, you have to be faster, Luck! *vanishes*

Luck: Where is he?

Asta: *comes from behind* Behind you! *punches him*

Luck: *flies through 4 trees and is knocked out*

Asta: Ups. Sorry, I got a little carried away with my strength!

Magna: H-how is his normal punch so strong?!

Acier: Well, your physics are very good, Asta. But you have to hit that! *activates her Valkyrie Armor*

Asta: *smirks* That will be fun

Acier: *flies to him with her fastest speed*

Asta: *dodges it* You are very fast, Mrs. Silver! I think I have to use anti-magic against you. *vanishes and tires to cut her back*

Acier: *could dodge it but got hit a little bit* You are very fast. I guess, you use your anti-magic to move that fast.

Asta: Yes. But I don't use my full speed right now.

Acier: *shocked* Can you please your full speed against me?

Asta: If you insist *vanishes. You can only see a black flash*

Acier: I think you are already faster than Julius. *tires to track him*

Asta: I have to fight him to find out *spawns in front of her and punches her stomach with his full strength, but without anti-magic*

Acier: *Armor breaks and flies through 3 trees and crash against a stone* *coughs up blood* Y-you don't even go all out, but you can already defeat me easily. I am proud of you, Asta.

Asta: *helps her up* Thank you Mrs. Silva.

Acier: Please call me Acier.

Asta: Ok, Acier.

Everyone who watched the fight: *shocked because of Asta's strength*

Finral: S-someone should go to Luck and see, bring him here. I think he is ko.

Grey: I-I g-go look a-after him. *runs to Luck*

Asta: *goes to the other with Acier* How did you like the fight?

Magna: Well, i-it is scary how much stronger you became. How can you have so much strength in your punch?

Asta: I trained it a lot. In the Land of the Sun I also helped them with their tasks. That was part of my training. They always needed material and I went to get some. I always punched trees down and cut them with my katana and when they needed stone, I punched rocks until they were the right size.

Magna: Why does it sound like something, that only you would do? *laughs*

Acier: How could you dodge my attacks with easy? I know you use ki, but as I know it wouldn't keep up with my speed.

Asta: Yes, my old ki wouldn't have tracked your speed, but I completely mastered it in the Land of the Sun.

Acier: What do you mean?

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