Royal family

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A short outfit description: When they are in Clover Kingdom, everyone is wearing their same outfit as usual. Asta is also wearing a cape like Nacht, but with a Black Bulls logo on it.

In the Land of the never-ending Desert everyone is wearing a shorter version of their outfits, expect of Asta, he is wearing the same.

They arrive at their destination and dock on the port. At around 9pm

Guard: What is your business here?

Asta: I have a meeting with the king. He is awaiting me.

Guard: I will check that. *calls someone and talks a bit* Alright. Follow me, I will lead you to the palace.

Asta: Thank you very much.

When they arrive at the place, the guard leads them to a big room with a throne in it. The king is sitting on it.

Everyone: *bows*

Asta: Good day, your Majesty. I got told from Angst that you are awaiting me.

Clyde (name of the king): It looks like you are the chosen one then.

Asta: I am not sure what you are talking about, but I am sure it is right.

Clyde: Sorry, I forgot that nobody told you about the myth. What is your name, boy?

Asta: My name is Asta Staria.

Clyde: *shocked* C-could you repeat it again?

Asta: My name is Asta Staria.

Clyde: There is no way. *gets wet eyes* Are you the son of Licita Staria?

Asta: *confused* You know my mom?

Clyde: Yea. I know she really good. She was my wife. And you are my son, Asta. *goes to him and hugs him*

Everyone: WHAT?!

Acier: Is that really you, Clyde?

Clyde: Oh, hey Acier. Haven't seen you in a long time.

Acier: *punches him in the gut* Don't hey me after you left and let Licita and Asta behind!

Clyde: (That was a deserved punch. And she has still the same strong punch as from back then.)

Asta: B-but when you are my dad, why did I never see you?

Clyde: I was on a journey in the Clover Kingdom when I met your mother. I lived with her for 2 years. When she got pregnant, she got that mana-draining illness and she told me to go back here. I wanted her to come along, but she refused.

Noelle: Does that mean Asta isn't a peasant?

Clyde: Of course he isn't! He is royalty.

Asta: *smirks and looks back at Solid* In your face, you dumbass!

Solid: *tick mark on forehead* Shut up! How should I know about your statuts?!

Clyde: But I never thought that my own son is the chosen one.

Asta: About that, can you tell us about the myth?

Clyde: I will do it, but let's head to my office. You all can sit there while I tell you about it.

Everyone: Alright.

While they walk to the office

Noelle: I would have never imagen you as a royal.

Asta: Me neither. But Solid's face was the best one of all. *laughs*

Noelle: *laughs* That's for sure.

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