The Date

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Time skip next day:

Asta was preparing the date for most of the day. For the date, he is wearing a dark blue jeans and a white shirt with long sleeves. Noelle was most of the day looking for an outfit. She is wearing a silver long dress. The dress shows her back.

Before the date when they meet in front of the hideout:

Asta: *goes up to Noelle and blushes* H-hey Noelle. You look very beautiful with that dress.

Noelle: *blushes* T-thank you. You look also good when you dress up.

Asta: *gets on his sword and holds hand out* Shall we go?

Noelle: Yea! *takes his hand and goes behind him on his sword*

When they arrive at the restaurant in the capital:

Noelle: *surprised* Asta, that place looks ver nice. How did you find it?

Asta: *scratches his head* I asked Finral for a few tips.

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Are you Mr. Staria?

Asta: Yes, this would be me. I booked a table for two.

Waiter: Yes follow me.

Their table is on a balcony and they are alone on the balcony. They have a good view over the whole capital from there. The waiter asked what they want to drink and eat and now they are waiting for the food.

Noelle: *is enjoying the view* Asta, this date is already wonderful. You did a good job.

Asta: Thank you. But the night is still early. I have still a few surprises.

Noellle: Can't wait for that. By the way, is Staria your surname?

Asta: Yes, it is.

Noelle: Why did you never tell me about it?

Asta: It is also still new for me. When I was training, Liebe told me about my mother and I thought it would be nice, if I take her surname.

Noelle: Oh, ok. That is really nice of you. I am sure your mother would be proud of you.

Asta: *looks in the stars* I hope so.

After they are finished with eating and have paid, they are standing in front of the restaurant

Noelle: This food was really good. Thank you Asta.

Asta: No problem. Come get on the sword but close your eyes. Our next destination is a surprise.

Noelle: Ok, but don't fly to fast that I fall down! *goes on the sword and closes her eyes*

Asta: *laughs* I would never.

After 30 minutes they arrive at their destination. They are on a hill and you can see the sunset behind the big devil skull.

Asta: *helps Noelle down* Now you can open your eyes!

Noelle: *opens her eyes and is surprised of the destination* A-asta, this place is beautiful! Has Finral told you about it?

Asta: No. I found this place on my own. And I have a little gift for you. *pulls out a bunch of violet and purple flowers* They are the same colour as your hair and eyes. *gives them to her*

Noelle: *takes them and blushes* Thank you, Asta.

Asta: Noelle, I have something to tell you.

Noelle: What is it, Asta?

Asta: The things I will tell you now, I thought about it really long. Noelle, I love you. It took me a long time until I figured it out. But when I was training, I thought about and missed you the most. Since I came back and saw you again after a year, the only thing I can think of is how you got more beautiful than you already were.

Noelle: *cries*

Asta: *panics* N-noelle? Did I say something wrong? It is okay if you don't feel the same-

Noelle: *hugs him* Baka! I cry because I am so happy. Asta, I love you too. I love you since we met. I just never had the courage to tell you my true feelings. I thought you would never return my feelings.

Asta: *raises her head with her chin and wipes away her tears* Noelle, do you want to be my girlfriend?

Noelle: *kisses him and blushes* Does this answer your question?

Asta: *blushes a lot* Y-yea.

They lean in again and they kiss again. After a few seconds:

Liebe: *appears in his chibi form on Asta shoulder* Woah, I am only asleep for a few days and you already kiss the girl you always talked about? *smirks*

Both: *break kiss and blushes on embarrassment*

Asta: You wake up and the first thing you do is ruing our moment? You are sleeping the grimoire tonight! *starts walking away while holding hands with Noelle*

Liebe: W-wait! I didn't mean to! Can't I even teas my little brother? *gets on his shoulder* Please let me sleep outside of the grimoire. I don't ruin your moment again, I promise!

Asta: *sighs* Alright, but don't do it again! Oh and by the way. Noelle this is Liebe, my devil and my adoptive brother. Liebe, this is Noelle.

Noelle: Hello Liebe, you look like a little version of Asta. *giggles*

Liebe: Hey. Asta, I will go back in the grimoire until we are back again at the hideout. See ya! *disappears*

Asta: Do you want to look at the sunset until we can't see it anymore and then go back to the hideout?

Noelle: Sure!

They sitting on the grass and are leaning against a tree. There was a comfortable silence between them. Noelle was leaning her head on Asta's shoulder and Asta laid his head on Noelle's head.

When the sunset wasn't visible anymore and it is dark:

Asta: *yawns* We should go back to the hideout now, Noelle. *looks at her* 'She is already asleep. She looks so beautiful and peaceful when she is asleep.'

Asta picks her up bridle style and flies back to the hideout. When he goes into the hideout, nobody was in the main room.

Asta: It is already late. They all will already went to bed.

Asta carries Noelle in her room and places her on her bed

Asta: *kisses her forehead* Good night, Noelle. *tries to go out of the room*

Noelle: *holds his hand and blushes a lot* Can you sleep here tonight, Asta?

Asta: *smiles* S-sure

He lies down next to her and they cuddle each other. After a few minutes both fall asleep.

Chapter finished! I hope you guys liked this part! See ya at the next one!

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