First time and the dream

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When they arrive at Julius's office

Assta: *knocks*

Julius: Come in!

The team goes into the room

Julius: Oh, you are back already?

Asta: Yep. The devil is dead now.

Julius: *stars in his eyes* Can you tell me what magic he used?

Everyone sweat drops

Asta: He used magma-magic. His name was Hades and he was once a ruler of the underworld.

Julius: I didn't think that you have to fight an ex-ruler of the underworld. How did you beat him?

Asta: At one point he attacked Noelle. I thought she would die of it and I went on a rampage. I unlocked a new transformation. *opens his grimoire and goes to the new page* Me and Liebe can't read it. Can you read it, Julius?

Julius: *looks on it* Nope. This is the first time I see that writing.

Asta: Alright. *puts grimoire away* We will take our leave now. See ya!

Julius: Bye!

Let's skip when they go to bed

Noelle: *changes in her pajama*

Asta: *sits on the bed and sees the new scar on her stomach* Noelle.

Noelle: Yea?

Asta: I am sorry that you have this scar now. I couldn't protect you.

Noelle: *sits next to him* You don't have to feel guilty about it. You were already fighting against him. I don't blame you for that.

Asta: But I still feel guilty about it. I thought I have lost you.

Noelle: *sits on his lab and kisses him* But you haven't lost me. You defeated an ex-ruler of the underworld today. Would you like to celebrate it?

Asta: What do you mean?

Noelle: *whispers in his ear* I thought about the next step of your relationship.

Asta: *blushes madly* Y-you s-sure about t-that?

Noelle: If it is with you, I am always sure about it.

Asta: Alright. *lays her on the bed and goes over her and start kissing her neck*

Noelle takes off Asta's shirt and Asta does the same with her. Asta kisser her whole upper body and Noelle moans a little in pleasure. After a while Noelle does the same with him. A few minutes they are completely naked.

Noelle: You can put it in. But do it slowly please.

Asta: Alright.

Time skip 30 minutes because I don't want to write this shit.

Asta: *lies on bed and breaths heavily* This was good.

Noelle: *lies on his chest* It was definitely good. But lets go to sleep.

Asta: Yea. *kisses he forehead* Good night.

Noelle: Good night.

Around 2 am in the morning

Asta opens his eyes and his in front of a temple. He looks around and his surroundings don't look like he is in Clover Kingdom.

Asta: (I have never seen this place. Where am I?) *feels a presence in the temple* (I should go in and see what it is all about.) *goes into the temple*

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