The suprise

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The next day at the beginning of the date. They walk through the capital arms locked

Asta: The capital looks really beautiful at evening.

Noelle: I also like the weather here. It is winter, but still here it is warm.

Asta: Where are we going right now?

Noelle: I asked Kinsley if she knows a good restaurant. We are going to one she suggested me.

Asta: Alright.

When they wait for their food at the restaurant

Asta: This restaurant looks nice.

Noelle: It sure does. Asta, what do you think about everything here?

Asta: Well, this kingdom is beautiful, the people are also nice and it is nice to meet my dad.

Noelle: *a little sad* Are you planning on staying here, since you have family here and you are a part of the royal family?

Asta: *takes her hand* Don't worry. Sure, it would be nice to stay here, but still, I spent my whole life in the Clover Kingdom. I also have family there. They are not blood related, but the church in Hage and the Black Bulls are like my family. And you are also in the Clover Kingdom and I would never want to leave your side.

Noelle: That is good to hear. Then what is about your father?

Asta: I don't really know. I can visit him sometimes. But another subject is, what is going to be me surprise? *stars in his eyes*

Noelle: *giggles* I can't tell you yet. It wouldn't be a surprise then. But I am sure you will love it.

Asta: If you say so.

After the dinner they go to the amusement park. They play a lot of games, eat cotton candy and a few other things. Right now it is 9pm and they are in the ferries wheel. They are sitting across each other.

Asta: Are you going to give me the surprise now?

Noelle: Wait until we are at the top.

When they are at the top

Noelle: *brings out a little box* Here. You can open it now.

Asta: Alright! *opens it fast and sees a positive pregnancy test in it and is shocked* N-noelle. I-is it true?

Noelle: *gets nervous* Y-yea. I am pregnant with your child.

Asta: *tears up*

Noelle: *worried* D-don't you w-want the child?

Asta: *chuckles and wipes away his tears* Don't worry. It is the opposite. I am just that much happy, that I teared up. *hugs her* I can't be more happy right now.

Noelle: *hugs back* Thanks god. I thought that you maybe don't want a baby.

Asta: *raises her chin* Noelle, I love you. *kisses her*

Noelle: I love you too. *kisses back*

After a few minutes they part

Asta: But didn't we only did it one time?

Noelle: Yea. Looks like we weren't that careful.

Asta: I could care less. Did you think of a name already?

Noelle: Nope. You have an idea?

Asta: If it is a girl, could we name it Licita? That's the name of my mother.

Noelle: Sure. Then I will think of a name if it is a boy.

Asta: Deal! Do you want to tell the other tomorrow at breakfast?

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