Breakfast in the capital

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­­­­­­­­­Asta: Do you know a good please for breakfast? I didn't go to the capital so much.

Noelle: I know a place, which is really good. The food there is even better then Miss Charmy's food.

Asta: Then lead the way.

*when they arrive at the restaurant and sitting at a table, waiting for their food*

Asta: This place looks fancy. *stars in the eyes*

Noelle: *giggles* Before my mother was in coma, we often went here.

Asta: Why was your mother in a coma?

Noelle: *gest a little sad* W-well, when she was on dungeon mission on the border to the diamond kingdom, 2 generals with their subordinates attacked her squad. They made a surprise attack on her teammates and everyone, except her couldn't react early enough. Because of that, she used most of her magic to defend her founded teammates. She could flee with her teammates, but when she entered the capital, she collapsed. She was 3 years in a coma, because the generals used some forbidden magic to attack her. Her body needed so long to regenerate from these wounds.

Asta: *takes her hands*

Noelle: *blushes*

Asta: I haven't thought that something like that happened to Acier. But you don't have to be sad now. She is out of her coma and now, you can spend time with her again. But why haven't you said something about that before?

Noelle: I didn't want to bug someone with all this. Especially no one from the Black Bulls. You all are like a second family for me and I didn't and you all helped me to control my magic and I didn't want to annoy you with this.

Asta: *graps her hand tighter* Noelle, you wouldn't annoy us with your feelings. But I can understand you. It is like it was with me. I always tried to solve my problems alone, like you always tried. But after what happened in the witch forest, I understood, that sometimes you need help of your friends. Since then, we solved every problem as a team. We always won our battles because of our great teamwork. The only time I made a decision on my own, was when I went to the Land of the Sun. I am really sorry that I didn't say something to you and the squad, but I wanted that you guys to make the Black Bulls the best squad while I am not here. If I have told you guys about my story, you all would have wanted to come along. So, sorry about that.

Noelle: You don't need to be sorry. We all already knew that there was a good reason for you to leave on your own.

Asta: Thank you for your understanding. And please, if you something cause you problems and you don't want to speak to the whole squad. You can always talk with me. We nearly did everything together since we joined the black bulls. You wouldn't annoy me with your problems.

Noelle: *blushes more* 'That Bakasta. Makes me to fall for him more, then I already have* Y-yea, thank you. I will keep it in my mind.

*after they finished*

Waiter: *gives them the bill*

Asta: *shocked but doesn't show it* 'I haven't thought that it would be that expensive. Well, I should have thought it, if Noelle and Acier often went here.'

Noelle: Asta, I will pay. I know that you always send most of your money to your church, so I will pay.

Asta: No, I will pay. Since I got promoted to a captain, I get more paid. And before I went to the Lnad of the Sun, Julius-sama gave me some money to buy thing on my journey, but I didn't used that money. So, you don't have to worry about my money. *gives the money to the waiter*

Noelle: If you say so. But next time, I will pay.

Asta: 'Maybe I tease her a little bit' Does it mean, that you want to go out with me again to eat? *says teasingly*

Noelle: *blushes a lot* W-what do you t-try to say, B-bakasta?! I-it just, t-that it is a-always f-fun with you. And you should be thankful to me! Not everyone is allowed to eat with a royalty! *says the last part arrogant*

Asta: I know, I know. I am very thankful to eat with a royal princess. *says sarcastic under his breath*

Noelle: *death stares him* What did you say?

Asta: *gulps* N-nothing!

Noelle: I thought so. *looks at her watch* It is still early, what do you want to do?

Asta: We could go more around the capital and after that, we could do something with the squad.

Noelle: Sounds good to me.

*they walk for a few minutes*

Yuno: Hey Asta!

Asta: *turns around* *smiles* Hey Yuno! Long time no seen! *fist pumps with Yuno*

Yuno: What are you doing here in the capital?

Asta: I talked with Julius-sama and ate breakfast with Noelle. What about you?

Yuno: I show them around the capital. *points behind him* I think you are happy to see them.

Asta: *looks behind Yuno and smile even more* H-hey guys! Haven't seen you in a long time!

???: A-asta?!

Finished Chapter! Sorry, if it is a little boring, but i coulnd't think of something more interesting. But I hope you guys still enyoie this Chapter. See ya!

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