Spending the day together

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Next morning:

Noelle wakes up before Asta and decides to let him sleep. She goes to the common room and sees that everyone is already eating breakfast. She says good morning to everyone and sits next to Vanessa. Vanessa is this time not drunk. Magna tries to hit Luck with a fireball, because Luck stole Magna's pudding again. Gauche is looking at a picture of his sister and has a nosebleed. Gordon sits in a corner and whisper something of how nice it is to eat breakfast with his best friends. In the past year Grey got more self-confidence and isn't that shy like in the anime.

Magna: *stops chasing Luck and sits across of Noelle* Good morning, Noelle. Do you know where Rasta is?

Noelle: *blushes a bit* 'I think it is too soon to tell them about me and Asta' I think he is still sleeping.

Magna: Ok, good to know.

After a few minutes Asta wakes up and sees that he is in Noelle's bed.

Asta: *sits up* 'Oh, right. I was sleeping in here with Noelle.'

Liebe: *appears on Asta's shoulder* Asta, do you want to embarrass your girlfriend?

Asta: How should I do that?

Liebe: *tells him the plan*

Asta: *smirks* This is a good plan.

Liebe: I know. Afterall, I made the plan. *disappear*

Asta: *goes to the common room* Good morning, everyone!

Everyone: Good morning, Asta!

Asta: *sees Noelle and goes to her* Good morning, Babe. *kisses her*

Noelle: *blushes madly*

Everyone: *jaw dropped*

Noelle: *still blushes* D-did you have to do that in front of everyone?

Asta: *smiles* Yea. Was it a bad thing?

Noelle: I wanted to tell them on a normal way, Bakasta!

Asta: Sorry! *looks at the other* Why are you guys looking at us that way?

Magna: A-are you and N-Noelle a t-thing?

Asta: Yes.

Magna: *eyes a little wet* My junior gets a girlfriend. You are a real man! Congratulation *shakes Asta's hand*

Asta: Thank you! And I am not your junior anymore, now I am your captain.

Magna: *sighs* I know, I know. You don't have to tell me that.

Vanessa: *whispers to Noelle* So, did you and Asta did it already?

Noelle: *blushes madly and whispers* N-no! Of course not! We are only together since yesterday!

Vanessa: *whispers* And? You two had time last night. *giggles*

Noelle: *whispers* I think it is too early for this thing. I don't want to do things too fast.

A bird flies into the hideout and gives Noelle a letter

Noelle: *reads the letter and is sweating*

Asta: *sees her expression and is worried* Noelle, is something wrong?

Noelle: I g-got a letter from m-mother.

Asta: What did she write?

Noelle: She invites me for dinner.

Asta: Isn't it a good thing?

Noelle: This time not really. She also asked if I could bring my boyfriend with me.

Asta: And? What is the problem of that? Your family already know me.

Noelle: Yea, they know you. But I don't want to know the reactions of my siblings if they find out that I am in a relationship with you.

Asta: Why is that? Are you embarrassed because of me?

Noelle: No! Of course not. It is only that I am royalty and you are a commoner. Me and my mother could care less but I don't know about my siblings and the other royals and nobles when they find out about it.

Asta: *hugs her from behind* You don't have to worry about it. After all, I am going to be the Wizard King. *kisses her check*

Noelle: *calms down* You are right. Do you have some proper clothes?

Asta: Can I wear the outfit, that I wore at our date?

Noelle: Yea, that is okay.

Asta: At what exact time is the dinner?

Noelle: *looks at the letter* 7pm. It is still 8am. What do you want to do until then?

Asta: If you want, we can train.

Noelle: Sure!

When they arrive at the training grounds:

Noelle: How do you want to train?

Asta: What exactly did you improve in the past year?

Noelle: I made my spells stronger and increased my speed with the Valkyrie Armor. And I built up more stamina, so that I can stay more longer in the Valkyrie Armor. And I learned Mana Zone.

Asta: That's great. I also have already a plan. You are going to attack me and I just dodge and block and after that I decide how I will help you with your training.

Noelle: Sounds good to me.

Noelle activates her Valkyrie Armor and flies towards Asta. She activated Mana Zone and shoots 5 Sea Dragon's Roars at Asta. He smirks and destroys every 5 with his fists.

Noelle: 'I already thought that would happen. With his future sight and his anti-magic, I can't land a hit on him. The only time someone can hit him is when he is off guard or doesn't have anti-magic anymore. But he also can reproduce anti-magic.'

Noelle shoots more water attacks at Asta. In the background of her Mana Zone, Noelle is building up an attack. This is the first time that she uses an attack like that. She calls it TRUE WATER MAGIC: POSEIDON'S SPEER. It is a an attack that is the normal size of a speer. She puts al lot of nature mana in it. Because of the small size compared to the power in it, it is very fast attack.


Asta senses the attack and an instant before it hits him, he releases his Infinite Void.

Asta: ANTI MAGIC: INFINITE VOID *he stops the attack before it hits him in the back*

Asta: You really improved, Noelle. If I wouldn't have already built my Infinite Void up, that attack could have hit me. I am proud! *pets her head*

Noelle: Thank you. I thought about a way to defeat you, so I thought a sneak attack would be the best solution.

Asta: I will train you to control that new spell more.

They train the whole day and Noelle get the hang of the new spell. After that they get back to the hideout and make themself ready for the dinner.

Chapter finished! I hope you guys liked the part. 

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