18. Astronomy Tower

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The girls were in the commun room while the boys were out at Quidditch practice.  Pansy had already left a week ago with Theo on there family trip to the Bahamas , you know rich slitherin stuff while Hermione and Ginny were still at Hogwarts getting ready for there Christmas vacation, at least one was .
" what are you doing?" Ginny asked as she popped her head out of there bedroom to look at Hermione  who was sitting on the couch with her nose in a book
" reading..." Hermione answer confused .
" no-... what are you doing?"
" isn't it obvious?!"she said without looking up from her book . Ginny sighed at her
" what I mean is what the heck are you doing?! Shouldn't you be doing your luggage?!we're leaning in like 2 days and you're reading?!" Hermione sighed and closed her book .
" Gin ... I've been thinking and-"
" no"
" I've decided-"
" that I'm not comin-"
" Hermione please" Ginny almost cried
" Gin , I beg you" she got up and hugged her best friend " please... I promise just this year , just this one time "
" why "
" i just want a quiet holiday. No war .No running. No fighting. No shouting. And you know with Ron there that won't be possible "
"Is draco staying with you at least?"
" no , he can't . I don't want him to ... his mother is sick he should be staying with her not me . So I told him I was going to see my parents,so he wouldn't ask any further questions "
" 'mione..." said Ginny with a pitiful look " you can't be alone on holiday's... "
" i won't be " the way she said it sounded more like she was reassuring herself more then her friend . " even if I am ... it's not the first time I'm alone ... I'll be fine Gin" she said while pushing a strand of ginger hair behind her ear " this doesn't mean we won't be seeing each other over winter break , ok ?" Ginny nodded in approval. The two smiled at each other .


Her head snapped at the noise of the front dor opening. Quickly ripping her eyes of of the quidditch magazine she was currently reading. She sighed in disappointment.
" well someone's excited to see me " said Blaise in a sarcastic tone as he put down his practice bag .
" it's not like that " she said while getting up and approaching him .
" is it ? As a matter of fact I'd think you were expecting someone els-" he was interrupted by a long kiss. They both sighed into it .
" as a matter of fact , I was " she played along his words.
" well i just bummed into Hermione on the hallway, she said she'll meet us at din-"
" actually...I was waiting for Draco "
" Draco ? How so ? "
"i need to talk to him ... about Hermione"
" that sounds serious..."
" yes... i-it's complicated " she flustered a bit
" well ... if I were looking for him I'd go to the Astronomy tower" he said before placing a kiss on her forehead " I'm going to take a shower... you go do your duty " he let go of her but felt her quickly pull him back in a kiss
" thank you " she said before grabbing her wand and leaving to look for Draco


as she reached the top of the astronomy tower she could see Draco sitting on the stone steps with a small cloud of smoke astounding him . She coughed to announce herself.
"Weaslete ..." he said before taking a long drag from his cigarette and looking back at her .
" Malfoy... sorry to interrupt your activities " she said looking at the cigarette between his fingers " but I wouldn't have if it wasn't important "his brows frowned in curiosity at her words . They stood in silence for a moment.
" do sit down " he said while moving his wand and pack of cigarettes , making her space . " so .... " he said awkwardly since they've never really been alone "is there something wrong?"
" it's about Hermione " she sighed " she refuses to spend Christmas with us because of Ron " she said looking down at her feet " a-and I don't want her to be alone during holidays "she said while getting emotional .
" look Weasley" he took a long drag " no need to be worked up , she'll be fine , she's going to be with her fami-"
" she has no family" her words created total silence " we're the only family she has left "
" what happened?" He said while talking out a new cigarette and lighting it up .
" i think ... since the war ,Hermione is the only one who hasn't completely recovered mentally " she sighed " can i ?"she asked towards the pack of cigarettes , Draco nodded " i shouldn't be the one telling you this " she took out a cigarette " she should" placed it between her lips "but I know she won't"lit it  " and  i don't want her spending Christmas alone" she said while exhaling a cloud of smoke.

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