17. detention

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It's been exactly 3 hours since the two of them stepped in this classroom.
As anticipated Hermione decided to use this detention as an opportunity to study and do homework.
Draco on the other hand started of reading but after a few quick glances at the girl across from him , he couldn't simply go back to his book. Like that he spent the last hour analyzing every detail about her . Starting with her untamed curls which coverd half of her face , to her frowned eyebrows which she always had while reading. Than the small finger taps on the table she did while thinking , her soft and almost unnoticible freckles, the few small scars and cuts she had on the side of her face she probably got last year , the way she always scrunched up her nose while yawning and his favorite, the way she bit her bottom lip unconsciously while concentrating. It never failed to get his attention even if she wasn't trying to do so .
While admiring her for the past hour he found something bothering him ... the fact that in the last 3 hours they had barely exchanged looks or words . This made him realize how much he craved for her attention and that sometimes her presence wasn't enough for him . He could say that this was the first time he got this feeling...
Not being able to stand it anymore, he brushed his leg past hers , hoping to get a reaction. Yet nothing was said , he just watched as her lips curved upwards in a unconscious smile . Nothing more .
He brushed his leg past hers once again , this time making sure he wouldn't lose contact from her . Once again nothing... he signed, yet no reaction. She looked perfectly content, reading her book , completely ignoring him .
He wasn't giving up yet ... he brushed his leg up and down hers .There she was , a sigh of relief came out of him .
Her eyes tore of her  book and shifted to meet his .
" what ?" She asked as she tangled her feet with his .
" nothing" he said returning her a subtle smile "... you've been awfully quiet "
" oh ... sorry , I just got carried away with all this work " she said while closing her book and pushing it to the side . " so... " she sighed and looked at the clock " we still got 2 hours..." she said looking back at him with a faint smile . " what do you wanna do ? " she said while getting up . Draco quick turned in his chair to follow her , he watched as she curiously looked at the bookshelves.
" what do I wanna do ?" He got up and slowly followed after her .
" yeah ... I mean there's still 2 hours left" she trailed of while Draco leaned against a desk right behind her " we can't just stand around and do nothing all-" she kept on talking but her words became a blur . As much as he wanted to listen to her he just couldn't do so while looking at her silhouette.
He was never the tipe to look at girls this way but something about her in that very moment made it impossible not to admire. He never actually viewed her this way . He knew she saw quite fit and one of the prettiest girls in Hogwarts , that was established the night he saw her at the YuleBall . Yet he never acknowledged her beautiful curves and slim waist . He could feel a shiver go down his spine as his eyes lingered above her skin .
His heart leaped as she turned around with a questioning look . His throat went dry and cheeks burned up , as though she had caught him staring.
" we're you even listening to what I was saying? " she asked while slowly approaching him . He opens his mouth to speak but nothing came out , Hermione smirked at his reaction.
" what's the matter , Draco ?" She asked with concern , yet in a playful way  " cat got your tongue ?"she teased while leaning up against him , looking up at him with a taunting smile . Draco froze for a second , he'd never seen this side of her .
She took a step back and looked at him , he looked serios , unfazed , unbothered . In that moment Hermione lost all the confidence she had gained around him .As much as he liked the way she tried , he'd never allow himself to be owned by her in this way .
And right as she was about to walk back to her desk his hand wrapped around her throat, pulling her closer to him.
" you tell me , Granger ?" He said before leaning in to kiss her . A sigh of relief left her mouth as they drowned in  each other's hot breaths . Hermiones hand drove up and wrapped in his hair pulling him closer , craving for more . Small gasps of pleasure escaped her mouth as his hand gripped tightly around her throat , controlling every breath.
His lips slowly moved down to her neck , trailing rough kisses that left dark purple marks . She threw her head back enjoying the pain and euphoria his bites left . His hands wrapped around her waist lightly lifting her up and placing her on one of the desks .
She felt a cold air right as his lips parted from her flesh.
"so..." he drew small  circles with his thumb against her thigh " tell me " he gripped at her thighs and pulled her closer at the edge of the desk " did the cat get my tongue?" Hermiones cheeks grew red at his question.
" i don't know what your talking about "she said as she looked away , avoiding his eyes . He smirked at her reaction.
" you know " he ran his hand up and down her thigh " you should stop wearing these"he said looking down at her skirt .
"Wha- why ?! You don't like it ?! I though you li-"
" no , no , I do . I do like it , a lot actually. Looks good on you . But I might lose my tongue every time see you in it "he said with a smirk and she chuckled
"Oh stop it " she playfully pushed him away and got off the table " your exaggerating " she said while slowly going back to there desk . Draco shook his head in denial at her words " it's just the uniform "
" well it's not the uniform who's attractive" he said approaching her . Hermione rolled her eyes at him .
" you just saying that "
" well damn right I am . Am I not allowed to tell my girlfriend she's attractive?" He said hysterically and Hermione eyebrows unconsciously raised. " what ?" He studied her face trying to tell if " did I say something wrong?"
" no... " she said while sittimg back down at there desk " its just the first time you've ever said it"
" what ? That you're attractive? I'm sure I've told you before how prea-"
" not that " she chuckled " that I'm your girlfriend "
" oh ... yeah I guess it is the first time I'm saying it " he sat down next to her and she put one of her legs over his " but we already knew that" they bought laughed .
" isn't it creazy ?"she asked " that were together now?"He raised an eyebrow"  I would of never imagined it , us being together , or even this close" her words really made them self conscious at that moment.
Nearly one year later after the war , the two of them , alone , in detention, sitting at the same table, her legs on his lap while he drew small invisible designs with his thumb on her leg while talking about them .

 Nearly one year later after the war , the two of them , alone , in detention, sitting at the same table, her legs on his lap while he drew small invisible designs with his thumb on her leg while talking about them

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" it is ..."he Said with a light smile while pushing a hair behing her ear

HI GUYS ! thank u for the wait , im going to be honest i dont know if im going to continue writing , not sure were im going with this story and my life has been preatty hectic . But do keep up , maybe i will post a next part in the future .

Also Art by me :))

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