2. little smile

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Hermione finally decided to get out bed , luckily she had the day off , so she planned to get ready , go to breakfast and spend the rest of the day hanging out with Ginny
" goodmorning..." Ginny said as she got out of the bathroom and sat on her bed ,Hermione noticed her red puffy eyes
"Are you feeling any better?"she was sat on the bed , looking down at her feet , zoned out. Hermione sat next to her and took her hand " I know it's hard right now but I promise you Gin it will get better " she lifter her head and looked at her best friend
" I know ..." she mumbled " I...i just thought , after the war would finish , we could finally be happy , the four of us ..."
" I know ... I thought the same .... but I'm sure this happened for a reason " Hermione gave her a small smile " so ... today's off ... do you want to go for a butterbear this afternoon ?"  Gin shrugged her shoulders " comme on Gin , you know staying inside , isolating yourself and crying doesn't help with anything " Hermiones words reminded her of there summer , it was preatty bad , they faced a lot of shit and even if the war was over , they were still battling with the scars it left behind.not only that but Freds death caused a lot of pain in the Weasley family . Like that Ron picked up drinking . A lot . And while everyone was dealing with there own stuff no one noticed he was taking it out on Hermione.
"Hermione!" Ginny waved her hands , breaking her out of thoughts.
" oh , yes , what did you say?"
" I said I'll go with you ..." she added a small smile .


Hermione picked a pair of blue mom jeans with a black jumper . The weather was getting preatty cold outside already, since they were going to Hogsmeade after breakfast , she decided to take a jacket . For some reason Hermione couldn't find any of her jackets but only one , from last night.

Shit ... I forgot to return it to him .... Should I take it .... I mean I don't have another one .... no ,no ... it's wrong I'll just ask Ginny for one .

"Whos is that ?" Ginny asked as she came out of the bathroom.
" No ones-... I mean mine " Hermione was hesitating on telling her about last night
" why haven't I seen it before ?" She looked confused
" oh ... it's new and I forgot it at home and I talked with your mother to owl it to me ... it got here last night " She quickly came up with a story
" aha ... looks good on you " she got back to looking in her trunk for something to wear .


" so besides butterbear want to check out any other stores ?"
" I'm not sure ... we'll see after butterbear " Ginny said before entering the place .
The two found a table and got comfortable
" I'll go get us butterbears , anything else ?"
" see if they have any Cheesecake, I'm really craving some " she smiled before Hermione made her way to order .
After waiting she finally got there order and went back to there table , where Ginny was sat .
" Lucky you , it was the last one !" She placed the cake in front of her , she didn't react " you okey Gin ?"
" I...i don't know ... there's a lot of people here and I think they already know about me and Harrybecauseicanhearthemtalkingaboutme" she started talking quickly with panick
" Ginny , calm down ... " Hermione took her hand " just breathe " She looked at her " I don't know if they heard but if they did , there not talking bad about you , you didn't do anything, Harry's the bad guy in this situation "
" .... I know there talking about me ... " she looked over at one of the tables. There was sat Cho and a few other Revenclaws .
They were giggling , clearly talking about her , making fun of her .
" Can't stand this shit !" Hermione mumbled and caught Ginnys attention
" what are y-" Ginny said as she got up and walked over to there table , she quickly got up and followed her , but still keeping her distance as She got close to Cho .
" Look BITCH ! " Hermione slammed one hand in the wooden table and with the other grabbed her by the collar " I don't care who you are , who do you think you are and who you're shagging " She pulled her closer " but if you FUCK with my friends youll have to deal with me and I'm warning you ... I won't hesitate to wipe that little smile of yours with my fist !" She slowly backed up and saw the haul pub was looking at her .

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