9. bad ideea

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Hermione was sitting in the corner of the room . Partying was never her thing . She sighed and looked at the clock in worry . It was already 1 am and Draco hadn't come back from the hospital wing . She looked around the room . Everyone was enjoying themselves but her . Blaise was talking to his teammates , Ginny was making friends with the Slytherin girls and Pantsy and Theo were nowhere to be seen , probably in there room , having there own fun . She took a deap breath am crossed the room , when she got to her bedroom she heard noises from inside. She sighed and gave up on the ideea of grabbing herself a hoodie. All of a sudden everyone was cheering and applauding . She walked into the livingroom only to see that Draco had finally showed up .
" now that everyone is here ..." Blaise caught everyone's attention. " let's get the party started !" He yelled before chugging his drink .
Hermione carefully crossed the full of people and just as she got at the portrait hole a hand caught onto hers . She turned to see it was Draco .
" leaving already?" He asked . Hermione opend her mouth to speak but nothing came out . " come" he said before grabbing her hand and walked towards the table , where all the booze was at .  He took a bottle a whiskey , opend it  and took a few gulps from it . He sighed at the burning sensation and put the bottle back down . " so what do you wanna drink ?" Hermiones eyebrows shot up . She looked at the manny drinks on the table . " something light , something heavy?" He asked , yet a Hermione  still hand no idea.
" just give me something to loosen up ..." she said , trusting that he'd come up with something.
" shots ?" He said before grabbing a small glass .
" um ... I've never-" he chuckled at her innocence .
" I'll do one with you " he said as he poured tequila in two small glasses. He handed her one . " so , just take the shot and than suck on the lime " he said before handing her a small peace . " the lime will take away the burning sensation "  she nodded along . " well than , cheers " he said before clinking his drink  with hers and drinking it . Hermione watched as he shot the small glass and bit down on the lime without a budge . Just as he finished she hurried and drank hers and bit down on the lime . She could feel the burning sensation go down her throat. She coughed away the burns and looked up at him . He had a smirk on his face .
Soon enough Hermione loosened up . While Blaize and Draco went around chatting , being felicitated for the win and drinking with there mates , she and Ginny  went around meeting people, making friends since they were "new" to the entourage.
It was around 2 am when things started to get a bit out of hand .
" what's his name ?" Draco crossed his arms .
" who ?" Blaize looked the way he was looking " the guy Hermione is talking to-"
" yeah him " Draco continued looking intensity at him .
" Harper . Why what's up ?"
" I don't like him "
" because he's talking to Hermione ?"
" n-no ... he seems to be up to something "
" No ideea , he's propably drunk " he said before finishing his drink " Gonna go grab a drink , want something?"
" whiskey , with ice " he said before going back to looking at Hermione's conversation.
" yeah , no , it's okey , not my thing tho " Hermione laughed along with him .
" so wanna dance ?" He grabbed her wrist
" no I'm good" she tried to pull back " I'm good ! Danceing isn't my forte " she finally got out of his grasp .
" comme on don't be like that-" he tried to grabb her but Draco got in his way .
" she said no "he said to him in a dead serious tone
" I got it , chill dude "said Harped as he backed away " gonna go get a drink " he left them alone .
" you ok?"
" yeah , I'm fine , he's just drunk " she laughed " thanks anyway for checking " her dry lips curved into a thin smile
" yeah , ah ... no problem " he scratched the back of his head " if- there's anything just um - come to me " he said before joining Blaise who was already coming his direction.
" what was that about?" Blaise asked as he handed him his drink .
About half an out later , Hermione was chatting with one of the Slytherin girls and Ginny when Harper once again showed up .
" I know ! I mean , there not my favorite but I do listen to them sometimes " said Ginny .
" there not bad  but you should totally start listeni-"
" Damn ! I'd eat that !" Harper yelled before slapping Hermione's ass . Everyone attention was on them , most people were shocked and gasping at his words.
" you fuckin perv-" Ginny tryed to jump at him Blaise was quick to rap his arms around her wais and hold her back . " get off m-"
Draco punched him right in the face , knocking him right down on the flor . Before his friends could help him up , Draco grabbed him by the collar, pulled him up and pinned him to the wall . As his head hit the wall , blood slowly started to drip from his nose .
" chill mate , his wasted " one of Harpers friends put a hand on his shoulder.
" get your hand off me Bulstrode or you'll be next " he said in a warning tone . Millicent was quick and took his hand off him . Most people didn't know what to be shocked about. What had just happened or the way Draco's eyes turned black and his stare deadly, or maybe it was just Hermione who noticed that.
" stay away from her or I'll  fuck you up " he tossed him back to his friends . " now get the fuck out , party's over " he said before going to the bathroom. Blaise sighed but agreed with him .
" you heard him !"
While the everyone was making there way out Hermione managed to cross the room and follow after Malfoy.
She stood in the doorway looking at him . He was in front of the mirror, his head dropped down trying to calm his breathing.
" Draco ..." she approached him , not knowing what to say
" you ok ?" He looked down at her with worry .
" um ... yeah , I think ... I-I" honestly Hermione didn't know how she truly felt or how she was supposed to be feeling.
Ashamed. Disgusted. Unsafe. Objectified. Blamed. Were the things that ran around her mind .
She looked up at him , he opend his arms . She sighed and got in his arms .As she rested her head on his chest , she could hear his heart beating with rage .
She'd forgotten how good it felt to be in his arms , for once she felt safe . Hermione sighed in relief and felt his arms tighten around her .
" anyone do something like this again to you ... you come straight to me , I'll take care of it"
" I can take care of myself ,Draco " She looked up at him as she backed away from his arms
" I know you can but that doesn't mean that I can't or don't want to do that "he said as he held her hands .
" Merlin your hand "his knuckles were bleeding.
" it's fine..." he let go of her hand and went over to the sink to rince the blood.
" should I go get some cloth to wrap that ?" She asked not knowing what to do
" no , it's fine , I'm used to these" he chuckled
" you sure , you don't want to wrap it ?" She handed him a towel to wipe his hands .
" sure" his lips formed a thin curved line " comme on , Pantsy probably wants to play some drinking game " he said before grabbing her hand and dragging her back to the living room .
"You okey ?" Asked Ginny as she hugged her .
" yeah I'm fine "
" comme on guys  sit down "
They all sat down around the coffee table
" so what is this about ?" Asked Ginny while sipping on her punch .
" well I was thinking we could play a game " said Pantsy
" told you " Draco wisperd in her ear and she chuckled
" so , everybody takes a shot of vertaserum and than ill spin this bottle " she placed an empty glass bottle in the middle of the table  and then passed the small vile to Theo . One by one they took a shot of veritaserum " bottom of the bottle asks truth or dare and the top answers , if you don't want to answer you take a shot and if you don't want to do the dare you take 2 shots " she spun the bottle " and finally, don't ask boring questions " they all nodded along
First round was  Pantsy bottom , Ginny top :
" so... Ginny ..." said pantsy with an evil smile
" truth , don't go easy on me"
" don't worry I won't " she chuckled " so , what's the most scandalous place you've done it ?" The air grew thick , now that Pantsy had set the bar . Hermione knew what questions to expect .
" ... restricted section of the library..." she said unbothered.they all eyed her .
" oh , that must of been so fun , why haven't we thinked about that ?" Pantsy said with enthusiasm.
" I'm impressed , Weaslete " added Draco .
" okey , well now that you answered , you get to spin the bottle ." Ginny nodded and spun the bottle
Round two Blaize bottom , Pantsy top
" so ,Pantsy ..."
" truth , Salazar help me trough this" she put her hands together , fakeing a prayer .
" ah yes , pussy move . So ... who's  better in bed ? Draco or Theo ?"Pantsy turned red in embarrassment. Theo gave him a death stare and than looked at his girlfriend. she swolled the knot in the throat . She didnt say anything, she just grabbed the glass pored herself a shot and took it. The answer was pretty clear , she was just trying to save Theo the embarrassment, somehow that didn't work out .
" outch!" Wisperd Blaise . Hermione looked at Draco, he wasn't surprised. He had a smirk of proudness on his face .
" great answer, Pantsy !" Said Blaize before spinning the bottle , Theo bottom , and Hermione was top .
" go easy on her " said Pantsy
" don't , dare " Hermione said providing the girl she was wrong
" hmm let me think ... " he looked at her with attention , he than eyed Draco , who was waiting for the worst since he knew Theo had no limits " sit in my lap for the rest of the game"
" hey?!"both Pantsy and Draco spit at him .and Blaise burst out laughing at there reactions
" fine ,fine ... sit in Draco's lap for the rest of the game " he said with a smirk . Hermione looked at the bottle of alcohol.
" she won't do it ..." Ginny wisperd to Blaise . She got up walked around the table and sat down on his lap .
" well than , didn't expect that " said Pantsy . Hermione rolled her eyes at her .
"spin " Whisperd Draco in her ear . A shiver went down her spine . She leaned over and spun the bottle. Draco bottom , Blaise top .
" fuck " Blaise sighed and a smile appeared on Draco's face . " truth ..."
"so Blaise ... since when have you had a crush on Weaslete ?" He asked with a smirk
" you know the answer, you're only doing this to embarrass me ! That's not fair " they all laughed
" there's no rule against it so , shot or answer "
" fine , 5th year  "  he rolled his eyes
" awww , really?" Asked Ginny
" yeah , he wouldn't shut up about you for a minute " said Theo and they laughed . Blaise flipped him off and than spun the bottle . Pantsy got bottom and Draco got top .
" truth or dare , Drakey?"she asked in a sweet voice
" don't call me that , dare " he said looking unbothered. Pantsy smirked at his response and than looked at Hermione. A evil smile appeared on her face .
" 7 minutes in haven with Granger " there was a dead silence.
" only if she want to " he said and Pantsy took the bottle and started poring 2 shots . Hermione got up grabbed one of the shots , drank it and grabbed Draco's hand .
" bold of you to assume I wasn't gonna do it " she said before pulling Draco towards the bathroom and closing the dor behind them . Pantsy and Ginny were left with there jaws hanging.
" who knew alcohol turned Hermione in a bad bitch " Pantsy added and Ginny giggled .
Hermione let go of his hand and sat up on the counter . Draco slowly approached her and placed his hands on her knees . She felt a shiver go down her spine.
" you know you could of denyed the dare " he said looking down at her
" I know ... but um-... it annoys me how much Pantsy underestimates me ... " she said looking up at him .
" she doesn't underestimate you , she's just trying to provoke you , shes jealous " he explained as he rand a hand up and down her thigh .
" why would she ? She has a boyfriend, I'm not competition"
" well , you see ... she's jealous because I'm actually interested in you , because I like you , because I actually care about you" he said as he tilted her head up to look in her eyes " if the dark lord had won , i would had married her , it was all planned, that's why in 5th we started having our own fun , you know trying to escape reality " hermione nodded in understanding " and while I was just per say enjoying myself she caught feelings , I went with it since we were supposed to get married anyway. Once the lord lost I told her to go find herself a man who will care about her , you know ..." he chuckled " I used to think that I might find myself somebody that cared ... " Hermione placed a hand at the nape of his neck
" you know I care ..." she looked up at him . He didn't say anything, he just slowly leaned forward until there lips pressed and one again Hermione felt like she could finally breathe . While her right hand was locking fingers trough his hair , her left was holding onto his shirt , pulling him closer to her , trying to satisfy her craving for him . As the kiss got deaper Draco grabbed her by her thighs and pulled her closer, at the verge of the counter . His hands slowly ran up her body, one rested on her waist and one around her throat, holding her sternly. By the second there breaths and phants got deeper. Hermione parted her lips more , letting his tongue enter and battle with hers . His right hand still firmly around her throat, he leaned her head up so he had more access to her throat and  collarbone. Moving his hand to the back of her neck he started trailing kisses down her throat , teasing and nibbling on the skin until it turned bruised. Hermione couldn't help herself but hold on tighter to him while small gasps and phants escaped her mouth .
" you guys it's been 10 minutes!" Ginny yelled from the other room . Draco sighed in disappointing and pulled away from her .
" should go back ..." he said a she ran a hand up and down her thigh . She nodded in agreement.
" let me just ..." she plopped of the counter and looked at herself in the mirror.
" Draco-" she ran a hand over the abused skin on her neck  and collarbone .  She turned to look at him , he had a huge smirk on his face . She opend her mouth to speak but nothing came out . She arranged her hair brushed her clothes and followed him out . Sitting back down on his lap . They all looked at them waiting for something to happen.
Draco just leaned over and spun the bottle. The attention was off them , he took advantage and rapped his hands around her waist holding her tightly. The bottle indicated towards Pantsy and where Hermione was formally sat .
" truth or dare ?"Pantsy asked with one eyebrow arched up .
" truth "
" when was the last time you were turned on ?"
" um..." Hermione imediatly thought about the time Draco put his hand really high up her thigh in
" potions class " she said and they all laughed.
" By who ?" She added with a grin . Her hand on Draco tightend , she sighed and pored herself a shot . She quickly drank it .
" well than I think we should stop the game since Ginnys already drunk " said Pantsy and the boys laughed " on that note , we're going to spend some time together " said Pantsy as she grabbed Theos hand and dragged him back to there room .
"we're gonna go spent 7 minutes in haven ?" Said Ginny as she grabbed Blaises hand and tried to pull him up all by herself
" Salazar you're drunk " he laughed and got up .
" am not ! " she tugged on the boys hand.
" I'm preatty sure you are " he said before grabbing her by the waist and tossing her over his shoulder. She yelped and giggled. " gonna go put this one to bed " he said right before walking away .
" have fun with the game you two !" She said drunkly right before Blaise shut the dor behind them . Hermione turned to face Draco . His hands were around her waist . She leaned in and kissed him softly.
" we should go to sleep" said Draco and she nodded in agreement. Before she could get up he grabbed her by her thighs and got up . He sait on the couch, still holding her in his arms . They both fell asleep like that.

Hi guys ! Hope you liked it ! Next chapter will be out soon , hopefully! Leave a comment! 💚

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