15. highschool sweethearts

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While hermione paced down the hallways of the school Pantsy and Ginny we're trying to keep Theos mouth shut .
" please don't tell Draco !" Pantsy pleaded him .
" how could I not ? he has to know . I mean" he flopped down on the couch " have you seen him , he's barking mad about her . He has-"
" Theo-"
" I'm sure she'll tell him herself , look I know Hermione . She doesn't run away from her problems"Said Ginny
" I'm sure she doesn't but this isn't a problem . It's great news . Pantsy " he looked over at his girlfriend who was sitting legs crossed " don't you remember Draco in the summer, the guy was depressed , like straight up suicidal " he looked at Ginny " and the second Hermione showed up in the picture it's like he found a reason to l-"
" Theo I understand but this isn't only about Draco , it's about Hermione two . You weren't here to see the look on her face . To me she looked like she was scared "she looked over at Ginny to hear her opinion, she just shrugged .


It was about 6 pm when Draco and Blaise were walking back to the castle . Blaise suddenly stopped walking and looked in the distance.
" is that Hermione?" Draco imediatly stopped , turned around and looked . " there by the lake " Blaise pointed so Draco could finally spoted her .
" yeah-"
" what is sh-"
" I'll go check on her " Said Draco as he started to jogg her way " go ahead , I'll see you later "
A few minutes later he finally reached the tree where she was sat . He plopped next to her and she jumped a bit .
" Hey "
" hi " she looked up at him  with a small smile that looked forced .
" what are you doing here alone?"
" ... just needed some air "
" something wrong ?"
" no-... I mean ... " she sighed and put a few strands of hair behind her ear " ... I was talking with Gin and Pantsy about what happened that day at the manor and ... um ..." she looked hesitant " this sounds crazy  but we're sou-"
" soulmates " Draco finished her sentence. Hermione looked up at him but he wasn't as surprised as she thought he would be .
" you knew ?" She asked confuzed.
" Hermione, I've known for a while ..."
"What do you mean a while?"
" nearly a year "
" wha- how ?"she looked at him with her eyebrows frowned , like she was trying to remember something but it didn't click .
" when the snatchers got you ... and they brought you at the manor " he said while looking out at the black lake , Hermione noticed the guilty look he had on his face .
" but I-I don't understand-"
" because you don't remember it ... I took the memory away "
" Draco what happened?" She looked at him and he pulled out his wand . He placed it near her temple and with a white flash a memory appeared.


" Pettigrew! Put the boys in the cellar , I need a girl on girl talk with this one " Bellatrix pointed her wand at Hermione.
" now ! I'm gonna ask you again... were.did.you.get.my.sword?" She waved her wand and the girl fell right down on the wooden floor.
" We just found it , I swear! Ron found it in the woods-"
" liar!"She yelled at her and sat on top of her while holding her wand to her throat." how did you get in my vault?!Anser me you filthy mudblood !! "The woman screamed again
"We didn't! I swear ! I swear!" Hermione cried cried .
Mid while Bellatrix was questioning Hermione Draco was sat in the corner of the room .
"LIAR!" She screamed "did the goblin help you ?!"
Hermione nodded no' one again while tears streamed down her face .
The black haired woman got off her and pointed her wand .
" Crusio !" She yelled .
While Hermione cried in pain and agony Draco looked at his feet , he couldn't watch , it was to much for him .
" watch , boy !" Lucius grabbed him by the jaw and turned his head so he could see her . " and learn! This is what happens to them ! This is what they deserve "
Even dough he turned his head he was looking at the ceiling , he refused to watch .
" watch ,boy ! Or it's gonna be you next !" At this point Draco had no choice, he knew his father and he knew he would do it do him again .
" Tessa !" The woman yelled as she finally lifted the curse of Hermione " give me that dagger of yours " the blonde woman smiled and tossed a small knife at her . She caught it and sat back on top of the girl .
" how dare you take from me and lie to my face ?!" She said , inches away from her face her face . Bellatrix quickly drew out the knife . She held her down even harder . Hermione started screaming at the top of her lungs , jerking my body , trying to move , to escape her grip but there was no way out.
As the woman dugg trough her skin Hermione looked away and caught Draco's glance . She looked at him with her eyebrows frowned while tears went down her cheeks . Draco wished he could do something about what was happening but he knew if he did , it would be him next . He just looked at her and mouthed .

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