Apartament [19]

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Hi ! Long time no see :3 hopefully next chapter will be out soon , depends on ur feed back and how well this one does:3

! ALSO ! I started another fanfic with The Walking Dead ! Check it out :3

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply the winter air . Enjoying the melancholy of her surroundings. a branch cracked behind her , her head quickly snapped back , carefully looking examining each tree around her . Footsteps on crunchy leaves from further behind. She stood still , not breathing.
" hermione..." she heard a wisper . Her heart skipped a beat and her hand reached for her wand . She didn't have it . Another branch snapped, this time closer . She started running through the forest.
" hermione" she heard once again , this time more insistent . She didn't stop to look this time , she ran faster and faster , almost hitting trees and tripping on branches .
" hermione..." whispered behind the trees right as she walked in thick mud . With each step she became heavier and more stuck to the mud until her feet were immobilized. Her breathing became faster , hyperventilating.

" Hermione..." she heard behind her.

She stood still as tears welled up in her eyes

"Hermione"a hand touched her and her eyes shot open , almost jumping of the couch " easy..." he said
" fuck you scared me" she said laying back down , covering her face with her hands .
" I'm sorry..."she felt his hand slowly caress her arm like he was trying to warm her up " you should get ready... train is in half an hour"
" what ?!" She jumped up " I over slept ..." she said in disbelief as she got up to get dressed
" I let you oversleep"
" why ?! We could miss the train !" Hermione yelled from the other room while she quickly changed
" you looked tiered" he said with concern
" I'm not" she said while going to the bathroom to quickly wash her teeth " I'm..." she looked at herself in the mirror. Exhausted she thought " perfectly fine"

Few minutes later Hermione grabbed Crookshanks Draco her bag  and they were on there way to take the train .

After getting settled in a compartment she closed her eyes and laid her head on him. She realized she didn't have a clue as to where they were going . Normally that would scare her but at that point she was just thankful she was going anywhere.

trees , wind , shuffling , crack " hermione ..."

Once again she woke up like she was about to run out of air .
" we're here..."
" oh ... sorry I fell asleep" she said while getting up still in that confused state " where's Crooks?"
he pointed to the upper part where they used to put there trunks " w-how did you get up here ?!" She asked as she took him in his arms , the cat meowed a valid answer , unfortunately they couldn't understand him or his reasons.
From there Hermione followed him quietly off the train , into King's Cross and eventually to a cab .
After a silent half our ride the car stopped in front of a 4-5 story building
" that'll be 26.40" said the driver .
" keep the change" said Draco as he handed him 30 pounds.
As Draco took out her bag from the trunk Hermione looked at her surroundings. She could see a small bakery about 2 buildings away , a small off brand supermarket right across the street and lots of empty benches with lots of pigeons wondering the streets. She turned back to the building to examine it , looked old , not too old yet not too new . Her eyes didn't move from the building yet she could hear the car had gone and he was now taking out his keys .
" you coming?" He asked as he stood with the dor open waiting for her . She nodded and went in , following after him into the elevator. He pressed number 4.
" an apartment?" She asked trying to break the silence
" is it not good ?" He asked with concern
" no,no ... I-I just thought the Malfoys were more mansion type" he laughed at her words as the dors opend . A few steps and they stopped in front of a dor . Apartment 19.
" ladys..." he gestured her to enter .
" I like it ..." she said as she put Crookshanks down " it's..." she looked around while taking her shoes of " spacey..." he chuckled .
" yeah I know, it still looks pretty empty but I didn't really have time to really move in . Honestly I wasn't even planning to get a place this soon "
" what do you mean ?"
" well ... I got it yesterday " he said while walking around the living room like it was his first time there.
" if you weren't planning on it that why'd you get it ?" She asked while following him around
" don't know ... I guess we had to spend the holidays somewhere...right ?" Somehow his words managed to make her blush , even dough there was nothing romantic about them "so ... I didn't get the chance to go grocery shopping yesterday"
" oh ..." she said as she walked back to put her shoes on
"don't worry , I'll go " he said as he grabbed the keys " need anything or want something specific?"
"Um- I don't really have any muggle money on m-"
" I didn't ask if you had money" he said in a more serios tone " so ...do you need anything ?"
" some cat food " she said shyly " I forgot it at Hogwarts" she said almost embarrassed
" what about you ?"
" um...some tea I guess"
" the ginger kind ?"
" yea..." she smiled unconsciously at the fact that he noticed it was her favorite kind
"ok , well I'll be back in half an hour ,you guys make yourselfs at home"
" oh thanks ... " she blushed as he walked out .
Hermione looked around the apartment , it looked empty, more so lifeless, it was furnished but not a single personal touch to it . She sighed and plopped down on the couch.
" can't even remember the last time I watched tv ..." she said to herself as she reached for the remote . Usually she would of gone straight to the bathroom to take a shower after the long road and then put her clothes away . But she had never been this excited to sit on the couch and watch tv . Even though she felt like a kid , she enjoyed every second of it , so much so that when Draco came back she was still on the couch with Crookshanks in her arms .
" already back ?" She asked without taking her eyes off the screen
" already ? I've been gone for an hour" her head snapped back at him and he chuckled at her reaction. She quickly got up and went to help him with the groceries . " you know I can do this myself , i told you to make yourself at home" he said with a smirk
" I know , but I can't stand around doing nothing..."
" yes , you can , you're my guest" he said with a smirk as he gestured his wand and the groceries started to put themselves away. " wine? "
" sure " she said with a light smile.
Normally she wouldn't agree to drinking without occasion but she found herself nervous, they both did . You could say it was there first time alone out of hogwarts  that didn't involve running from danger or there lives .
  He sighed as he sat down next to her and put down two glasses and a bottle on the coffee table
" still ... can't really understand the concept of this image thing " he said looking at the tv " but all the furnished apartments have one" he opened the bottle and poured half a glass each .
" well ... I'm most sure I can explain it" she chuckled " you can watch news or movies or documentaries" she explained
" why watch them if you can read them ?" He asked jokingly before taking a sip
"i know right ?! I don't know ... i never really enjoyed watching tv"she said while picking up her glass
" than why are you watching it right now?" He asked sarcastically
" honestly I don't know ... " she sipped " I guess it's a thing I used to do sometimes at my parents house when I had nothing to read , which didn't happen very often.... to be honest I haven't seen a tv in the last 2-3 years , with the war , livings at the Weasleys and all"
"can you tell me more ?" He asked hesitantly " you never really talk about living with them or your home life "
" I could say the same thing about you " she chuckled
" true " he smirked " but you do know about me than I know about you" valid point she thought
" so ... what do you want to know?" She asked as she turned to face him .
" everything "
For some kind of reason Hermione has dreaded the moment that would come , that stage in a relationship where you really start to get to know each other, family , childhood and all . With Ron it was easy , he already knew what she'd been through and suddenly for the first time she'd have to share, think and talk about everything she'd gone through .
" anything actually" he corrected after noticing the way she froze up in her own mind
" well ... I-I ah ..." she took a long sip of her drink " I-genuinely don't know where to start ..."she looked down at her glass
" it's ok if you don't want to talk about it ... I just-"
" no" she chuckled " it's just-..." she took a deep breath " I do want to get to know more of each other " she took a sip " it's just ... I grew up with Harry and Ron , they grew up with me , we all grew up with each other , they all know my life and my past because they were part of it and ..." she took another sip " I think it's the first time someone asked me about that and the first time I'm having this kind of conversation" she looked up from her glass to meet his eyes " does that make sense ?" She studied his puzzled look
" it actually does ..." he chuckled " now that I think about it I could nearly say the same thing about me" he looked down at his glass as he swirled the wine around
" nearly ? How so ?" She asked confused
" well , people have asked me about my past and all that but I never felt like sharing that to them " he shrugged " but for the first time not do I feel more comfortable about sharing but I actually want to hear what the other person has to say" he said in a surprised tone . She chuckled at his response.
" I'm glad you feel that way " she said with a soft smile " I too could nearly say that about me "
" nearly? They laughed " how so ?"
" I feel comfortable opening up to you and I want to hear anything you have to tell " he smirked and they sat in silence for a while . Hermione drank the last drops of her glass and then layed her head on his lap
" can I ask you something?" She looked up at him , he nodded in agreement. " and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to" she added
" I've got nothing to hide from you" he said with a smirk
"always wondered, at the UnityBall ... what was that paper you were reading over and over ?"
" was a letter" his lips pressed into a thin line " from Saint Mungo's" hearing this she got up and closer to him , he kept on looking down at his glass
" oh ..." a anxious knot formed into her throat " is everything okey ?" Her brows frowned.
" no , not really" He chuckled and drank his last sip "my ah-..." he reached towards the bottle to pour another round for the both of them " my mother ..." she noticed his eyes started to water
" Draco..." she said as he suddenly got up . It was evident he was avoiding making eyecontact. She watched as he walked out on the small balcony .She could see he was leaning against the railing as he lit up a cigarette.




She got up and follow after him , yet she didn't want to invade his space , she stood in the doorway. He could feel her presence. Nothing was said for a while.
" that night I found out she has a terminal illness" he looked down to the street.
" I'm sorry"
" for what ?" you have nothing to be sorry about" he took a long drag , still not meeting her gase
"For asking "
" as I said , you have nothing to be sorry about, if we're really taking this relationship seriously" he exhaled a cloud of smoke " I want you to know everything...good and bad"
" I know , I feel the same way but I'm still sorry for what you're going through at least "
" was it hard ?" He asked slightly turning to her , not enough to let her see the few tears he has shed . yeet hermione didn't understand " losing both parents ?" He added
" yes ,it's painful but ..." she sighed " you'll manage , the pain won't go away but you'll learn to live with it"she said as she got closer , only to embrace him from behind .
" thank you for being here" he said before feeling her grip on him thigten.

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