D.Malfoy 0[7]

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Hermione woke up gasping for air one again .she dropped her head down and tried to concentrate on the sound of her breathing but all she could hear was the word mudblood ringing in her ear . She couldn't keep it in anymore and tears rolled down her cheeks. All of a sudden she felt someone pick her up . ( bridal style )she guessed it was Malfoy taking her back to her room since she fell asleep where he was supposed to sleep that night. he sat down in a armchair , still holding her . His hands were carefully placed , one around her waist and one on her thigh , making sure she wouldn't fall .
Hermione rested her head on his chest and shut her eyes tightly, trying to concentrate on his heartbeat.yet the sound of her nightmares and past reality where  still haunting her .
" breathe , calm down  , " She hear him whisper in her ear , she let out a shaky breath. " breathe " he said once again and she listened " good " he wiped her tears away with his thumb. " you're doing great , keep going " he reassured her as he caresses her cheek with his thumb while her breathing slowly went back to normal "  i know you probably don't want to hear this now " he pushed her hair behind her ear "but ... I'm sorry" he sighed and sat his head on top of hers " ... I didn't mean what I said earlier ... I was angry with myself and I lost control... and I took it out on you ... and ... I'm sorry for how I treated you ... i was a child , i didn't know any better..." he sighed " just wanted to let you know "
Hermione really didn't know what to say . So she stayed quiet . He sighed in frustration " why do I fuck up everything I care about...?" He mumbled to himself and dropped his head back . Hermione heard him and looked up at him . Malfoy looked down at her and there breath caught. She placed a hand on his cheek and he tightened his hand around her waist , pulling her closer. Hermiones hand slowly slipped behind his ear , running her fingers trough his hair . She closed her eyes and leaned forward , locking her lips with his . She felt his jaw tensen . She backed away and looked up at him . Not knowing what to anticipate. His expression was new to her .
" I'm sorry-... I-"he placed his thumb over her lips cutting her off. Hermione coud feel his gaze on her lips .he slowly moved his thumb to the side of her face and wrapped his fingers at the base of her neck , pulling her closer . She parted her lips with curiosity as he leaned over her. And once again there lips touched. They both sighed in the kiss like they finally found the surface of the ocean . This time it didn't feel so soft , so careful. It was craving, rough like spark turning into a flame .His grasp dug in her skin as he pulled her closer while her fingers locked in his hair . Taking in the overwhelming feeling they had both craved but never new they needed . They parted away and caught there breaths . Malfoys lips curved into a smile and Hermiones creeks turned red .He tilted her head up so her eyes would meet his . He had an lost look in his eyes .
" what ?" She asked as he hand dropped on top chest .
" nothing... just , never thought I'd get to do that ..." chuckled pulling her in his arms . He rested his head on top of hers . They both fell asleep.
" o.my.Merlin" Ginny gasped trying to be quiet " Blaise !" She whisper-yelled
" what ? Five more minutes!" He pleaded
" come  here ! You have to see this !"
The boy sighed and got up to join the her in the livingroom " Baby , it's 7 am" he stretched " whats so important that you have to sho-"he chocked on his own words as he saw Draco and Hermione both sleeping in an armchair
" aren't they cute ?" She giggled. " Pantsy has to see this" she said right before going in the other room and dragging out a messy haired witch.
" what's so important? I'm trying to slee-" her mouth dropped . "Babe come see this !"
" what is it ?"
" Draco's showing affection " she chuckled
" no way !" He said before jumping out of bed and joining the others .
"Not to be rude or anything but I didn't think he was capable of affection " Said Ginny .
" Same " Said Theo .
" ... I mean , I knew he could be affectionate ... but not like this , even back when we were together it was only ...you know ...sex..." Pantsy crossed her arms and studied the boy .
" we'll good thing I'm here to show you that affection" Theo hugged her from behind.
" Yeah " she chuckled " we should go back to sleep , still have about 15 minutes until we have to start getting ready " she said before dragging Theo back to bed .
" should we go back to sleep?" The red head asked. "Blaize?"
" ... oh , yeah sure " he said still looking at them
" is there something wrong ?"
" ... no , nothing... just never thought he'd be this kind of guy "
" what do you mean ?"
" well , I knew I'd find myself someone to spend life with" he put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer . " ... when I thought about him , I thought he'd stay alone... since, you know , his deades in the war ... and I'm not saying I did less things than he did but people know more about his acts than mine ..."
" I understand... but the past is the past and we try to not judge people by it , at least that's what I do " she looked at Hermione " i don't know if that's the case for Hermione yet ... she still has to overcome some things " she thought about the nightmares her best friend constantly had over the summer. " you know ... I really don't blame you  , you had to take extreme mesures to take care of your family ... i would do the same thing for my family .... or" she turned around to face him " someone I cared for ... no matter the price" she looked at the darkmark he had on his forearm and brushed it with her thumb.
As the girl studied the black mark Blaize grabbed her by the chin , making her look up at him .
Ginny looked him in the eyes , afraid of what was going to come , she thought she angered him by looking at his past , maybe she had crossed the line , by having the audacity to touch the price he paid for a safe family and future but ... suddenly he pressed his lips on hers . She kissed him back .
The two pulled away to catch there breath but he wanted more . Blaize grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him , only to passionately kiss her again . Ginny imediatly gave in and started running her hand trough his hair .
" Salazar's sake get a room , some of us are trying to sleep " interrupted Draco and the two pulled appart.
Blaise scoffed at his best friends comment .
" do you always have to ruin everything?" He asked sarcastically
" could the both of you stop acting like kids ?" Asked Ginny and stopped the tension between the two boys
" I'm gonna take a shower" Blaize told the girl before leaving the room .
" so umm..." she tried coming up with something so it wouldn't be so awkward " when did she come back ?"
" ... I went to take a shower and when I came back she was asleep on the couch"he looked down at the girl in his arms.
" was she okey ?"She asked leaning on the wall to her right
" ... yeah , just ... she's been having these nightmares" he looked at Ginny and she had a confuzed look on her face " what's wrong ?"
" .... she didn't tell me she started having nightmares again ..." she looked concerned at the girl .
" what do you mean again?"
" after the war ... she started having nightmares , there more like flashbacks from ah-... well umm ... she never mentioned ..." she explained
" so um ... how long did it last for ?"
" ... A few months ..." she looked at him and his eyes went wide " ... every night , for two months straight ... if I remember correctly "
" why do you think she's having them again" he asked looking down at her
" ... not sure , maybe because we're back here , maybe she saw something that brought the memories back..." she said with her eyebrows frowned "  ... gonna go , get ready " she said before going to her room .
Draco looked down at Hermione as he felt her hand tighten on his .He pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and looked down at her . She shifted and slowly her eyes fluttered open .
" 'morning" she said as she looked up at him .
" morning..." he said , pushing a strand of hair behind her ear . " how are you feeling?" Hermione layed her head back on his chest and sighed
" I'm fine..." she thought about her struggle to sleep.
" um ... Weaslete told me you've already had these nightmares ..."he said holding her a bit tighter.
" you told her ?" Her head shot up looking at him in disbelief.
" was I not supposed to ?" Hermione opend her mouth to reply but nothing came out " look , Granger, I'm concerned " he sighed " last time I checked, screaming and crying in your sleep isn't a good sign " Hermione got up .
" look I don't want to concern anyone. Not you and especially not Gin , she already has a lot on her plate . Plus its not that serious , what do you know ?" She crossed her arms and looked  back at him .
" what do I know? " he got up from his seat and followed her . There was an angry tone in his voice "do you really want to know, Granger? Do you know how much past trauma fucks you up ? Cuz u came to the right-"he almost yelled the last sentence
" no , I'm sorry. That was a stupid question " she said looking down at her feet .
" I'm sorry... " he sighed and ran a hand trough his hair " I'm sorry I got angry" he tilted her head up to look her in the eyes . " I'm just concerned for you ... I know how they feel  , you almost don't want to sleep , yet your so exhausted " hermione nodded her head in agreement.
" I want to get better , I'm trying... Ginny still thinks I stopped having them over the summer. I never did ... I just stopped screaming , I got used to them . And now ... there worst , maybe because I'm back here . And I really am trying to get rid of them ... for now the only thing that has managed to stop them ... is being near you "
" than I'll try as much as possible to be here and stop them " he said placing a hand over her cheek. Hermione placed her hand over his , her lips were pressed in a thin line and her eyebrows frowned.
" I promise I'll find a way-"
" bathroom's free!"Blaise yelled as he opend the dor .
" thanks hone-" Ginny came out of there room " what are you guys doing? Breakfast is in 10 !"she said before going in the bathroom and closing the dor behind. Draco sighed.
10 minutes later the 4 of them were in the GreatHall eating breakfast .While Blaise and Draco were hurrying to eat there breakfast and get to practice , the rest were talking about the match .
" of course , I'll be on your side" Ginny reassured Blaise" what about you Hermione ?"Ginny looked over at her , she didn't budge , she looked lost in her thoughts. Draco grassed his leg next to her , bring her back to reality.
"What ?"she asked
" I was just asking who's side you'll be on" Ginny explained yet Hermione still looked lost . " the quidditch match " she added .
" oh ... yes , well ... I don't think I'm gonna go ..."
" wha-why not ?" Ginny had a frown on her face " comme on , I can't go alone..." Hermione sighed
" ... I don't know, Gin . I don't want to go see Ron or Harry ..."
" silly, you're not going to see them , you're going to see your boyfriend..." Pantsy added sarcastically. Most of the group laughed along with her , besides Draco who didn't appreciate the comment and Hermione who at first didnt get it but when she did she turned red .
" well than , I'm gonna go practice" he said before getting up .
" may I join you ?" Ginny asked with a smile .
" of course " he held out a hand and helped her up . " I'll see you at the match " she said to Hermione before heading out .
" look at those two " Pantsy started talking to Theo . Hermione wasn't paying much attention. She looked back down at her plate . She barely ate half yet she had no appetite what so ever . She felt a slight kick under the table. She looked up , Draco had a small thin smile on his face . He tilted his head towards the exit and rased his eyebrows at her . An unconscious smile appeared on her face . He got up and she followed.
Not a word was spoken between them until they got back to there room . He pulled out of his trunk some clothing. He tossed it on the bed next to were she was stood .
" here , wear this to the game " he said with a small smirk before leaving for practice. Hermione stood there for a second . She looked down to the clothing, she picked it up and unfolded it . A hoodie , his hoodie . She pulled it in her arms , it smelt like him . She sighed and pulled it back studying it .
It was black and way to big for her . The  front it had a big Slytherin crest . She turned to see the back , neatly written , D. Malfoy and the number 07 , in a emerald green .

Hi guys ! I'm sorry for this chapter, I know it's short but I'm very buizzy rn , I hope to get the next one out this week ! Thanks for all the support and thank u for 100 reads , it means a lot ! 💚

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