8. better now

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The game was starting in 15 minutes, yet Hermione was still in her room , contemplating if she should wear the hoodie Malfoy had given her . She sighed and threw it on knowing that if she kept thinking it too much she would miss the game . On her way out she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.Even dough it was to bug for her it still looked good . She noticed how it dropped to her thighs and past her skinny arms . She sighed and headed out the dor .
Soon enough she was at the quidditch pitch looking around only to find Ginny who saved her a spot .
As she approached her Ginnys mouth fell wide open .
" Hermione Jean Granger ? In a Slytherin hoodie?" She asked sarcastically. Hermione laughed along .
" yeah ... it's Malfoy's "
" oh really?" Ginny shoved at her while eyeing her
" oh , stop it " she turned red . Ginny opend her mouth to speak but there attention turned to the Lee Jordan.
" Ladies and gents ! Welcome to our first quidditch match of this schools year !" People started cheering " you probably already know this but first team is ... Griffindor!" People cheered as the players came out one by one on the pitch and waved around at them . For a second Hermione caught Ron's attention, his face turned into a frown of disgust as he saw what she was wearing, he turned to Harry and wisperd something in his ear , Harry looked her straight in the eyes and than shuggged back at Ron " and for our second team we have ... Slytherin!" The haul stadium cheered as the team came out running around , yelling .
As Hermione was looking aroun the stadium she noticed Blaise .
" look there's Blaise!" She pointed at him so Ginny could finally spot him , he was running towards them . She quickly bent down the rail
" What's wrong ? " she was confused to why he came over .
" nothing wrong " he smiled " just wanted a bit of luck " he grabbed her by the chin only to kiss her , which made the crowd go wild . He pulled back " I have to go "
" wait !" She grabbed him by the uniforms collar, pulled him closer and kissed him again " good luck !" Everyone went wild  , people were screaming , whistling, cheering.
" you're unbelievable " Hermione looked over at her as Blaise went back to join the others .
" I know " she laughed and the both looked back at the team . That's when she noticed Malfoy was looking at her .
" that's how you do it mate !" Said Blaise as he jogged back to his team . Malfoy wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying . As he was looking around the stadium he caught Hermione glimpse , all of a sudden his game face turned into a smirk. He winked at her before gathering with the rest of the team . Hermione's cheeks turned a bright pink .
About half an hour in the game and things weren't looking very good for the Slytherin team.
" oh ! Another point for Griffindor, now at 74 points! Slytherin has a bit of catching up to do !" Lee Jordan announced over the mic .
" how many pound do we have ?" Ginny asked.
" 69 points if I'm correct..." answerd Hermione as she looked concentrated at the game .
" oh ! Looks like Slytherin has a chance to score a point let's see if they'll take it "
" Come on Blaize ! You can do this babe !" Ginny yelled which cought the boys attention.
" and- very close , so  close !"
" come on babe !"
" yes ! That's 70 points for Slytherin!"  They all cheered but especially Ginny and Hermione.
" only for you babe !" Yelled Blaize as he wrode by the stands were the girls were seated. Harry scoffed at his behavior
" Jealous , Potter ?" Said Malfoy sarcastically and Harry rolled his eyes at his comment. As he looked at his pissed off face Malfoy noticed a small golden shimmer next to him . The snitch . He quickly ran towards it . Harry quickly following him .
" oh ! Looks like our seekers have found the snich , let's keep looking and find out if anyone will catch it ! Remember the snich is worth 150 points ! Enough to win our game !" The two raced around to catch the small golden ball , Harry had a few close calls .
" come on Malfoy ! You can do this !" Hermione yelled from the stands and the boys heard .Harry quickly lost focus and Malfoy took advantage of the opportunity.
" oh ! Oh ! So close !"
" come on , Draco !
He leaped forward to catch the snitch and fell of his broom . Gasps all around the stadium. Hermione hand clasped over her mouth as she watch Draco fall from the sky about 40 ft .
" Merlin !" Ginny yelped . Hermione quickly got up and stood over the rail . Malfoy was on the flor laying on his back .
Silance was all over . That until he slowly lifted up the snich , showing that he did indeed catch it .
" The snich was caught ! Slytherin is our winner!" Lee announcement with excitement . Everyone started cheering, whistling, yelling, besides Hermione. She knew something was off... it felt wrong .
People slowly started to leave , that's when she noticed Madame Pomfrey was running over to Draco and Blaize lowerd himself to the grownd to join him .
" shit , what's wrong ?" Asked Ginny as she looked over at them . Hermione wasn't paying attention to her , she knew it would take to much time to get out of the stands . Without a thought she quickly jumped over the rails and ran over to him . She fell to her knees .
" what's wrong? Are you hurt ?" She asked as she visually checked on him . She took out her wand to cast a diagnostic spell but Blaise pulled her way from him . The infirmary was kneeling over him , casting diagnostics. Hermione way way to far to see clearly what was wrong .
" no , im- fuck ... im fine " he reassured her as he tried to get up on his elbows but failed " fuck ... don't worry about me "
" Malfoy stop moving! Your in no shape to mo-" Madame Pomefray started talking to him but her voice became muffled as Blaise pulled her further away from them . She watched as the old woman cast a spell on him and he was slowly levitated .
" what's wrong with him ? Is he okey ?"
" relax , Granger ! Noting they can't fix !" Blaise answerd sarcasticly .
" it's not funny , Blaise . " she crossed her hands .
" don't worry! You'll see him tonight at visiting hours"
Throughout the day Hermione had tried multiple times to visit him yet MadamPomfrey wouldn't allow her since he was resting. It was already dinner time and Hermione was still waiting for the clock to hit 8:30 . The hour she had told her she could visit him. At 8:25 she got up from the table without a word and raced down the school all the way to the infirmary.
" miss Granger" MadamPomfrey greated as she enterd the hospital wing "here to see ?"she asked , already knowing the answer from her previous failed visits . She scribbled something down on her notepad .
" Malfoy ... D-Draco Malfoy " Hermione stuttered from the lack of use if his full name .
" oh , yes !" She said without being surprised.  " try not to disturb him , he's still resting "she looked up at her . " last bed , on the right " she pointed with her pen and looked back down at her notes . Hermione thanked her and than walked down the beds . She got to the last one , the curtains were closed and there was a dead silance. She took a deap breath and slowly enterd . She was speechless. His arm was broken and he was full of bruises.
She slowly approached him and sat down on the side of the bed . He was asleep . She couldn't bare to see him like this , in pain , eyebrows frowned and struggling to sleep. She gently took his hand and held it . For a while she stood there studying him , looking at each and everyone of his injuries. He had a huge bruise on the side of his face going down to his jaw , yet somehow he still managed to look good . She chuckled at that thought and she felt his hand lightly squeeze hers . She sighed in relief as she drew small circles on the back of his hand . She took out her wand and cast a diagnostic spell on him . Multiple glowing tabs apared about him . Her eyes quickly drew to the left where the injury's were neatly written in a deep glowing red . Her hand clasped over her mouth . One broken arm and fractured ribs . She made a small movement of her wand and looked further into his injured rigs . The low glowing lights shifted and changed to animate the injured ribs , the areas that were healing were glowing a soft yellow , on the right were more details about the condition. She sighed while looking up at them . Her hand dropped back on his . Her eyebrows frowned, she wished she could of done something. Maybe she could of stopped him . Tears started to well up in her eyes .
" don't worry , im fine..." Hermione broke contact from the analysis , she looked down at him .
" fine ? What do you mean your fine , Draco ?"she looked at him in worry . Yet he was surprised at the sudden use of his name . " a broken arm and 2 fractured ribs and your fine ?"
" yes , is it that hard to believe? I really am , the nurse said I'll be out tomorrow, by dinner time . My ribs will be fully healed and my arm will be just a fracture " Hermiones lips were pressed in a thin line , she wasn't completely convinced . She looked away from him and noticed there was a small container on the nightstand. She leaned over and grabbed it . " I was hoping you could help me with that " he said with a smirk She carefully opend it and studied the clear cream inside . " it's for my bruises" he clarifyed.
" I know what its for , Malfoy " she rolled her eyes at him before puting a bit on the tip of her fingers.
" back to family names , already?" Her cheeks turned bright red at his comment . She didn't even realize she used his name .
" shut up " she said as she leaned over and started gently applying the cream on the side of his face . He flinched at first . As she kept on speeding it equally and ribbing it in she could she the slow efect it had . Slowly but surely his skin was turning back to its cold and stone like color .
" you know ... I feel better now that your here "he said with a genuine looking smile .
She stopped and met his eyes . She froze there for a few seconds. " what's wrong ?he asked confuzed, yet she was still frozen " Hermione, what's wrong ?"he asked with concern as he placed a hand on her cheek . At this point Hermione couldn't help herself but just give in . She leaned over and pressed her lips on his . His lips felt like a warm welcome . His hand moved on the back of her neck , pulling her closer to him , wanting more . While her right was still gently placed on his jaw her left hand dropped on his chest clinging onto his shirt .
" ahem ! " a sudden familiar voice interrupted. "Shall we come back later ?" Asked Blaise with a smirk . The two looked at the entrance of the curtains and saw the haul grup of friends . Hermione quickly jumped of the bed and brushed her clothes like nothing happened .
" so ... how're you feeling?" Said Ginny, breaking the awkward silence.
" good ... been better, but good " he replied " I'll be out tomorrow at dinner " they nodded along
" so ...party tomorrow?"Pantsy asked, hoping to get a positive answer.
"Yeah totally!" Said Blaise " he'll be back on his get tomorrow, plus ... I little party never hurt nobody "
" I guess so "Draco rolled his eyes at him
" well than , have a speedy recovery! We're going to bed" said Theo before he ran out the room with Pantsy .
" at least you won't have to deal with that tonight " said Ginny and they all laughed. Even Hermione, even dough she didn't fully understand what Ginny ment .
" yeah , we should go , you know get some rest for tomorrow " said Blaize as he grabbed Ginnys hand " you coming?" He asked looking at hermione
" um... yeah , I'll be right there "
" well than , goodnight!" Said Ginny before the two of them slowly walked away .
" so... "
"come here " he said as he moved over , making her a small amount of space , to allay down. She carefully layed down and rested her head on his chest. They stood silent for a moment , just enjoying each other's company.
" I like your hoodie "he said sarcastically which made her chuckle.
" I like it too , its a bit big on me but it comfortable " she said looking down at the hoodie he had told her to wear . His Slytherin team hoodie.
" good , keep it " he said looking down at her
" Mal-... I mean Draco , I can't keep it it's yours"he chuckled at her " mistake "
" yeah you can , plus it looks good on you , I like seeing you in it "
" if you say so " she said in a sassy tone. " so ... is it really necessary for you to sleep here tonight?" Her voice turned more serious .
" yeah , MadamPomfrey has more work to do on me"
She was a bit cared of the thought of being alone one again at night . " I have a few calming draught in my trunk, take one before sleep , it should help " he said . She got up and looked at him . She was amazed at how well he saw through her .
" are you sure ? I don't want-"
" I am, take it , you need it " he said as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear . She nodded along with him .
" well than , I should go ..." she got up and headed for the dor way but he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her closer in a kiss . She could feel her cheeks quickly turning scarlet .

Next chapter : the party

Hi guys ! I know it's short and I haven't posted in a while but my life is a mess rn so yeah ! 😂hope u enjoyed it , soon posting the next chapter !

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