12. the pact was broken

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Draco sighed in annoyance as he stretched his arms , he wished he would of gotten more sleep . He looked next to him only to see Hermione who was still sound asleep. He pushed the few strands of hair that were covering her calming face behind her ear , for a moment he admired her wondering if things will ever get back to the way they used to be before he left Hogwarts. He sighed  and got up .

About 20 minutes later Hermione rolled out of bed . She looked around the room and noticed the  empty side of the bed where Draco slept. While pulling on a pair of socks she wandered downstairs to see what was the amazing smell coming from the kitchen.

She walked downstairs into the kitchen only to find Draco in his sweatpants and an apron cooking eggs while drinking his coffee . She leaned up against the dor and studied him for a second.
" 'morning..."
" ... morning"
" hope you're ok with eggs?" He said while checking on them .
" yeah " she nodded and sat down at the table .
" so ... how did you sleep ?"
" -um fine ... " she said coldly as she remembered her nightmare .
" coffee or tea ?"
" tea will do , thanks "

A few minutes later the two of them were sat at the table eating there breakfast.

" Dreco ! Dreco ! Can we play ?" Said Teddy as he ran in the kitchen
" what do you wanna play?" He said sipping on his coffee.
" hide and seak " he said excitedly.
" okey , well let me finish my coffee and we'll play " he chuckled.

Hermione decided to stay in the livingroom on the couch with her book . For the next hour or so she saw them running around the house , at some point she even pointed to where Draco went to help Teddy catch him .

" Salazar..." he exhaled while he was sitting down on the wooden floor " comme on last 2  and then nap time " he got up .
" do you wanna play ?" Said Teddy with a shy voice to Hermione.
" sure " she smiled and put her book down .
" well than " he said with a smirk " you got 2 minutes" he coverd his eyes .
Teddy quickly booked it upstairs while Hermione decided to go down one of the manny halls . One by one she looked in the rooms . Most of them were empty or filled with clutter. Eventually she found a small room  that looked promising . She closed the dor behind her and looked around , there wasn't much . She choose to hide under the bed . 5 ... 10 ... 15 minutes have gone by and there was no sign of  Draco . After 20 minutes she finally heard footsteps outside the dor , he enterd
" where the fuck is she ?" He murmured . Hermione smirked at that .
She heard him close the dor behind " that was close" she sighed in relief. Suddenly something grabbed her  by the ankle and pulled her out , she yelped .
" you must think I'm stupid, don't you ?" He said with a smirk splatted on his face . She went scarlet. Something about him in that moment made her stomach turn upside down. Draco landed her a hand and she took it . Hermione opend her mouth to talk but Teddy ran in the room .
" did you find her ? Can I count now ?" He said excitedly
" yes you can . Remember 120 seconds okey?" The kid nodded and than covered his eyes . Quickly Draco and Hermione booked it out of the room both of them stopping for a second in the hall to think . Hermione didnt waist any time and ran down the hall to the main room . Still thinking she decided to go upstairs. While walking down the hall she herd footsteps downstairs, quickly she looked around and went in what looked like a broom closet. The footsteps we're getting closer and closer by the second . The dor swong open .
" move over " Draco said before getting inside and closing the dor . " what ?" He said looking at Hermione
" are you serious? Out of all of the rooms in this manor you chose to get in this one?"
" I'm sorry , how was I supposed to know someone would be hiding in my spot?" He said sarcastically
" yeah big coincid- Auch ! My foot !dont you see there isn't any room-"
" sorry , here " he moved so they could face eatch other . But still being so close they could feel each other's breath .
" quit being so touchy , Granger " he teased as he felt her leg brush to his . Her jaw dropped
" I'm sorry do I need to remind you you're the one who-" she was cut of by him placing his hand over her mouth. Her eyebrows frowned. She tried to grab his hand but he grabbed hers with his free one .
" stop fussing , you're gonna get us caught " he said in a low serios voice, she gulped and listened to the footsteps going down the hallway. She looked up at Draco , who was listening very attentively like he was trying to figure something out .
" that's not Teddy..." he murmured while taking out his wand .
The two of them listened closely until they heard the footsteps walk away .
Draco slowly opend the dor and looked around. He grabbed Hermiones hand and started walking the other way .
" Draco what's this about?" She asked as they were walking around the house looking for Teddy .
After a few more minutes they found him wondering in one of the rooms.
Draco sighed him to be quiet . He nodded.
" we have one of those emergency's i talked you about " he knelt down to speak to him " hermione here s gonna take you to some friends of mommy and daddy's , ok? So just listen to them " the kid nodded. He got up and looked at hermione who had a concernd look .
" take Teddy and apparate to the borrow , you'll be safe there . tell Molly the pact was broken , she ll know what's about " he tightened his grip on her hand " and don't come back " he let go of her hand " go " he turned around but Hermione grabbed his wrist
" Draco -"
" I know ... now go "
Hermione picked Teddy up in her arms . Pop*

The Borrow

The two of them appareted right in the kitchen . Hermione put Teddy down and told him to wait there .
" MsWeasley !" She said running up the stairs " MsWeasley !" George came out of his room
" Hermione ?!" He looked down the stairs " w-what ar-"
" i need your help !" She Said and he quicly came down .
" Hermione my dear ! What's wrong? Why are you-" said MsWeasly looking down the stairs .
" Arent you supposed to be at Hogwarts ?"
" it's an emergency, um - ... Draco said something about a pact being broken "she said in panick
" oh , yes . Merlin , where's the boy ? " she said going down the stairs
" he's here , can I leave him with you ?" She said in a hurry
"you aren't thinking of going back are you ?"She looked at her and knew that was exactly what she was planning to do " Hermione you can't ! It's to dangerous " she grabbed her hand " by this time it might be packed with deatheaters"
" I'm sorry Molly " she let go of her hands " but I can't stay here knowing he's in danger"pop*

Hi guys ! This chapter is shorter than usual because it's half of what I wanted in this chapter, the put her half will be the next chapter ( witch is half done ) but I decided to separete them because next chapter will be long and complex so yeah , hopefully it will be out soon 💚💚

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