16. Is that a bad thing ?

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It was around 1pm . The great hall was looking emptyer than usual . Most kids were outside enjoying the last bits of sunshine before winter actually started. As usual , Hermione's nose was stuck in a book waiting for Draco to come back from practice and have lunch together. Expecting to find Draco , she looked across the table only to see Harry sat in front of her . She closed her book and looked at him , waiting to see what he had to say .
" ... so ... there's a rumor going around...about you and M-"she sighed and he stopped taking.
" it's not a rumor, Harry..."  she said in a small voice . almost could say she sounded disappointed, but she wasn't. She just wasn't looking up to the moment this conversation would happen. She knew the day would come , when Ron or Harry would show up and lecture her-
" so ... you are dateing " he said in a calm tone and Hermione nodded in agreement. He signed and pressed his lips in a thin line .
Hermione could already feel the wave of points and reasons of why she "shouldn't be dateing him" when all of a sudden-
" are you happy ?" He asked genuinely.
Hermione looked at him for a few seconds, not being able to comprehend what he said .
" ... yes ... I am " she  answered him truthfully. Still waiting for him to " lash out " about the news .
" good ... if you're happy, I'm happy..." he said with a small smile .
" you are ? " she asked with her eyebrows frowned
"Of course, Hermione . Wh-"
" you're not mad at me?"
" never..." he said as he grabbed one of her hands and held it " Is he treating you well ? " he asked and Hermione nodded in agreement " than I have nothing to say " Hermione smiled at his words ." ... Ron isn't taking in too well " he pinched the bridge of his nose " says you're trying to make him look bad " he chuckled at his own words. " told him not to confront you about it , since he's wrong but ... you know Ron " he sighed " he never listens ... so if he gives you any trouble just tell me , I'll try to take care of it "
" thanks ... I appreciate it " she gave a smile in return. There relationship was weird. Like distant siblings. They still got along yet they weren't supposed to because of there friends.
" so ... how's Cho ? I wasn't to hard on her , was I ?" He chuckled along with her .
" fine , we both kinda deserve it . Lying to Ginny wasn't very nice of us ... tough she is terrified of you , now " she chuckled. As they were talking about how the past months have gone by Hermione saw Draco was walking towards them . She felt his hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him with an unconscious smile , he winked down at her .
" Malfoy" Harry greated peacefully.
" Potter" he looked back at him .
" well than" Harry got up from his seat "I'll leave you two be , was good hearing from you , Hermione" he said before walking away .
" what was that about?" Draco asked as he sat down next to her.
" nothing... he was just checking up on me" she said pushing away the sweaty hairs away from his face .
About two days later the news of them dateing wasn't a rumor anymore but the cover of the schools newspaper . Collin had caught a picture of them , that gave them away .
Hermione was hanging out with Ginny in the GreatHall, waiting for Blaise and Draco to come back from practice when Pantsy showed up and slammed on the table the schools newspaper.
Hermione quickly picked it up and unfolded it . Half of the page was a moving picture of them . Hermione was sitting in his lap reading a book when he made her laugh , she than kissed him . The picture went on and on in a continuous loop .
" when was this even taken ?" Ginny asked as she took the newspaper away from her .
" yesterday...we were studying by the lake" she said still looking at the news paper .
" look at the title... it's scandalous " said Pantsy with her hands on her hips and eyebrows frowned.
Hermione was so focused on the picture she didn't even think about the title but when she looked her breath caught and teeth clenched.

Griffindor golden girl and smartest witch of her age , Hermione Granger dateing deatheater and murderer, Draco Malfoy ?!

" Merlin...." Ginny mumbled under her breath.
She took the news paper to get a closer look . There was a small article about it under the picture.

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