3. roommates

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That morning Hermione woke up to a very excited Ginny who had already finished packing both of there bags . With that si quickly got dress , tamed her mane and the two made there way to breakfast
As they reached the GreatHall Ginny spotted Blaise who was signaling them to come over and sit with them .
"Where's everyone ?" Asked Ginny as the two girls sat down opposite from Blaise
" well... Malfoy's having a talk with McGonagall, he should be here any minute..." he looked around the room and saw him coming there way " speak of the devil " he added as he sat down next to him
"What about Pantsy and Theo?" Ginny asked while sipping on her tea .the two boys eyed each other .
" you see ... Pantsy and Theo don't always join us for breakfast" he said while adding food on his plate " there buizzy... having dessert " he mumbled the last part . Ginny almost spit out her tea .
" o my Merlin ..."she chuckled " but ... it's only 8:30 am !" She looked at the huge clock hanging on the stone wall .
" yeah , funny story " he chuckled " one of the prefects caught them and there on high surveillance so they manage to do it in the morning " he and Ginny laught at the story and Malfoy just chuckled.
" I still don't understand... " said Hermione with a confused look .
" she's to innocent to understand!" Blaize added , Ginny burst out laughing while Draco gulped on his drink .
Finally Ginny calmed down and wiped her tears , Hermione was still confused as dough what was so funny. She tilted her head and frowned her eyebrows trying to understand
" you know ..." Ginny had a smug look on her face " the dirty " she said before plopping a baby tomato in the mouth. Hermione had gone red in the face .
" Merlin " she mumbled " let's um - not talk about that at the table " she looked back down at her food
" what , too pure , Granger ?" Malfoy asked as his thin pressed lips curved in a smirk .

Soon enough breakfast was done and they all went back to there respective commun rooms.

" didn't they say 11 a clock ? " Ginny asked herself as they entered only to find a heard of people moving trunks and givin there schoolmates directions.
" yeah , i guess they got a headstart ..." Hermione added as they made there way trough to there room
About half an hour later they heard a loud banging on the wooden dor .
" here for your bags!" A familiar voice yelled before opening the dor . Ron enterd with a stack of papers in his hands .
" prefects asked me to help " he explained. " Dave can you come take these bags !" He yelled out the dor and a boy quickly enterd and dragged the two trunks out
" where to ?" He asked
" aah let me look ... "he licked his thumb and started going trough is papers " who are you guys with ?" He looked at us .
" Pantsy , Theo , Blaise and Malfoy " said Hermione confidently . His red bushy eyebrows frowned in response ." Ginny we still have one place in our dorm "
" No , I'm good ! " she smiled at him , which  pissed him of  even more
" you're not really thinking of staying with them ,right? " he looked up from his papers and crossed his arms
" do what I want Ron , now tell the boy our dorm number " Ginny barked back at him
" 246 , flor number 3 , portrait of the little girl and dog , password : amare " he hissed and slammed the dor behind him .
Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed.
" well than , let's go find our new dormroom " Hermione nodded in agreement, she took Crookshaks in her arms and followed the girl out the dor .

" Merlin ! We're never gonna find our room !" Ginny cried sarcastically. That next moment they turned a corner and say there soon to be roommates standing in front of a portrait.They all greated the girls .
" Granger , do you happ-"
"He's so cute! Ohhhhh were gonna have so much funnn ! I bet you'll love to take naps with me ! Sleappy baby!" Pantsy was talking to Crookshanks in a baby voice . Hermione chuckled at her reaction while the rest ether laughed or rolled their eyes at her .
" here take him !" Hermione carefully put the chubby cat in her arms and some how her voice managed  to get even higher " what were you saying?" She looked at Malfoy
" Blaize forgot the password and we were hoping you would know it " Said Theo before Malfoy got a chance to open his mouth .
" yeah , it's amare." She said looking at the portrait with a little girl playing with a dog , when she heard me smiled and said " come on in " and the portrait swung open .
" I knew it was something in Latin " said Blaize
Theo and Blaise were quick to run inside , Hermione though she was going to be the last one entering but right when Malfoy was supposed to go in he turned to face her .
"Well , laides first !" He said with sa small smirk . Her cheeks turned red in surprisement. Some gave him a smile in thanks and than walked in the portrait hole . The communroom was absolutely amazing. Right when she enterd she could see a big fireplace with a wood cofetable in front of it which was surrounded by one big L shaped couch and 2 big armchairs , who were already occupied by Theo and Blaize . The rooms colorscheme was grey , lots of pretty shades of it , with nude colors and lots of wood and silver accents. The way the light of the fire danced all around the room , pulled it all together.
On the right of the room was a big wooden table surrounded by 8 chairs not only that but the walls were bookshelves filled with new books she couldn't wait to read . Hermione could already see herself spending her time there studying.
While the rest of them were looking around admiring the beautiful furniture , Hermione couldn't help herself but trace her finger along the book spines and reading all the new books she could read . She even recognized a few familiar titles she had already read trough her years . She was simply fascinated by it , she never really imagined her future life but one thing she was sure she would have , was a big wall full of books . Her lips curved into a smile just thinking about it . She turned to see what the others were doing and she caught Malfoy's gaze .
" guys come and see this !" Said Pantsy from one of the rooms .
On the left of the room was an archway to a hall .
Hermione walked away from the book case and enterd the room , she saw that the hall had 3 dors , one on the right , one on the left and one at the end of the hall .the room on the right was the girls room , , the one one the left was the boys room and there was only one for left to open . The bathroom.it was breathtaking, a full wall of mirrors , two sinks and a huge counter and lastly a masive bath  and shower , It was almost as big as the one the prefects had . It was overall amazing.
" Hermione!" Ginny called and she went to meet everyone on the couch
" so ... I wanted to ask you guys something and it's totally okey if you say no " said Pantsy
"Yeah sure "Hermione sat down next to Ginny
" so ...ah " she scratched the back of her neck . Both of the girls were confuzed to what was so important.
" Pantsy is asking if it would be okey if we slept in your room and you would in mine " said Theo
" I wouldn't bother me " Hermione said " me nether " Ginny added .

The day went preatty fast and they were already walking back from dinner. When they got back to there dorm they realized that it was a bit more complicated than it seemed.
That is , night routines. 6 of them and 1 bathroom. Hermione sighed just at the thought of it .
" so how are we going to do this ?" Ginny asked as she sat down in one of the armchairs.
"Well , I know I'm last because I take a long time to get ready " said Pantsy " and I can go while she goes " Theo added with a smirk , Pantsy just rolled her eyes at him
" okey than , we'll let Granger first than Weaslete, than me than blaize and lastly you two " said Malfoy  as he sat on the edge of the couch . The two girls looked at each other .
" we can go together, like that it won't take that long " Hermione said and Ginny nodded along
" what about when you shower?" Said Theo jokingly and Pantsy shoved him .
" what about it ?" Said Ginny
"she has six brothers , do you really think sharing a bathroom with me is that big of a deal?" Hermione added
" you know , I'm starting to really like your style of thinking " said Blaize jokenly to Gin and they all laughed.
" Well than , let's get on it "

After Ginny and Hermione finished they decided to go and move there things to the other room . The both of them nervously left the bathroom and went to the " girls " room , that because they were both in pyjamas and they were both in black shorts and a shirt . ( the shorts were a bit revealing:)
" here let me help you " said Blaize and took both of there trunks and moved them in there room .
It was quite nice , the room was black and dark green themed and had silver accents.
"Thanks a lot !" Said Ginny , she gave him a warm smile
" no prob !" Blaize said before winking at her and leaving the room but peaking his head back in " by the way , looking good red head " he quickly left
The two stared at each other in shock
" did he -..." Ginny tried to make out a sentence but nothing came out .She turned a bright shade of scarlet.
As they finished up on putting there clothes away
Malfoy was standing in the dor frame with only a towel around his waist. For a mysterious reason Hermiones eyes lingerd down to his marble looking abs .
"Quit staring Granger I'm not a museum " he said with a smirk . She looked away and noticed Ginny had a huge grin on her face
" do you guys mind going in the living room for a bit , I have to change"
" yeah , sure ..." the two quickly got up and went past him ." Damn " he mumbled and than closed the dor .
Ginny quickly turned to face Hermione
"am I the only one who heard that ?" She asked and Hermione nodded no' . " he just checked you out " she giggled excitedly.
" he did not  !" Hermione looked away from her trying to hide the fact that she was blushing.
" he so did ! Comme on at least admit it he s good looking " she grabbed a hold of her arm and dugged " admit it !"
" okey ! He is !" she rolled her eyes even dough she was telling the truth

Not long after that the dor opend and one of the boys yelled that they could come in .
"Soo... " Blaize was scratching the back of his neck " we didn't think this trough ... " he looked at the beds . There were only 3 beds and they were 4 .
" can't we just put a spell on one of the beds and make it bigger?" Ginny asked.
" not really , tried with theos bed , the prefects noticed and we got in trouble " said Blaise and sighed " I'll just sleep on the couch ,  we'll take turns " Malfoy nodded along to the ideea .
Blaise took out one of the extra blankets and pillows and made his way to the living room .
They all chose a bed . Hermione got middle, Ginny chose her left and Malfo was on her right.
Eventually they all got to there things .Ginny disappeared, probably to the bathroom and Hermione went to get a book to read .
She walked in the living room and found Malfoy who was already looking at the bookcase . She approached and looked at the manny titles .
So finally found an interesting title but when she reached for it she realized it was to high for her to reach . She sighed .
" here " Draco took out the book without effort and handed it to her .Hermione looked up at him in suprisement she still couldn't belive he was being this nice to her .
" um... thanks " she said before going back to there room and getting under the covers .
About 2 or 3 minutes later Malfoy walked in , got in bed and opend up his book and started reading.
Both of them didn't say anything for half an hour until Crookshanks got of Hermiones bed and jumped up on his , only to cuddle up on his feet .
" he likes you " hermione put her book down at looked at him .Malfoy chuckled. Not long after that Hermione placed her book on the night stand and turned the other way . She heard him close his and than blow out the candle they used for reading.
"night , Granger "
" goodnight " she responded in a small voice before dozing off "

Later that night ....

Hi guys! Sorry got the cliffhanger but this chapter was already really long so I didn't want to make it any longer ! Hope you guys like it ! Leave a comment 💚

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