11. never thought the day would come

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A kid ? He has a kid ?I thought no this can't be right ...

He lifted the kid up in his arms and hugged him tightly . Never thought he'd be good with kids ...

A few minutes later the three of them walked back inside.

The tall black haired woman looked me up and down .

" MsMalfoy , thank you so much for letting me stay he-"
"Oh ! Stop it " she chuckled and hugged me tightly
" call me Narcissa ! Thank you for coming! "
" oh , I'm Hermione, sorry for not introduci-"
" oh , dear ! I know who you are , no need for introductions, Draco here wouldn't shut up about you for a m-"I looked at Draco and he was completely red .
" mother-"
" yeah yeah " she smiled at him " well than ! We'll be going upstairs ! Oh ! Before I forget , i made a lovely tomato soup and chicken pie , Draco's favorite " she chuckled and looked at her son . He looked away in embarrassment " I hope that's okey with you? If anything, just tell Draco, he'll make something else for you . I know it may not look like it but he's actually a great cook !" She looked over at him .
" well than , I'll be going upstairs , I'll see you three at dinner " she smiled and walked out of the kitchen . " and try to behave while I'm gone " she mumbled under her breath.

"how about you go play outside ?" He asked the kid and he opend the back dor " go on , I'm right behind you " he looked back at me.

" that's why you left school for a month? You nocked up some girl ?" I asked sarcastically.
" no " he chuckled "Teddy's my little cousin , kind of . He's my cousins kid. But um ... Tonks died in the war and my mother took him in . Since his grandmother doesn't want him around at the moment, she still has unfinished business that she doesn't want him to be a part of . But I mainly left school because mother is very sick , she only has a few months left and she couldn't handle a 4 year old anymore "
" oh , I'm really sorry to hear that ... so um- ...he's Nymphadora's and Lupin's kid ? " I said trying to change the subject.
" yeah , did you know them ?"
" yeah , they -... they helped us a lot. And um ... well they were preatty close to to Wesleys , spent a few holidays together so ... yeah"
" I'm sorry to hear that ... I bet they were nice people , I never actually got to meet them since my family- well you know "
"They would of liked you a lot " he chuckled am my response
" well than , if you want to you can stay inside or join us , just make yourself at home "
" oh , okey ... well I'll just go grab my book and I'll join you guys "
He gave a quick smile in agreement before going out the dor .


Draco and Teddy spent the next two hours chasing eatch other and playing around the garden while I sat on the bench reading my book and occasionally looked up at them .

We decided to go back inside since it was already lunch time .

" Bon appétit " said Draco as he put a boul of tomato soup and a few vegetables on the side in front of Teddy . The kid didn't think twice and gulped down the soup but didn't touch any of his greens .
" what about your veggies?" The kid looked displeased at him " comme on Teddy, eat your vegetables " he looked down at them and moved them around the plate contemplating " comme on Teddy , so you can grow big and strong ! Like me ! "I was trying not to laugh and he noticed " what ?!"
" nothing nothing!" I said covering my mouth .

Soon enough Teddy finished eating and Draco took him upstairs to his afternoon nap .

" so what do you want to eat ?" He said as he came back in the kitchen and started looking in the fridge.
" hmm ... my veggies so I'll grow big and strong like you " I said in a baby voice. He turned around to face me with a smirk .
" ha ha . Very funny. Wait until you have kids , you won't be laughing anymore " he turned back around and took out the chicken pie .
" not anytime soon " I chuckled
" you never know " he kept looking in the fridge " what about chicken pie ? "I nodded in agreement " you think I was expecting to take care of a 4 year old at the age of 19? "
" I guess your right ... "


Soon enough it was already time for dinner. Teddy had already eaten so the three grownups could have an nice quiet dinner.
" so , what do you plan to do after finishing your studies?" Narcissa started a  conversation since the dinner table was quiet.
" well , I'm planning to join the Ministery of Magic  , in the Magical Law Enforcement Department " she got all excited talking about it .
" after that ?" She sipped from her wine .
" well , um ... " she thought for a second but couldn't come up with anything .That's when she realized she always thought about her studies and future job but she never stopped a second to think about her personal life " ...- um , I-I don't know "she looked down at her plate .
" well , don't worry about it , you'll figure it out when the time comes " she smiled at her . " you know Draco , I never thought the day would come" Narcissa looked up at her son .
" what day ? " he looked confused at her .she smiled and took a sip from her wineglass.
" the day you'd bring a nice girl home "Draco had gone wide eyed and red in the face while Hermione choked on her drink for a split second. "Especially a girl like Hermione , so smart and beautiful" Hermiones cheeks turned a rose color .
" Thank you , I'm flattered " Hermione gave her a small smile .
" Well than " she got up and grabbed her wineglass " I'll be going" she smiled at the two of them " I recon you'll help Hermione settle in " she looked at her son , he nodded in agreement. " hope you have nice rest of the night " she left the room . " and behave " they heard her from the other room .
" I'm sorry about her " he sighed " I told her we're n-"he scratched the back of his neck .
" it's fine " she chuckled .
" well if you're done I'll show you to your room " the girl nodded in agreement . Before leaving the dining room Draco waved his wand and all the dishes made there way in the kitchen.


" ill go bring your bags " he said as he left the room .
She looked around . It was huge , about the size of there commun room . Even dough the huge stone fireplace lit the room , it was still dark and gloomy , colored with shades of black , grey and green with small accents of silver here and there . The wall surrounding the fireplace was full of books . She walked along the wall and ran her fingers on the spine of the books , slowly reading the titles . She noticed that a lot of the books were about potions or dark arts . She stopped in front of the fireplace and looked up . She gulped . There was a big portrait of the three sisters .

          Andromeda ......Narcissa.....B-Bellatrix

It was like she could feel there presence.she quickly continued looking around the room , trying to nat make eye contact with it . While looking around she noticed a huge closet and bathroom were connected to the room . Other than that it was quite empty .
" here " Draco placed her bag at the foot of the bed .
" thanks "
" ... I'll leave you to it " he headed for the dor " my room is right across, if anything " she gave a quick smile and he closed the dor behind him .


The black haired woman was on top of  her, holding her down with her wand at her throat .

" how did you get in my vault?! Answer me you filthy mudblood !! "The woman screamed at her
"We didn't! I swear ! I swear!" Hermione cried , not knowing what to do
"LIAR!" She screamed "did the goblin help you ?!"
She nodded no' while tears streamed down her face .

" Filthy LIAR!" the woman took her knife and started carving in her skin .

" No please! Nooo!"she yelled in horror.

Hermione woke up yelling and gasping for air.
Next thing Draco bursted in the room she was still scared from her nightmare and grabbed her wand .
" Hermione? You ok ?" He said with a worried look.
" it's you..." she sighed and lowered her wand " I-I... I'm ... " she lost her words .
" nightmares?" She nodded in agreement while a few tears rolled down her cheeks. " thought they'd be gone by now ..." he frowned.
" they were for a moment , I guess being here brings back memories " she wiped her tears away .
For a moment they both stood in silance. Hermione trying to calm her heartbeat down and Draco trying to figure out how he could help her .
" Draco ...can um-...can you stay here tonight... with me ?"

Hi guys ! Thanks for all the love and support! Next chapter will be out soon ! Ly 💚💚

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