13. cursed

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Trigger warning ⚠️ mention of blood and description of surgery

Malfoy manor

Like that she was back at the manor , this time she aparated in her room.
" Crucio !"A yell came from downstairs. It made her heart sink , it sounded like Draco.
She took her wand out and carefully opend the dor.
" and now I'm going to get rid of you" she heard while going down the stairs " just like the rest of your pathetic fami-"the blonde haired woman froze for a second " so it's true " she turned around and looked straight in Hermione eyes.While walking down the steps she saw Draco laying on the floor, blending.
" no..." Draco breathed out in pain .
" little golden girl really is at the Malfoy Manor "she cackled " the more the marrier ! Isn't that right , Draco? " she smiled and he looked at her with a disgusted look .
" Hermione, leave , before it's to late " Said Draco with the last bit of power he had in him but she didnt show any sign of doing that
" oh ! I get it now !" She laughed " how adorable! Our beloved Slytherin prince " she walked over and grabbed him by the hair " has feelings for a FILTHY mudblood " she laughed histericly. " well this is going to be ... so.much.fun" she looked back at Hermione and held up her wand .
The two started throwing spells at each other , all unsuccessful until ...
" experlliarmus!" The witches wand flew right in the air and in Hermiones grasp . The woman gasped
" how dare you ! Take a witches wand away !" She yelled  trying to figure out what to do now .
" you're out of options "
" I may have one last-" she took out a small knife and threw it right at her .
Hermione felt a sharp stab . She looked down and saw the dagger in her left leg . She breathed out shakily.
" I'll be back " she cackled walking towards the window " especially for you " she looked back at Hermione and than with a black mist she flew away .
" Hermione..." Draco breathed out .
As fast as she could Hermione stumbled next to him and saw how bad things were . He had 3 large wounds on his chest .
" Hermione..." he sighed while placing his hand on her cheek.
" Don't Draco .... " tears started to well up in her eyes " your gonna be fine , I promise " Hermione quickly took her wand and stopped to think for a moment
" you're so beautiful..." he said as his eyes slowly started to shut .
" nonono, Draco stay  awake" she cried " please don't do this to me " .quickly she traced the wand  along the deep cuts while saying an incantation. " please Draco please "she mumbled. She could hear Draco's breathing calm down as the pain stopped. The blood flow slowed and the wounds started to sow themselves. " please " she placed a hand on his cheek and rested her forehead on his, she could fell his slow breathing, it was almost inexistant" don't do this to me" she mumbled and listened to his breath until it stopped . Tears ran down her cheeks " please wake up I can't live without you " she pleaded right before kissing him . Suddenly she felt his hand wipe her tears away . Hermione opend her eyes and looked down at him , he was completely healed , besides the fresh scars who were looking fleshed .
"Hermione... your leg " he said while looking at the small knife who was still stabbed in her upper thigh .
Just now Hermione finally got the time to realize that all the blood still spreading on the wooden floor wasn't Draco's but hers. The pain had finally hitt her .
" fuck ..." she said under her breath .
"Hold on "said Draco before getting up and lifting her up in his arms . " you ok ?" He noticed how she flinched from the pain.
" hurts ... a lot " she managed to get out before resting her head on his shoulder
" I know ... just hold on " and with a pop* they were gone .

Location unknown

Pop* Hermione looked around confused , they were in the middle of the woods
" where are we ?"
" a safe house "Said Draco as he kept walking and a small cottage came into sight. " how's your leg feeling?"
" kind of numb at the moment "
" don't worry, we'll get inside and I'll fix you up "
A minute later they finally got to the house .
It was smaller than Hermione expected , even for a getaway house she expected the Malfoys to have a haul other manor, instead it was a small cottage with two 2 rooms . The main one which was the living room and kitchen area and the second one which was a small bathroom.
Draco carefully placed Hermione down on the sofa and went in the bathroom , shortly he came back with a small dark blue bag . He sat on the flor in front of her and began looking in it and quickly talking a few things out . He sighed.
" ... I'm gonna have to take it out ..." he looked up at her , Hermiones eyes went wide , she was already in pain , she couldn't imagine the excruciating pain she'd have to go trough next . " ... or do you want to do it ? " he asked and she came back to reality. She quickly shook her head no' repetitively.
" ... fuck " he sighed, clearly not being excited about what he was about to do . He got up and went back in the bathroom to grab a few towels. He had everything he needed now. Draco sat before Hermione and thought for a second. " gonna need your wand for healing... that cunt broke mine " Hermione quickly handed him her wand .
" just get it over with..."
" ok..." he sighed and looked at the dagger " if it makes you feel any better , I attended a few healer classes , so I know what I'm doing ... " she chuckled at what he said . " ok.. in 3... " he exhaled.... " 2" he wrapped his hand around the handle and she flinched " 1" Hermiones screamed trough her teeth as he pulled the knife out as fast as he could.
" Draco I can't ! Please ! I can't I can't "she cried.
" Hermione, it's half way out " he placed his free hand on her cheek " I know you can do it , comme on " he quickly pulled out the rest of the dagger .
" fuckkkk, fuck fuck fuck fuck " she cried with her jaw clenched. Draco tossed the dagger on the flor , quickly grabbed a towel and pressed on the wound before sitting next to her and pulling her on his lap .
Hermione rested her head on his chest while trying to calm her breathing .
" you did so good " he said resting his head on top of hers " I knew you could do it " he said before kissing the top of her head . Reality was Draco couldn't bare seeing her like this , especially when she was going through all this pain because of him . She was loosing a lot of blood. Even dough the tool wasn't very big the wound was deep , deep enough to see the bone.
" It'll be all over in a minute " he reassured the girl who was holding on to him .
Draco grabbed the wand and started to say the incantation.
About 20 seconds go by and nothing's happening , besides the fact that Hermione is still loosing blood .
" no nonono ...." he mumbled and Hermione looked up at him . " it can't be ..."
" what's happening ?"she asked as Draco quickly got up and took the knife in his hand . He studied it . " ...Draco ?" She asked right before he grabbed the dagger in his right hand , took deep breath and made a small slit in his other hand . Her eyes went wide. He tossed the knife back on the flor and grabbed the wand and pointed it at his cut . He muffled something. Nothing happened. He sighed and dropped the wand . " Draco what's wrong?"
" knifes cursed ... I can't use healing magic , gonna have to stich you by myself " she gulped at his words. He quickly looked back in the blue bag and took out what he needed . A needle and stitches.
Before Draco got on his knees he wiped the excess blood once again and than pulled Hermione at the edge of the seat so he could get a better angle.
He sighed before starting , Hermione flinched at the first toughes of the needle , after a few minutes she got used to the pain . At this point she was watching Draco work , in a disturbing way it relaxed her .
" you're doing great" he looked up at her, he could see her the rivers of tears that went down her face in the past 10 minutes. " I'm already halfway there " he gave a thin smile .
About 10 more minutes have gone by and Draco finished wrapping her wound . He looked up at her . Hermione looked absolutely exhausted .after carefully moving her on a armchair he grabbed her wand waved it and the sofa turned into a bed . He than grabbed her and tucked her under the covers .
Draco sat on the side of the bed while caressing her cheek with his thumb , helping her fall asleep trough the pain .

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