6. I remembered who you are

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"Are you ok ?" Malfoy asked while placing a hand on her bare thigh . Surprisingly his hand was warm ,   comforting in a way but burning because of how high it was placed . Hermione cussed at herself for wearing a skirt that day .
" y-yeah... im okey "she replied while playing with her fingers in frustration.he didn't say anything  , he just rand his thumb along her skin letting her know he was there for her . Yet she still spaced out , this time the world didn't seem so cold and frozen , this time it felt burning hot , like his touch . Her stomach turned upside down while she tried to calm her heartbeat.why did she feel this way ?
" Granger ?" He broke her away from her thoughts .
" yeah? Sorry... what were you saying?" She lightly shook her head trying to concentrate
" can you pass me that ?" Hermione quickly gave the small pot with rose petals she picked earlier. He thanked her and added them to the cauldron, he than started stirring. As he did that Hermione started cutting off the thorns from the remaining plant. That's when she noticed Draco placed his hand back on her tigh when he was doing easy tasks . The haul class he kept rubbing his thumb along her skin  drawing patterns and designs that didn't make sense . He  only took his hand away at the end of class when Slughorn was checking the potions and they were next up
" aha! Finally! A winner !" Said Professor Slughorn as he dropped a leaf in there potion.
" well done Granger and Malfoy ! I'll make sure to add 15 points for eatch house " he smiled " now ... Malfoy would you tell me what exactly do you smell "
" sure professor " he said before stepping closer and taking a few sniffs of the potion " well... I smell vanilla .." sniff* sniff* " ... honey " sniff* " freshly baked cookies and ah... a faint hint of rose" he slowly stepped away still looking at the potion.
" what about you miss Granger ?" He looked at her with his eyebrows raised . She nodded and stepped closer , scared of what she would discover from her unconsciousness
" mint ... forest wood " She sniffed again " ...lime and rain " She backed up from the potion still looking at it and thinking about what she smelled
"Very good ! If you'll have your friends or colleges smell it ,you know for pure fun " he smiled and went on looking at the other desks. The bothe of them stood silently thinking about what they had smelled and how familiar it felt to them until Ginny came by there desk . She was followed by Blaise .
" can I smell it ?" She asked .
Malfoy nodded in agreement and pushed the potion towards her , clearly not wanting it to be near him again .
" so ... what do you smell ?" I asked
" a musky smell , a forest maybe , " she sniffed again " um ... some kind of strong alcohol...not sure ..." she thought for a second
" firewhiskey ?" Blaize asked and Ginnys face light up
" yeah that's it ...and fresly moned grass " she backed away slowly " your turn " she pushed Blaize to smell it .
He only took two snifs " fresh strawberries , sugar  ... and umm .... watermelon " he stepped away . " but mostly like you ,Gin " he looked at her .
" oh stop it !" She playfully pushed him .
"Salazars sake " Malfoy mumbled and Hermione giggled at his reaction , he chuckled along .
" very good class ! Most of you did your work " he looked at Ron and Lavander who didn't even start " I'd like you to write an essay with your partener about Polyjuice Potion , it's due to next week " he wrote the information in the board " you are all dismissed!"
" Finally! Let's go have some fun !" Blaize grabed Ginnys and the two ran out the class room .
" well ... um- I'm going to the library to do the essay now since tomorrow's the quidditchmach and Sunday's the party" She took her bag and tossed it over her shoulder .
" well than , I'll see you later " he took his bag and set of .

Hermione considered herself lucky but the empty library the second week of school was quite normal. She wasn't complaining dough , she liked being alone , even if it felt lonely. She took out the books she needed and sat down on one of the couches . One of the good things that happened after the war is that they rebuilt and redecorated the castle. Now there was a big fireplace surrounded by multiple couches .
It looked a lot better and it felt better. Hermione couldn't remember the count of cold sleepless nights she spent in that room .
She set her book bag down and grabbed some parchment and her quill . She opend her books and started researching more than she new already about her essay . That's when she felt someone sit quite close to her , she kept looking down at her paper and scooted further away . They moved closer . She sighed but kept her eyes on her paper . All of a sudden her book was taken from her lap .
" excuse me ?! I was-" she turned to see Malfoy. " oh ... sorry didn't know it was you " her cheeks turned red in embarrassment
" it's fine " he chuckled.
" so ... can I have my book back ?" She asked curiously with a bit of sarcasm
" hmm .... no " he said but Hermione didn't know if he was joking or making fun of her .
" well I need the book for our essay, so please give it back "
" yeah still no " he said with a serious tone before taking his bag and searching trough it .
" Malfoy I am no-"hermione got quickly angered but Malfoy cut her off
" here " he gave a book he took out of his bag " this might be better" Hermione took the book and looked at it , it looked familiar, than it hit her .
" no... how did you-"
" he gave it to me before he passed away "
Hermione kept looking at the cover , not being able it was real . Advanced Potion Making . She slowly opend it and looked at the first page property of TheHalfBloodPrince .
" you can keep it " he said and Hermiones head shot up .
" Malfoy, I can't .... but he gave it to you " hermione declined
" I know it like the back of my hand , plus admit it Granger, I'm better in potions than you are " he said with a smirk .Hetmione rolled her eyes at him
" that might be true " she chuckled " I'm really greatfull , Malfoy. I don't know how to thank you or pay you back "
" don't . you don't need to . I just thought you might enjoy having it . I didn't really use it anyway " he said scratching the back oh his neck " now let's do this essay, maybe we can join the others after " he said before grabbing the quill .
A few hours later the essay was long finished yet the two of them stayed in the same spot talking .
" you're telling me you did this potion in 2 year ? To spy on me ?!" He laughed
" yeah , it wasn't that difficult, dough it took about a month to finish" she chuckled " it turned out preatty well but um- I wasn't able to fame and spy , I messed up mine "
" how ?"
" I got the wrong hair " she chuckled thinking of that horrific memory
" who's?" He leans over in curiosity . Hermione sigh
" mrs Norris ..." she said in a small voice and Malfoy started laughing. " don't laugh! It was horrific! I had to go to the hospital wing . I had ears and whiskers and a tail !"
" no way ! That must of looked cute " he chuckled and hermione blushed for some kind of reason
And a second later Hermione s world stopped spinning , the birds stopped singing, the cracking fire stopped burning. The entire universe was paused. And Hermiones thought raced even faster than they usually did . What was she doing? Why was she actually enjoying the time she spent with Malfoy? Why did he stay with her ? Was he planning something? He had no reason to be nice with her if that weren't the case . In the end of the day he was still that boy who made little Hermione cry
" what's wrong ?" He asked and everything went back to normal.
" nothing ..." Hermione tried sorting her thoughts out but they were all running in different directions.
He placed a hand on her knee and looked down at her .
" what's wrong Granger?" He asked with concern but in Hermiones head it sounded like mockery.
" nothing... I-I just " his touch tightened " ... I remembered who you are ..." he chuckled at her response and didn't take it seriously
" who am I , Granger?" Hermione looked at him in his icy gray eyes , not knowing what to say . So many answers but she had to give one
" ... the boy who called me a mudblood , who looked me and made me cry as a small girl "she answered with a small voice and saw how his expression turned blank before her eyes and his hand on her knee go loose . She knew she shouldn't have said that yet something triggered her memory's
She grabbed her bag and left to put her books back to there belonging place .
Her words rang in Malfoys ear like an old broken muggle tv . And than he felt it again . That cold feeling he had all summer . He felt it crawl out the back of his brain like a spider . Using its legs to go down his throat , tying a nod and crawling down further only to rap itself around his cold soul . Giving him the familiar feeling...

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