Chapter Twentysix: The Mystery of Iktan Stanley

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In this chapter the one I'll be showing is not other than Freddie Stanley, one of Nills friends and well here is the chapter.


Nialla's POV

It's been two weeks since Fred dissapeard. No one knows or imagines where he could be right now, I don't even imagined where he could be. Jessica, Fred's mom is freaking out to think that his son can be dead, and trust me I am freaking out too. Fred is one of my best friends in this whole planet but what can I do right? Yanick told me he had a girlfriend and even know I was starting to fall in love with him I am glad he found a girl that loves him. I mean this dosen't change anything between us he is just my best friend like Fred, and for some weird reason I am happy for him not like when Jacob kissed that girl that my heart totally broke apart, not like that. Her name? To be honest I don't remember but I will ask him later. My cousin is finally home! He is the most incredible cousin ever! I love him so much. Our family is now complete he is home and is going to school with Nessie. They are very united, and at the beggining Seth was a little jealous but he got over it.

I need to find my best friend Fred you know, I am so worried about him. I know and I have the feeling that I can find him but, where do I start? Where is he? What happend to him?

"Hello there freak"

I am going to punch her so bad.


"I don't want to"

"I can't believe what you are now"

"Well believe it"

"I thought you where my friend Daliah"

"I was friend with you because of Fred now that he is gone, you are gone too"

"He just dissapeard"

"Probably he is dead"

"You want him dead?"


''I can't believe you said that"

"Well believe it"

"Bitch"-I whisper

"What did you said?"

"The truth!"

"I am going to..."

I puch her in the face and broke her nose.

"That's it"

We start to fight in the locker room, it wasn't something pretty to see trust me. She broke my mouth and I punch her more hard, she pushed me and I felt to the ground then, I got up and she pushed me again but this time I felt in the ground of the hallway, Letsy was there with my other friends including Austin. Then she came on top of me and start to punch me again. Her boyfriend separated her from me and Austin hold me.

"Stop! Nialla!"

"She start everything"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"Maybe because you deserve it"

"I? You where the one who cheated on Fred!"

"Shut up!"

"I am saying the truth!"

"Nialla the principal"

The principal arrived.

"What is going on here?"


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