Chapter Twentyone: More closer than you think

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Nialla's POV

 Today is a sunny day here in Forks one of he days that people go out and enjoy the good weather but I am not in the mood to go out. I am not antisocial don't get me wrong it's just that...I don't know I feel sick or something like that, I think I am going to be better if I stay home even know that Fred and my other friends told me to hang out I told them I was sick, not sick of love or anything like that I am sick of my life, my situation...The Volturis.

--Someone knock the door--


Nessie opened the door.


"Hey Nessie"

"Are you busy?"

"No, why?"

"There is a boy out there looking for you"

"A boy?"


"Where is mom?"

"She is doing some stuff with our uncle's and aunt's"


"With grandpa helping him with some works"


"Well grandma Renee is in the supermarket and grandma Esme is in a book store"

"And we are alone?"

'No I am with Seth"

"Oh, now I get it"

"Well come down here"


I got up and walk down stairs.


"Hey Nills"

He hugged me"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I am visiting my sister"

"I mean how do you found me?"

"Ah, grandpa"



"Are you alone?"

"Something like that"

"What do you mean?"

"Hey baby girl"

"Hi! Mom"

"Oh Izan how are you?"

"I am good Bella thanks for asking"

"Do you know eachother"

"Yes we do"

"How? Charlie?"

"Ah maybe"

"What do you mean"

"Izan is my brother"


"We have the same father"

"You mean Calixto?"

"Yes mom"

"Now this is something new"

"I know right"

"Well Izan welcome to the family"

"Thanks Bella"

"You can call me mom if you want to"

"I will have that in mind"

"Oh Izan can you convince your sister to get out of this house she is telling me that she is sick ans I know that is not true"

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