Chapter Twentyfour: Holding On For A Hero

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So...I wanted to show you how Nialla is looking with blond hair right now maybe your curiosity came out and well here is the picture of Nialla blonde. Maybe in the next chapter's I will be showing how Izan, Yanick and Khalid look so you can have a idea :D now let's go to the chapter!


Nialla's POV

There is a time of peace before the war even begins, you think is already over but is not even beggining. I life and wake up scared because of what I am, I really don't like to feel that way and I don't like the idea of having alot of people I care in this situation. You will say I am selfish or ignorant but no I am not like that, I am just trying to protect what I love, what I care, what is important to me. Some people don't understand that including my family, the think I don't know what I am saying but they don't have a clue of what this means to me, they don't even imagine. My little sister is surviving her days in school at first she was scared but now, she haves alot of friends and is vey happy about it. Izan is in collage studing to become a chef and I am proud of him. Charlie is around but he is enjoying his life with Sue so I see him, but not that much. Grandma Renee is dating a vampire, friend of Carlisle, what was his name? I think I forgot, wait a minute...Ric, Bo, In...Alric his name is Alric a german vampire. I have a german future grandpa.

Did I told you that we are going to have a new member in the family? I didn't? My bad, yes my cousin is arriving soon to Forks. You will probably ask, from where, right? Well uncle Emmett and aunt Rose adopt a child. A half vampire, half human child and we are happy about that, but the one who is very happy about it is aunt Rose, she always wanted a children and now her dreams come true. He haves the same age of Nessie, and his name is Jeliel. Nessie can't wait for him to arrive she is just happy to know that she is not going to be alone in school and in home, to have a friend that is not Seth you know someone new in her life. Aunt Rose told mom that they where coming in a week, but I will be late for school because I have a practice. I am in a volleyball team, yes I am good in it not like my mom. Anyways I am super excited with my new hobbie. My 'dad' is the one who is helping me with my team, he supports me in everything and treats me like his own daughter, and to be honest I like that.

Leah and Khalid are good, forgeting me, but they are alright. Today I have to go around the woods to practice with my powers it's like 5:30 a.m and I am going to do it right now. Don't worry I am not going alone, uncle Jasper, mom and dad are going with me to keep me safe, I told them I will be fine but if I didn't agree they would not let me train so early. I feel like a child of 5 right now, but what can I do. Yanick return to Australia with his family for a while, he said he was going to do some stuff in there so he left. I have to admit I miss him and my brother alot, because Izan left to Australia too to study. The sad part is that I don't know when they are going to come back, and that sucks.

I got up of my bed already dressed and went downstairs, after I was outside I start to run to the woods. I like to run in there I just feel like free. I start with the powers of nature: earth, wind, fire...the elements. Then I run to little lake and start my training with water, I was concentrade when...



The water slash over my mom.

"I am so sorry" 

"It was my fault I scared you'

"Yes you did" 

"What are you doing?"-dad ask


"I can tell you are still in the process"-uncle looked at mom.

"Very funny Jasper"

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