Chapter Twentynine: Take me home...Part 1

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Nialla's POV

I am still dreaming when I was with my family I can't believe I am here in a jail where everyone treats me weird and bad. I miss my family, I miss my home, I miss everything, I miss Forks. I can't stop thinking of what Iktan said before I left, I really don't know what to do, what to say. Do I feel the same? Do I want to let him in my heart? I don't have mind to think about that right now all I think day and night is how I got here, why I am here, why I did this, I can't say anything I am spechless. Is like I am dead because sometimes I don't feel like I am breathing. My heart is empty and my soul is hurt I want to go home, I want to be normal, I want to live in peace. For once in my short life I want to know how does it feel when you are not afraid. When you are not running away from other people, when you are a normal teenager and you know that one day you are not going to wake up. I want to experience new things, I want to have a family, I want to live. Maybe I am in depression or maybe I am mad, there is alot of things going throught my mind. I don't know how is my family or my friends. I think I am missing alot of days of school. I've been here since a week and I swear this days have been the most horrible days of my life, I feel alone. Why I had to be different? Why I was born to be like this? I want answers, I want to feel free. I mean don't get me wrong I love who I am and I know that this powers where a gift of my grandmother but this is hard you know is like you don't see the meaning of this if you are always in danger. I've been in 8 different school just to be safe. I didn't have friends because of that, sometimes I wonder why I was like that and that's when I become the weird girl on the school, that's when everything start. I want to go out of this jail and kill those vampires one by one, but I know that some of them are going to scape and they will hurt my family, I can't let that happend...I just can't.

"You already up?"

"You care?"


I look outside throught a little window.

"The day is sunny and everything is the same"

"I want to get out of here"

"But you can't"

"I know"

"If you had a wish what would you ask for?"

"To die"

"I don't want to be here and if I stay here I will die anyway"
"You are immortal"

"I don't care"

"Nialla, don't think like that"
"Why not?"

"You have a family"


"They need you"

"Now tell me something, how they are going to need me if I am stuck here in the middle of no where...How?"

"I don't know"

"That's what I though''

Alice's POV

"Did you found her?"

"We need to do something"
"We search for her everywhere"

''Including Voltera"
"I think she is inside"
"How are we going to go inside?"-Richard said

"That is a good question"

"What ever we do, we have to do it fast"

"Let's go again"


Everyone left.

*Alice mind*

"Who is in my mind?"
"Is me Nills"

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