Chapter Five: The Key For The Future Is Something We Call Past

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Jacob's POV

"You are an idiot!" Bella screamed at me while Edward was holding her so she couldn't kill me right now.

"Bella I am worried" I said to her.

"Really? And why you scream to her like that?" She said furious.

"I don't know" I said in frustration.

In that moment Carlisle, Emmett and Rosalie arrived.

"So? Did you find her?" Edward asked

"She is fast" Emmett said

"And we didn't find her" Rosalie said

"I am going to kill you JACOB!" Bella free herself from Edward but Emmet and Jasper catch her.

"Bella calm down" Jasper said

"I can't!" She screamed

"I will go to see if I found her" I got out of the house mad with myself and grabbed my motorcycle. I've been searching in the forest and she is not here, where are you Nialla? Then I pass throught a lake very far from the Cullen's house and there she was, I stopped the motorcycle and walk to her...I sit on her side.

"What are you doing here?" She said looking at the lake

"Looking for you" I said to her

"I don't want to see you" She said and I sighed

"I am sorry Nills I was nervous , I didn't know what was going on" I said looking at her.

"And trust me you don't want to know" She said now looking at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Beacuse..." She said looking at the ground.

"Beacuse what?" I said again

"I don't talk to dogs" She said. Ouch that was hard.

"Hey! I said I am sorry" I said and she glared at me.

"You scream to me!" She said and I nodded.

"I know I did" I whisper to her.

"Well feel free to leave me alone" She said looking at the lake again

"I can't" I said looking at her

"Yes you can" She said looking at me.

"No I have to take you home" She laughed in sarcasm.

"I don't want to go home, I am going back to Florida where I belong" She said and my eyes widened. No! I won't let you go.

"No! You can't!" I said to her

"Why not? Is my life" She said

"You belong here with your family'' She ignored my words.

"You don't understand" Nialla said and I grabbed her hand making her looked at me.

"Well explain me" I said smiling at her.

"I am not good for this family" She said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I am the most horrible creature in the planet" She said looking at the ground.

"No you are not" I said and she looked at me again.

"Yes I am...I am more powerfull than a wolve and a vampire together" Nialla said and I nodded.

"I know" She looked at the lake again.

"Well that's why the Volturi are searching for me" She whisper to me.

"Volturi? You mean the vampires?" I asked

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