Chapter Twenty: Who is Izan Swan?

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*So this chapter is dedicated to a very good friend of mine...Thanks for your support*

Izan's POV

In the era of the second world war a new family was born. Kaike Rollung was running away from some vampires who where searching for him, why? because they wanted him to join them and defeat the world together. The humans didn't know about the existence of the vampires in that time to be honest I don't think alot of humans know about the secret well if they know it would be their finally to be more specific death. My grandfather finally run away and hide in a place where he knew he will be safe with his family. A few years pass and he felt alone because he didn't have that special person to be with for the rest of his life, but one day something happend the men was walking in a lonely street when he heard a baby crying. He found the baby in the middle of the street and when he saw her eyes he fall in love with that baby. He decided to take the baby and raised her and his own daughter. He named her Greta.

When the baby was 5 years old a very bad disease came and the little girl got very sick and he knew she was dying so he did something any father will do to see her get better. He gave her his powers of vampire and the girl got better thanks to her father. The girl grow and the years where passing very quick Kaike was proud to see his daughter grow and transform into a women. When the girl had 14 years old she got pregnant of Calixto son of the most respected witches of the magic world, even know he was a womanizer and belong to that great family he didn't have powers. The boy started to think that he really liked that girl and maybe he could be with her the rest of his life...That's right maybe...

"Cal please!''

"You can't be serious"

"I love you and we are going to have a children"

'You are crazy that is not my child"

"Yes it is you are my first and only boyfriend"

"I am not going to be a father"

"Well you have to be with me"

"No I can't I am too young"

"It's your responsability"

"No it's your fault I told you that if you got pregnant you will forget about me"

"No please don't leave me!'

Calixto left the house he got what he wanted another victim and then run away like a big chicken. The girl got on her knees and start to cry until she got sleep. A few weeks pass and she didn't know how she was going to tell her family about her and the child but what choice she haves she need to tell the truth and she did.

"How could you do it?"

"I am sorry father I am in love"

'You call that love? You are going to have a child and the father run away"

"He is scared"

"That is no excuse"

"Please father forgive me"



"You are going to stay here but for now on you are dead to me"

The moths pass and the girl found out she was going to have a boy she wasn't happy about the idea of being a mother alone she said that the only thing that the children brought to her life was bad stuff so she finally gave birth to the child on March 22 the child was born. She had a name for him...Izan. When she got out of the hospital she literally run to a orphanage and gave her son. She decided she will run after the love of her life Calixto and she did run after him. After days and moths of searching him she finally found him but this time he was kissing another girl to be honest another victim named Isabella Swan. The girl didn't know what to do the only thing she knew was that if Calixto wasn't her boyfriend she prefear to be dead. She walk and walk thinking how she was going to be killed and she finally found a way. The girl saw the Volturis coming and she told some humans that the vampires exist so you know what happend to her right? The Volturis killed her and told everyone she was crazy well in fact they where right she was going crazy.

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