Chapter Twentythree: Falling for the womanizer...

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Nialla's POV

Getting ready for my new semester sucks I have to buy alot of things because school is starting in a few days or should I say in a few hours, to be more specific school starts tomorrow and my mom is like crazy bying the last stuff on her list. I am kind of bored right now with all this shopping for the last minute stuff. In the other hand I am happy that school is starting again, I want to see my friends and see what this new semester can bring to me, I hope that good stuff can arrived to me. Nessie is going to school for the first time in her 11 years of human and I am so happy for her, she is going to have friends and learn to live in a world full of humans. She was happy about it and I am happy for her because she is just growing up so quick like literally very quick.

"What do you think about this one?"

"Mom, I don't like any of this backpacks"

"Oh Nialla you have to like something"

"I don't like any of this mom, can we please go home? I have to do alot of stuff before I go to sleep"


We walk out of the store and went to my mom's car, after 20 minutes we where finally home. I got out of the car and went upstairs to take I shower, after I did that I got dressed and search for the stuff I needed for school. I am a little nervous about this, is a new year maybe new goals, dreams, friends, hair...Yes I still have the blonde color, I guess I will have to get used to the idea of my hair for now.

-Someone knock the door--

"C'mon in"

My mom opened the door.

"Can we talk?'


My mom closed the door and walk to my bed where she sit.

"Sweety you do realize you don't have a backpack right?"

"Don't worry I am going to use the one I used last semester"

"I don't want you to use that"

"Why? Is the only one I have'

"Here you go"

She gave me a beautiful backpack.

"Mom what is this?"

"A backpack"

"Where did you get it?"

"Let's say that, this backpack is history"

"What do you mean?"

"I used this backpack when I was in high school"

"For real?"

"Yes, this backpack was with me for four years"

"Mom but I can't use this, this is yours"

"Not anymore"

"Are ou serious?"


I looked at her and hugged her.

"Thanks mom"

"No problem sweety"

"I love you"

"I love you too baby girl, now put all the stuff in the backpack and go to sleep tomorrow is going to be a good day"

"Thanks mom"

She was about to walk away from my room.

"Oh I almost forgot your brother is taking you to school tomorrow so I think you should be awake early"

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