Chapter Eighteen: The Unexpected

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Nialla's POV

I was running as fast as I could and I knew someone was following me I didn't saw the person but I can feel his eyes looking at me...I couldn't breath anymore but I wasn't going to stop running...When suddenly I saw some red eyes in front of me and I scream...

--Out of the dream--

Crap it was the same dream! Right now I am sweating like literally, that horrible dream is coming over and over again it's like it's trying to tell me something but I am still trying to figure out what this dream can be. Oh and this is just great! I was sleeping in my grandpa's house on the table and I wake up in a great moment, when my grandpa was giving me my lunch.

"You are tired right?"

"You have no idea"
"Well I guess I do I am your grandpa remember"


"Hey, I need you to do me a favor"

"Can you go to Port Angeles and buy some stuff"



"Let me guess, Sue told you to do it days ago and now you remember right grandpa?''

"That's why you are my grandaughter"
"What would you do without me''

"I don't know"
"You will probably be dead right now"'

"Yeah, Sue haves no mercy with me"
"I know"

"Well here you go"

He gave me the keys of my car.

"See you later"

I got in my car and drive to Port Angeles. When I finally got to the supermarket I got out of the car and walk inside. I didn't know what to buy I have to admit I am horrible in all kind of shopping but fortunately Sue made a list and even know my grandpa didn't give it to me I took it. Juices, fruits, bread, drinks for my know all that stuff that people have in their homes. After I finished I went to pay and get out of there as soon as possible, I walk to my car and put all the stuff in the trunk and drive back to Forks. I was driving to my grandpa's house when suddenly I had a vision, Thank God the rode was alone because it was going to be ugly if there was any cars around, why? because I stopped the car in the middle of the rode because my head was going to explote...


"I can't"

"Do it, tell everyone the truth"

"Why? It would affect your reputation?"

''You don't know anything"
Is that Charlie? What is he doing in my vision?

"Get out of here!"

"I will come back Charlie and this is not over"

--The end of the vision--

What the hell is that vision means? Charlie? Not over? The truth? Right now I don't know what to think, it's like I feel Charlie is hidding something but what is that thing he is hidding? I really don't want to ask him but I will find out by myself the truth. After that I continue my ride and finally get to my grandpa's house. I got all the stuff out of the car and got inside with them to put it on the kitchen.

"You safe me"

"Lately I am saving everybody's life"

"I can tell"

"So how is Jake?"

"What do you mean?"

''Your mom told me he is your boyfriend"
"Well he is my ex-boyfriend"

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