Chapter Two: When I Needed You The Most

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Nialla's POV

Well today is another day in Florida. The people getting up early, kids going to school and today I have a test. I hate test's is not that I am not good in school but I just don't like them. Yesterday I had a dream with my mom, I didn't dream with her since I was 7 years old and I dream that she was here coming for me, but that is a stupid dream she will never do that...

"Good morning" I said to my grandma grabbing a glass of water.

"Hey pumpkin , how are you today?" Grandma said smiling at me

"Great!" I said in sarcasm and she rolled her eyes.

"So today is your test?" She asked

"Yes, but I think I am calm" I said to her smiling

"That's good" She said smiling

"Well grandma I need to go , school is waiting for me" Yay! Let's go to school, seriously I've never heard something so

"Have a good day" She said before I left

"You too" I replied to her.

I got in on my motorcycle and ride to school. In 15 minutes I was there like always I enter the school and the classes start. My first class is where I had the test I have to admit it was hard but I did it. Then lunch come and for some reason I was happy. When school finished I ride back home and when I arrived I saw some cars that I didn't know, I didn't know my grandmother was waiting for some people.

Bella's POV

"Ready?" Edward asked

"Yes I am" I said to him smiling.

We where on our way to Florida, Renesmee, Jacob and Seth also come with us. When we arrived to my mom's house everything was like always. But today it was a rainy day, better for me. The Cullen's , Seth , Jacob, Ness and I walk to the door. I knock the door.

"Yes how can I..." My mom was in shock and beautiful like always

"Hello mom" I said and she couldn't talk.

"Bella? You return?" She said almost in a whiper.

"Yes mom" I said to her smiling.

"C'mon in" She said.

We all sit in the couch and the decorations we're so pretty

"I love your decorations mom" I said breaking the ice.

"Really? Thanks Nialla and I decorated everything" She told me and I smiled. My little girl...My Nialla.

"How is Nialla?" I asked

"She's fine" She said smiling at me.

"Mom I want to present you: this is Jacob Black, he is Seth Clearwater, Alice Cullen and her boyfriend Jasper Cullen, Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme, Emmet Cullen and his girlfriend Rosalie Cullen and this is Edward Cullen my hundsman and this little girl is Renesmee your grandaughter" I said and she smiled.

"Nice I meet you all" My mom said to everyone

"Nice to meet you too" Everyone said to her.

"Sorry I am going to say this but Bella you made a family without Nialla?" My mom asked making me feel like an ass

"Mom, I wanted to start fresh a new life" I told her and she looked at me.

"Without your daughter? Why are you here?" She said getting a little mad.

"I came for her, to take her with me" I told her and she laughed

"Good luck with that" Mom using the sarcasm on me? I think I've missed alot of things around here.

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