Several weeks after Y/n sparred with Chris, he took her to learn how to shoot. He had gotten so close to her while trying to fix her aim. He held her hand steady and helped her pull the trigger. That was after he had taught her the basics. Safety. After a couple days she had gotten the hang of it. Now she was hitting closer to her target without his help. Then she had taken a break and went home for spring break so he was without her for a week, but now she was right next door and weeks deep into her personal assistant job.

Y/n on the other hand was trying to manage her school work, her work for Chris, and keeping everyone in the dark about her new job. Then she found herself daydreaming about her dreamy boss in the next room over. She had managed to suppress it since it wasn't good for her to think about her boss in that way, even though he'd been flirting with her since day one. She was struggling to let him in. 

Chris sighed and rolled his neck. He couldn't help but think about their time together. He'd been sending subtle hints about his crush on her. He wouldn't get anything out of her other then some playful flirtation back. He didn't mind. Chris could have her, he knows he can, but something about her made him wanna slow his roll. Take his time to build their relationship.

"Chris I've finished those files for you." Y/n walked in from her separate little office next to his. 

"Perfect, angel, you can go home now." He gave her a small smile. 

She returned the smile and went to get her bag. Sometimes in between her sorting she would find time to study. When she came back he was smiling at his phone. Oh good he's in a good mood. "Hey Chris, I was wondering if I could take some time off. I know I just got here, but I really need the time to study for my finals." She asked.

Chris looked up at her. Bright eyes and fluttering eyelashes. Cheesy smile with her hands clasped together. "Of course honey, take all the time you need." He granted her request. "Is it okay if I text you for updates to make sure you are doing okay?" He stood to attention and made his way around the desk. 

Y/n's gaze immediately darted away to something else. "Yeah that's fine." The eye contact always killed her. Once she made contact there was no stopping whatever was going to happen between the two. 

"Hey now, you know I prefer eye contact." Y/n mumbled a 'sorry' and he tilted her chin up so he could see her perfection. Fuck, he didn't know if he could go slow any longer. "I never asked you if you liked Starks after we ate lunch there."

The question caught Y/n off guard and she was blinking to process it. "Uh well I liked it I guess." 

Chris raised a brow. "You guess? Hmm- seems like I'll have to take you to try their dinner sometime." He smirked. 

"Oh?" Y/n raised her brow. "Seems a little unprofessional sir." She teased. On the inside she was burning up. Her excitement had sparked a fire in her that she had been suppressing ever since she had met him. She'll admit to herself that she'd caught feelings. She didn't want to, but she did. Just like she didn't even want to get involved with the mafia, yet that voice in the back of her head sprung into action.

"I talked to your boss, he said it's okay to be ready at seven on Friday. And before you make up some bullshit excuse, it's mandatory. " 

Y/n faked a pout. "I don't have anything to wear."

Chris just shook his head. "Aww you want me to buy you a pretty dress honey?" His tone was mocking and borderline degrading. Like she was a stupid toddler. He dug through his pocket and pulled out a very slim wallet. When he opened it it looked like nothing but crisp hundred dollar bills and two black credit cards. He pulled out one of the black credit cards. "Give me your hand." 

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