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CW: Death, violence

Six black Escalades drove in single order down the asphalt pavement. Through the vacant lands of a backroad. Houses spread apart by miles. The value going higher and higher as they drove on. 

Long fingers tapped on the soft material of cashmere. A steady heartbeat flowing with the troubled mind. 

The silence radiated through the one SUV. "Nico, can you tell me something?" 

Nico's eyes remained focus on the road ahead. Anthony glanced at his boss through the rearview mirror, but kept one hand on the wheel. 

Chris traced the etched letters on his ring. "Tell me Nico, do you love Y/n?" 

Thick waves of tension arose. He'd pulled his attention from the shining ring. Instead boring his daggers into the soul of the passenger seated man. 

Strings of his raven curls swung from their perched style. "You know I do." He glanced at his peripheral. 

"Then promise me you'll keep her alive if I die."


"I can't say I will live from this. The only way to ensure Y/n's safety might be to die." 

Nico refocused his eyes to the pitch black surrounding them. "You won't die." 

The dim lights ahead of them along with the long steel fence signaled their approaching target. The opening of the gate was open. The vehicles in front took the lead to enter the gated entry way. 

They made it through unscathed. They surrounded the driveway one by one. Chris pulled out one of his guns from his suit jackets hiding place. 

His crew filtered out of the cars. The first few groups taking out the guards. It left Chris the chance to walk up to the door. The quick rundown of the houses layout allowed him to get an understanding of how large the mansion was. If their calculations were correct, then Y/n was in one of the six bedrooms. 

How they found the place was easy, given Ariel basically marked it for them. Chris speculated that it was trap from the get go. 

"Chris! You made it!" Henry boasted from the unknown. His voice was ringing from the speakers. "I gotta warn you Ariel is somewhere in the house." He chuckled. "Good luck." 

Chris studied his surroundings, pressing his back closest to the walls. "Alright team, Ariel is out, you know what to do." He pressed his finger to his ear. 

"Copy s-ahhh" Gunshots reverberated through the mansion.

Y/n jolted up from the bed. Her quickly paced steps got her to the door. She let out a breath. She dragged the perspiration from her palms onto her cloth workout shirt. Hesitantly she reached for the silver door knob. She slowly pressed down on it until she head the quiet click of the door opening. 

"Somethings not right." She whispered to herself. The knob sprang back into place when she let it go. A small smile formed on her lips. Wordlessly she stalked back over to the bed. Sitting on it, she crossed her legs. "I'll play your game Ariel."

Outside the door, the golden skinned woman smirked. Her finger recklessly ghosting over the trigger of gun. "I think it's a good time to tell you that Melanie is missing." 

Y/n's eyes shot open. The rapid thumping had started. "You're lying." Her voice trembled. 

"I wish I was, but I'm already sure you know she was talking to someone." 

"You're a LAIR!" She stood. 

Ariel tapped the butt of the gun to the door. "I've already killed her." Her vicious laugh roared from the other side. "Check the closet." 

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