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CW: 18+ Smut (Creampies, oral (fem receiving), fingering, dom!Chris)


The next day, Y/n spun around in her office chair. She nervously pushed and tugged the bright shiny metal with her and his name engraved on it. It was her promise to the mob as much as the promise to him. It was a stark contrast to the heavy diamond situated on her left hand; his promise to her. 

"You're going to irritate your skin by doing that." The man on the couch spoke. He hadn't looked away from his book, but being the observer he is, instantly caught on to her nervous actions. He turned the page to the book he was reading, looked like a murder mystery. 

Y/n scoffed at her bodyguard. "What would you know about it?"

The slightly older man crossed his legs with a slight sigh. "I don't know how Chris does it, I can barely stand your bratty attitude." He grabbed his cup of tea from the small table to the side of the couch. 

Y/n stopped her spinning. The chair faced the man on the couch. "I'm sorry Nic, I'm a bit stressed. I don't mean to take it out on you." She made her apology sincere. 

Nico didn't care for it though. His emotionless eyes stared back at her. He could be quite scary and Y/n sometimes feared his contract would not protect her from his eerie wrath. "I'm sure you are, you haven't once went to talk to your husband in the other room, I'm assuming you two are not on speaking terms."

Y/n casted her eyes to the door connecting her office with Chris's office. Neither one had entered the other's space since the fight. They had gone to bed without saying anything other than hurried 'I love you's.' "It's complicated." 

"Let me guess, he wants you out of the business. His perfect wife can't possibly be introduced to the horrors of this brutal business, even though he's the one who showed you everything you know now?" 

Y/n's eyes widened. "Scarily accurate. How did-"

"You mobsters forget the walls are thinner than they look." He sipped on his tea once more before putting it down. "Both of you are in the wrong if you ask me."

The woman's face sunk. She knew she was in the wrong too, but that part of her fought the idea of any fault being bestowed upon her. "You said it yourself. Chris showed me everything, so why should I get out of it now?"

Nico's eyes closed momentarily. He took a short breath. "Suppose a rival group, such as Henry's crew, decided to burst in while I couldn't protect you, or they overwhelm me and get the jump on me because while I may be superior, even to your husband, I can still die. They would have multiple options over what to do with you. One: hold you hostage and as bait, two: torture you until you tell them secrets, or all of the above and kill you." He eyed her face for a reaction which he got from her panicked eyes. "Take your pick." 

"So you're saying I should give it up?" Her mouth was dry. She swallowed thickly. 

Nico rolled his eyes. "I'm saying you should be careful and get out while you can, brat. You wanna die from a bullet to the head?" Y/n shook her head slowly. "Then take your husbands advice and leave the business alone." 

Y/n rubbed her temples. "Fine." She huffed. "If I didn't know any better I would've thought you two are conspiring against me." 

Nico picked up his tea again. "I can't stand your husband, but I would like to keep this job and my life a little while longer." 

Y/n smiled and stood from her seat. "Thank you Nic." She made her way to the conjoining door. Soft knuckles braced for impact as she swiftly knocked on the door. 

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