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CW: Violence, blood mentioned, knives, guns, fighting

Chris rubbed the side of his finger against his lips. With scrunched brows, he analyzed the situation they were in. Something wasn't adding up. It had been almost three months since Y/n was shot and no other attacks came after that one. Nothing came from Henry, no threats, no retaliation. It was odd behaviors for a group who wanted to make a statement.  "What did the FBI agent say again?" 

Sebastian stopped his rambling and looked to Anthony who gave him a half-assed shrug. "Were you not listening?"

"No, I was actually using my head unlike some." Chris snorted.

"I'd take offense to that if I knew it wasn't true." Sebastian mumbled with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, Anthony is the one with that FBI contact."

Chris turned to Anthony who was propped up on the chair with his arm laid back. "Well my contact said that they were tipped off about us from a woman, which woman Henry has doing his dirty work? I have no idea, but the contact said it was a woman who knew what she was talking about." Anthony explained. 

"I think he has that Maya girl working for him." Sebastian added. 

"Yeah the one Chris said interrupted him and Y/n's date." Anthony agreed. 

Chris stared at the paper in front of him. The wax stamp was blood red and it drew his attention from the plain black and white. The stamp had the initials C.E. engraved on it. The more he stared at the wax, the more he noticed little things. Like the small stand of hair stuck to it. 

"Oh my god." He whispered. 

There was only one person who could make the kind of shot that hit Y/n. A hired mercenary surely could. A sniper or even someone with military background. There were only certain people who could even know where he lived. Few could rat him out to the feds. His mind kept drawing him back to the same person. "Where was Ariel the day Y/n was shot?" 

"Nico can we stop for now, my body is sore!" Y/n whined. She had been lifting small weights for the past ten minutes. Her body was reaching its breaking point. Not that she couldn't lift anything, but she was still recovering. It was going well. She could walk without her walker, and run for a short period before she would need to sit. She still couldn't do extraneous activities that would move her too much. However, Nico made sure she would get better and stay strong. 

"You can do one more rep, then we can be done."

"Ugh you really suck, I'm telling Chris on you." She whined again and went to lift the dumbbells. 

Nico's lips turned upwards, a barely there smirk appearing. Shaking the smug look away before she caught a glance at it, he got ready to lift his own weights. "I'm sure he'd be happy to beat my ass, but given these are his orders I can't see him going against them."

"Orders, orders, orders that's all he gives." The two jumped and turned around after hearing a woman's voice. The notorious red head leaned against the wall with a smirk and her hands in her pockets. 

Y/n's eyes widened. "Ariel? What are you doing here? Better yet how'd you get past security?" She dropped the weights. 

Nico's jaw clenched. "Y/n go to the safe room." He demanded.

"It's just Ariel, I'm sure Chris let her in." Y/n chuckled and prepared to greet Ariel.

"Go to the room right now!" Nico yelled. Y/n deadpanned. He'd never yelled at her before. 

Ariel shrugged her head to the door. "I'll give you a head start." 

The menacing glare from Ariel told her that she wasn't joking. Not wasting another second, Y/n ran towards the safe room. She would at least have weapons once she got there. 

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