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Time couldn't run any faster after the clock struck four. Y/n rushed to get her makeup done. She was thanking that small voice in the back of her head for telling her to apply her wig earlier and just pinning the curls up within her bonnet. Her makeup was taking longer than usual. She was in perfection mode. She wanted everything to be perfect. After doing her makeup she let her hair down and let the loose curls flow. 

Cautiously she stepped into her dress. She had just applied some scented lotion to her skin. At these times she wished Melanie was able to stay home so she could zip her dress for her. It took a few minutes, but she eventually zipped the dress into place. Slipping on her pumps she grabbed the clutch and put the essentials in it. The small little wallet that held her cards and money, some sanitizer and a super small bottle of lotion and roll on perfume. The roll on matched the one she spritzed on her wrist and neck right before checking her self out in the mirror while putting on her jewelry. 

The orange adorned her skin, topped with the soft brown accents of her makeup and her hair. She wore a diamond choker with teardrop diamond earrings. The ring she wore on her right hand wasn't too big, but it matched. 

Looking at her phone, she saw that she really only had about ten minutes to spare. She used that time to cool down. 

The knock at her door told her that it was time. Confidently she strode to the door. Upon opening it she was slightly disappointed, but she shouldn't have expected anything other than who was at the door. Issac stood firmly with nothing short of a soft frown on his face. "Ms. Y/l/n, Mr. Evans extends his apologies for not being able to pick you up himself, he had some urgent matters come up and will meet us at the restaurant." 

"Oh, okay." Y/n gave a small smile in thanks. 

"I know seeing me isn't your ideal perfect start to the night." He chuckled and held his hand out to help her step out. 

Y/n shook her head with a chuckle. She stepped out and closed the door behind her, locking it. "You've actually calmed my nerves a bit Issac, thank you." 

Issac raised his brows, "The boss nerves you?" He spoke as he led the way to the SUV.

"Somewhat, he can be very intimidating sometimes, but I kind of like that about him." She made sure to hold the dress from falling to the ground as she got into the back seat. Issac said nothing until he had closed her door and settled into the drivers seat. 

Turning on the car, Issac blew a breath through his teeth making an unwanted whistle come out. "Listen, I'll tell you something about him, but you promise me you keep it between us." Y/n nodded promptly. "Well Chris is what you would call a kingpin. Man is a little more power hungry than he lets on. Why I'm telling you this is because I think he sees the same kind of ideas within you. Chris doesn't just date anyone. Yeah I've taken home a few flings, but you should consider yourself lucky. You're getting all of his time." 

Y/n sat quietly while Issac went on about Chris. His words seemed to strike a fire in her brain. Could she possibly be like him underneath all her layers? Something in her mind screamed no, she couldn't kill anyone or blackmail and cheat people out of things. But the other voice, that raging voice, screaming even louder than the other, said yes. She'd been in his business long enough to be an accomplice. 

For the rest of the car ride Y/n stayed silent; she decided to ponder the burning question a little while longer without any help from Issac. It was when they reached the restaurant's parking lot that she awoke from her thought. 

It was empty. Nothing but a few cars littered the dark paved lot. White lines indicating the empty parking spots. "Where is everyone?" She questioned. Though she had an idea. It didn't take a genius to know that Chris had more money than one man really should. Probably could be an undercover billionaire. He rented it out. 

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