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The next day,  she was working in the office building portrayed as a law firm. She found the idea of Chris being a lawyer kind of funny. He could indeed be one. He was intimidating in the sense. However, he named the building after Scott, which was soon learned to be his brother. Scott himself was not a lawyer nor was he anywhere near Chris's business. He was simply being used as a cover for what was really going on behind closed doors. Yeah Chris had his lawyers who worked in the building, just to keep the reputation up, but Chris was more of a politician. He was talking to senators and government officials. Bribing them to do his dirty work and keep his shipments out of public eye, all in exchange for money and power. 

Y/n saw it all on the papers she would sort through. Chris had asked her not to look too deeply into them, but she couldn't help herself. They fascinated her. The power one person could hold in the palm of their hand. She wouldn't mind having that kind of power. She would overhear him talking on the phone about drug and weapon supply along with imported goods that were only sold on the black market. Shipment dates, item details, things that would have any other person in cuffs before they could get it out their mouth. 

She closed the binder full of contracts. Her eyes were sore and she wanted nothing more than to lie down. She had gone to class and then straight to work. The work at least was not hard to do. Probably the easiest job she's ever had, only problem is she's one foot closer to an untimely death in the job. 

Chris had just come from one of his warehouses. He had left Y/n to sort some things out so he expected to find her doing so. She was a good worker, always doing what's told of her. Before he sat down in the black leather chair, he thought to check on her. Softly, as to not disturb the peaceful silence he slowly opened the door after knocking. He wasn't surprised to see the woman with her head tucked in her arms on her desk and asleep. He'd found her like that a few times before, but he knew she was in school and that was draining enough.

Chris didn't even intend on keeping her as his personal assistant. That was really just a ruse to get her closer to him. He saw something deep down in her. The same curiosity that led him right where he was. Now was that a good thing, who knows, who tells. Anyway, Chris believes she'd be the perfect woman for him. He'd never pinned so hard for a woman before. This small scale chase was leaving him dissatisfied. Most of the women he encountered threw themselves at him. They tried to make him stay, but he could never find the heart to do so. But Y/n, she's the entity blessing his dreams. 

"Watching the prickly princess sleep? Wow, that's low Evans, even for you." The mocking voice filtered from behind him. It caught him by surprise, especially since he thought Ariel wasn't in the building. 

Rolling his eyes he turned around after closing the door back. "I wasn't watching her sleep, I was checking to make sure she was okay." He sat down in his black chair. 

Ariel quirked a brow. "Now, now, don't get so defensive. I don't care about your peeping tom tendencies." 

"Is there something I could help you with Ariel?" Chris questioned. His tone laced with annoyance. 

"I need you to move the pickup for the shipments from Hemsworth to Friday. I'm not going to be able to monitor your people." Ariel flicked through her phone. "My other job requires more dire attention."

"Oh, you mean the one you use as a scapegoat to carry out your sociopathic desires." Chris smirked. 

Ariel's eyes narrowed as she glared at the man across from her. "Remind me why I put up with you?" 

"Because your father owed my father a very great debt and unfortunately the payment came in the form of you." Chris scribbled on some papers he was looking over. 

"Oh right, I had to come work for the asshole that only cares about himself,  his dog, and the prickly princess." She snarled.

Chris let out a sigh. "Are you done?" He looked up at her. "Because I need to find someone else to monitor the pickup on Friday." 

She scoffed with a roll of her eyes. Flipping him off, she made her way out the room. Their relationship was complicated to say the least. Both their fathers could not fortune how their children would act with each other. Now, Chris was left with a thorn in his side until the contract was up. In the Evans family, contracts are binding, they don't break unless they're broken, and for them to be broken means one of the parties must die. That's why they're read carefully, checked at least ten times by several different people. 

The door to Chris's right had opened and made him perk up. "Good afternoon." Y/n greeted, holding a short stack of papers. "I finished those files for you." 

Her smile was bright, most likely rejuvenated from the short nap she had taken. "Thank you Honey." 

Y/n nodded. "I was thinking about ya know our meeting on Friday." She trailed off. "Why'd you ask me to go?"

"You mean our date?" Chris pushed his papers aside to focus his attention. "You don't have to go..."

Y/n rolled her eyes more to herself than anything. "Ugh why am I getting so worked up over this?" She let out a frustrated huff.

Chris eyed her cautiously. "I'm confused."

"Don't be, I'm making it way more complicated than it has to be." She didn't want it to end. These feelings she was having for him. They were fresh and breathtaking. They had been talking for a while now and it felt like a dream. Something she thought she was undeserving of. Though she never really made any moves until now. After her previous relationship she couldn't seem to open her heart up so easily. So, now that he'd made that next step asking her out, she was anxious to see where this path would take her. 

"Is there something I did wrong?" He was getting worried now. He never wanted to ensure a date so bad. 

She shook her head. "No. You've been great. I'm just anxious I guess. I usually hate being like this." Y/n chuckled. She began to regress to her smaller office, only to be called back. 

"You and me both." Chris shared her nervous laugh. He couldn't hold back any longer. "Can I kiss you?" He had stood up out of his black chair and met her halfway. 

Y/n couldn't contain her smile as she nodded and tilted her head so he could capture her lips in his. It all came through. This was what she needed. Her mind just needed to be cleared of her insecurities. That's all it was. 

She deepened the kiss by holding the back of his head. Kissing him ignited a fire within her. Without breaking the kiss, he picked her up by the back of her thighs. She gasped and locked her arms around his neck. He placed her on the cleared off desk. Finally departing from her lips, Chris attached his to her neck. Pressing kisses while she gasped. 

"Yo Chris!" Anthony busted through the doors. "Oh shit, sorry!" He immediately slammed the door back shut when he saw Chris's cold glare. 

"Sorry darling," He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "I would continue, but I wanna take you apart in private. Wan' hear you screamin' my name while I make you cum." He whispered in her ear. 

"It's no problem sir, I prefer a little more privacy anyway." She whispered back to him. 

He knew now he met his soulmate. She knew just as well she'd met the one who would damn her soul.

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