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The cool Boston air filtered through the open window of the spacious office. Lifting the skirts of the black inked paper. Decorated in modern style with a hint of nature backing. Green plants stationed in almost every crevice and shelf not already in use. White walls whisper secrets to each other while casting the sunlight on the hunger driven greens. The birds chirped happily to their evening song. It was a serene vision of longed-for peace. 

Down the hall, with the help on the descending elevator, envisioned a different kind of setting. Down the hall of the third floor, just to the left a metal door opened to a scene only the impure could imagine. 

"Shut the fuck up." The words were whispered to the quivering man. "You think I like being the bad guy?" No answer came from the man tied down to a metal chair. "Well do you?" 

He shook his head and let it hang. Blood dripped off the corner of his mouth.  "Please." The man begged. "I-i didn't mean to take the money. I-i uh I thought it was mine. That bitch owed me."

"You shook down one of our women because you thought you had the right to do so." The one with power sat down on the small table in the room. "You say she owed you? Why didn't you come to me about it?" 

The bruised man shrugged. "Would you have done anything about it?"

"Vanessa said you tried to pay her to have sex with you. When she said no you tried to intimidate her. And judging on how you present yourself, I can believe it pig." The woman slid off the table and came into the small crevice of light in the room. It was the middle light that was bright enough to light the center. Everything else was dark. "So you tell me Ethan." 

"That stupid bitch! Fuck her and fuck you too!" The man squirmed against the binds. "I'm not telling you shit." 

The woman chuckled and grabbed the mans face. "I would watch your words." She faked a pout. She eyes his movement and how his cheeks were moving. "Aht aht, you spit on me, and I'll put a bullet in your fucking skull." Ethan grimaced and shook his face out of her hold. "You're a lucky one Ethan, I'm gonna save you from that debt you'd go in for getting a root canal." 

She stepped back from the man who had started to weep silently. With a curt nod the surrounding men in the room surrounding the man with various dingy tools. 

She walked out the door with her bodyguard following close behind her. Once the door shut the only sound that could be heard was the semi-loud drilling sound and the screams of a man with no respect. 

"Y/n, your punishments are becoming more cruel." Her bodyguard Nico spoke in his monotoned voice. He never showed a lot of emotion. The pale man was about 5'9 with curly raven black hair and steel gray eyes. He was lean, but very fit. He was her bodyguard for a reason. That being his overwhelming skill and speed. 

She shrugged. "How will these men learn if I don't teach them. Besides, that was mild compared to what I could've done to him." 

Nico stayed silent for a minute until they stepped on the elevator. "At least clean off your hands, you touched that filth." He pulled out some hand sanitizer. 

Y/n let out a hearty laugh. "Aw Nic, you're always looking out for my safety aren't you?" 

"It's my job." He stated plainly. The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. They walked to her office, but she made a b-line for the bathroom where she would wash her hands really good. Nico waited for her outside the door. 

After washing her hands she splashed some water on her face. She'd been doing this for a while now. She wanted to throw up. "It's for him. I'm doing it for him."  

Taking one last good look in the mirror, she exited the bathroom. This time she opened the door to her office. Gasping as she saw the love of her life sitting at the desk. 

"Chris!" She jumped into his arms once he had stood up. She wasted no time getting her lips on his. 

"Hi my beautiful honey." He whispered against her lips. 

They pulled away when they heard an annoyed sigh. "Oh sorry Nic, you're dismissed." The man nodded and left out the door. She turned back to Chris and got a good look at him. He was dressed in casual clothes, baseball cap on backwards while his sunglasses sat on top of his head. "When did you get in?" 

Chris had gone on a business trip to London. A situation had unfolded with one of his suppliers. Something about an arranged marriage gone wrong and a rival mob group combining. he had to go and make sure it was stable enough. "Just got in about thirty minutes ago. Came right here. Didn't want to go another second without seeing my girl." He pressed kisses on her neck. 

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled his head back to look into his eyes. "You're tired, let's get you home."

He yawned at that. "I won't fight ya there." He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. Taking a deep breath he inhaled her scent. He pulled her even closer to him. She smelled like home. The perfume she wore wasn't strong, but he had ingrained it in his brain and it had quickly become his favorite smell on her. He couldn't help but kiss her soft skin. 

"Let's go home baby, just you and me. We can order take out, take a nice bath, engage in some fun activities." She ran her hands over his covered abs. "Missed you, I just wanna be with you."

The two were rarely ever away from each other. Of course she had an entirely separate office from him and she didn't spend all her time with him, but they still were around each other a lot more than normal. So it was a common occurrence for them to be missing each other if they were gone for a while. 

"I missed you too baby." He leaned down and pecked her lips. "I'll call Issac to drive us home."

She shook her head. "I'll drive, I rarely ever drive my car. It just sits and looks pretty." 

"Just like you should be doing. You know I know about your little lesson you had to teach one of our distributors." He cupped her face in his hands. "I don't want you getting hurt honey, I told you."

Y/n frowned. Her lips formed into a pout since his hands were kinda squishing her cheeks in a playful manner. "That's what Nico's for." She mumbled. "Besides I'm just being like you."

"Hmm, I can't hear you, you're not speaking clearly." Chris ghosted his lips over hers. His nose slightly bumped against hers. He captured her lips in a teasing kiss. Still holding onto her face he took control of the kiss. 

There was a brief moment where her mind emptied and she thought about the first time he'd ever kissed her. In her innocent days where she longed to be someone important. A famous writer, perhaps a CEO of a company that helped others. She somewhat came close to that in this life of broken bones and dreams. Perhaps that's why she hid her kindness as soon as the power had hit her. No longer was she a shy, naive woman trying to graduate with a masters. Instead she was now a co-boss of a large mafia empire ingrained deep in Boston and spreading out as far as California. 

"Ahem," The two stopped making out to notice that the door was open and Nico leaned against the frame. Another man stood behind him, but said nothing. "They're done torturing that Ethan guy." 

"Tell them to let him go, and they can leave and call in clean up." She started cleaning off her desk, shoving papers in the drawers. She grabbed her Chanel purse. "You can call it quits too, Nic. Thank you." 

Nico rolled his eyes slightly. "I'll make sure you get home safe."

"You're dismissed Nico, I got it from here." Chris circled his arm around her waist. 

"Tsk. Okay whatever you say boss." He closed the door.

Chris groaned under his breath. "Have I ever told you how much I hate your bodyguard." 

She giggled and finished grabbing her personal items to take home. "You're the one who insisted that I get one."

"Yeah but did you have to pick an asshole?" They walked out the office together. 

"Nic is nice to me at least. If you weren't so mean to him you would see how nice he is. Plus he's super cute." Y/n beamed as she pressed the button for the elevator. 

"What?!" Chris's eyes widened. 

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