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The day had finally come. The last day she was required to train with Ariel. Everything after would be overseen by Chris. It didn't feel any different. Y/n had woken up early to finish some assignments she hadn't been able to do the night before. Then she got dressed in her sports workout clothes. Since she had grown accustomed to Ariel, she didn't mind wearing just a sports bra and some yoga pants to spar in, though she covered up with a light jacket.

"Are you going to the gym again?" Mel sipped on her iced coffee from the couch as she watched Y/n maneuver her way through the small area they called a kitchen.

Y/n simply nodded while scanning the cabinets for her metal water bottle. "I've been liking it, plus I'm getting into shape." She found it and washed it out before filling it up with water.

Melanie shrugged and cuddled up on the couch. She grabbed the remote to turn on her shows. "Well have fun I guess."

Y/n knew she was being secretive and Melanie would figure it out sooner or later. She just thanked whoever that Melanie wasn't an analytic thinker. "Will do, see ya!" With that Y/n had grabbed her bag and was out the door. She'd stop on the way and get something light to fill her up before she had to go and spar with Ariel.

Ariel had told her that she would be fighting her head-on with no withholdings. It was a test to see if she actually retained anything she learned; which Ariel knew she did.


"I'd like to see the progress you've made so far," Chris spoke to the woman beside him. "I need to know it's safe for her to at least be in my office."

Ariel smirked, "Aww you weally wike her don't you." She faked a pout. It had Chris clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes. "Lighten up Mr. serious, I was just joking." Ariel pushed open the doors to the gym. "Besides she's doing great, those punches of hers actually hurt, but you wouldn't care if I had bruises." She threw her bag on the floor.

Chris tilted his head to the side with his hands on his hips like a disappointed dad. "Must you do this every time?"

"Do what?" Ariel tested.

"The thing you've been doing ever since Mari-"

"Don't you say her name. You know what don't even finish that sentence." She gritted out. "You asked me to stay after what happened so you're gonna deal with the aftermath." Ariel's brown eyes glared at Chris with an almost deadly stare.

Chris returned the glare with even harsher fierceness. "Stop blaming me for the past Ariel, I couldn't have done anything to stop what happened."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Amidst it all. Y/n walked in with her AirPods, humming along in her head to her favorite song at moment. She only took them out when she realized that Chris was in the room. "Hey." She made herself be known in the tension-filled room.

"Hey, honey." Chris instantly softened upon seeing her. He couldn't explain why he was feeling this way towards her. She brought him to his knees with just a smile. His honey, wrapped in yellow, with a curly fro. Yet he couldn't call her his honey just yet. There was so much more he had to do to win her heart. Besides with her, he wanted to take it slow, just like honey falling from the comb. "You doing alright?" A slight brush of his hand against her arm had her looking up at his with those doe eyes and Chris swore he could've passed out at that moment.

That Boston twang made Y/n smile. She wanted to answer him, but her words got stuck. Instead, she peered up at him through her lashes and nodded. "Are you my opponent today sir?"


"Actually that's an amazing idea Y/n, how about we let you spar with Chris since you've only really practiced with me, it would be good to test your skills out on someone new." Ariel butted in. "That is if you're okay with it?"

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