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CW:mentions abortion, medical situations 

The hospital was fairly silent besides the normal background chatter. That gloomy feeling was wavering in the air of the emergency waiting room. Others in the waiting room paced around, gathered around loved ones, or simply cried. Chris stared out the window at the glowing moon. Every now and then he'd see the lights of the emergency vehicles as they sped off to save another person. Were they innocent? Who knows. Chris didn't know. All he knew was that his actions brought on a greater consequence. 

"Shitty hospital doesn't have tea." Nico grumbled as he sat a seat away from Chris. 

Chris blinked a few times and turned to Nico. "How did this happen? Why did this happen?" 

"You're men should have scouted and you should've never had her back to windows. I could only do so much." His eyes remained stoic just as his voice did. "You were supposed to protect her-"

"Don't you think I know that?" Chris hissed. "How I should've never introduced her to this lifestyle! How I made her into who she is today! How I corrupted her!" Chris blubbered. "How I should've let her go! Y/n was never supposed to be with me! She knew that! I knew that! Yet I drew her in with that weakness of hers." He looked at his now clean hands. His still saw the red. "She has such a good heart, and I think I took it from her."

Nico sighed and crossed his legs. "Y/n's choices are still her own. You might have influenced some of it, but she wouldn't have done it if she didn't want to." He explained. "I've seen her be nice and I've seen her more wicked side. The teeth extraction without any prompt from you was when I knew something was wrong. She's not fully gone yet, but I'm afraid she'll lose herself if she stays in this business for longer."

"And I tried to take her out of it. I really did." 

"You should've done it sooner." Nico glared at him. "You're idiocy is why she's in surgery right now. If only you hadn't been so we-"

Chris threw the back of his hand against Nico's pale face. "I really wish she would've chosen someone else." He sighed. 

The others waiting and staff all gasped at the violent act that commenced. They whispered to those next to them. The two looked disheveled as they were. Blood stains setting into their polos. Tired red eyes.

The hospitals security guard barely looked away from his phone. "No fighting." He grumbled.

Nico's head moved back to its original position after the slap. He let out a groan. His hand checking to see if any blood came out. "I'm going to kill you."

"Get in line." Chris sat back in the uncomfortable seat. He noticed the way Nico's foot tapped against the tile. The man was usually so calm. He was never unnerved. 

"I've never seen you like this."

Nico scoffed with a roll of his narrow eyes. "If you must understand my emotions, I've lived a hard life. Y/n didn't bother me. She left me alone and only asked of me when she needed. No unnecessary task. No stupid jobs. Just peace and protection." Nico explained in simple words. He didn't look Chris in the eyes, knowing that part of his reasoning was a lie. "I care because she's my boss and my job is to protect." It was the truth. At least the truth he wanted to tell Chris. 

Chris squinted at the man and parted his lips to speak. Ready to accuse him. "I-"

"Mr. Evans!" The nurse called out. 

"Yes!" Chris nearly levitated out the chair. 

The male nurse dressed in light blue scrubs held a clipboard to his side. He jerked his head in a motion to follow him. "You're wife is out of surgery. She lost a lot of blood, nearly a liter. She will need to stay here for at least another week until we can ensure that she will not seize or have any internal issues from the bullet wound." He walked Chris and Nico down to her room. "Again she just got out so she is still asleep, even then she will need her rest. It's a miracle she's alive. The bullet looked like it was strategically aimed for that certain spot." He opened the door and showed Y/n breathing with a clear respirator mask. She had lost some of her glow and looked sickly weak. "I will warn you, she's having trouble breathing on her own so the doctor has her on respirator. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask."

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