chapter eight

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Sarah's parents were waiting when she entered the sitting room. she saw her dad standing and her mom sitting on the couch, tapping her feet on the ground.
"Hello dad," Sara said and smiled looking around. "everything okay?"
"Welcome home love. please sit. there's something we need to discuss with you." Stephen said smiling warmly. Sara knew that sign.
"We don't want you to move with that street boy who called himself Max Whittaker," He said sternly.
"I'm still talking young lady,".interrupted. "that man has no future. he's not the perfect man for you. can't you see that? he's probably liked by everyone in town!"
"I'm not a child dad"
"I know you aren't. but we're trying to figure things out and support you"
"dad...I like him. he's very responsible and decent".
"you don't know what decent means! that word "decent" didn't put food on my table. decent isn't what matters most in life sweetie"
"I..can't dad..I.."
"your friend tiff came around today. she told me she was having a relationship with that man and still do.'re just another intruder who doesn't know what she wants!"
tiff having a relationship? what's going on? she wondered.
"dad..just let me explain"
"you have nothing to explain. this is my decision young lady, I'm not going to allow my daughter to compete with others in the so-called path of finding a perfect man. I don't want you around Max anymore or else...I won't let him get away with it"
"but I will!..'"Sara sobbed and sat on the was all Max's fault. he shouldn't have kissed her or made her feel tingles down her toes.
"Oh.Max!" Sara sobbed."I don't know what to do now"

Sara murmured when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.
"who's it?" she mumbled.
"what do you think you're doing girl?"Dora walked straight in and sat on the bed." was trying to reach you."
Sara sobbed and sat up, her hair in a mess."I'm bonkers..don't you hate me too? everyone hates me now...Lily...tiff.. every... one"
"shhh, dear everything would be wasn't your fault okay? tiff told me know what? falling in love isn't our doing, real love happens naturally."
"it's all my fault, I was hiding my feelings for Max all along."
"it's no one's fault dear...if Lily and tiff gang up against you, I'm always here... always.."

Sara's cellphone beeped on Monday afternoon at the office as she arranged all the submitted files in a brown paper bag.
Sara gasped when Max came in through the door.his shirt was loosened up, his hair cut rough as if he has been running his hand through it.
Sara's heart pounded hard. she swallowed the lump in her throat.
he took some steps forward and placed his hands on her office desk. his gaze fixed on her.
"what's wrong..? are you okay?"Max asked with a concerned look.
"I'm's just.." she took deep breaths." we wouldn't be able to hang out anymore".
her whole body trembled with a tempting sob.
Max lifted her chin and stared into her eyes.
"Sara..I.I don't want that to happen to us.."
"you know that as well as I do"
Sara's eyes gathered fresh tears. if her parents didn't approve of Max, what else?
but she loves him. so much.
"why? it still about your friends?"
"I..I.. everything Max". Sara said. tears pinching her eyes. she was determined to hide the "parents part" for now.
"We could go on secretly"
"But how would it look? what if we were caught? it'll be so mortifying"
"no one would get to know.."Max suggested." his eyes crinkled." unless..unless you're scared of Mr. Fred?"
"I'm not scared of him"Sara frowned. she wasn't naive and she knew it.
"then give us this chance Sara...let's make sacrifices to make this work. I love you."
Sara smiled and placed her palms on his cheek.
"Besides.."Max added grinning"you haven't answered my questions yet"

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