chapter twenty three

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Sara yelled at the men Mr. Turner sent to guard her door.
To hell with them!. she they have to watch every move?
right now the only person she needed was her only friend Dora who stuck with her in times of need.
and now..she has to deal with these jerk escorts who were standing close to her door, poking and asking if she needed help. with what? how to wear a thong?!
" Just calm down Sara and let me finish your don't want to look like a loser do you?"Dora said with pleading eyes. "Please..." Sara begged." no make-up. just lipgloss. I'm not in a good mood".
" what! this isn't going for a stroll sweetie this is a wedding!"
" I'm not making up and you're not forcing me to!" Sara screamed in frustration.
" Hello, darling..." Sara's mom strolled in " fetching you look"
Sara studied her. she wore the most expensive gold gown she'd ever seen. her hair wrapped up in a bun. she had probably used the money. Mr. Turner gave them for her gown. Sara thought.
" If you mess things up sweetie, you're going to regret it". she said and smiled stepping close to Sara and patting her cheeks softly.
Sara glared at her.
Sara walked along with her dad. the place of worship looked dim in her eyes. her throat felt stiff and dry... .her legs trembled slightly.
she looked around and saw different people she hadn't met before.
Mr turner's cold hand brushing hers brought her back. she stared at him whilst the old pope declared their life commitment.
the pope wore a brown suit and tie. his hair combed neatly to the nape of his neck.
" do you take this man. as your wedding husband, to love and to cherish, for richer and for poorer, sickness and in health till death do you part?"...
.Mr. Turner squeezed her hands roughly.
" you don't have to!" someone said and the crowd gasped.
Sara turned and saw Max smiling and coming towards the altar.
" Max!" She cried out in delight and ran to his arms.
It was as if only two of them existed. when she reached him, she threw her bouquet away and hugged him. her heart thumping against her chest in happiness.
" Oh.Max.I miss you."
" I miss you too Sara."
" and who gave you the permission to interrupt my wedding!"
Mr. Turner said in anger coming towards the two hurriedly.
" I did.".max growled.
" We did" Tiffany stood up, holding her baby on her chest.
" We did" Ben stood up.
" and I did".Romeo Whittaker stood as well.
the white-haired man strolled towards the altar." look at how incredibly stupid you are embezzled my money, sold some of my properties...." the old man sighed." I'm disappointed...and that is why you aren't capable to be a part of the contract anymore."
" you old fool!"Fred Turner said lunging and choking him." I'll finish you off!"
The crowd gasped again.
Mr. Turner was arrested and excused immediately.
" you're alright,?" Sara asked Mr. Whittaker with concern.
" oh I'm fine.." he smiled at her." you have a good heart... I think my son is so fortunate to find you."
Sara smiled at that.
" Sara..." Sara's dad said walking towards her, his wife trailing behind." we're so sorry...we didn't...know...."
she flung her arms around them and burst into tears.." it okay dad" she sobbed." I'll always love you too."
Max drew her close and kissed her hair.
" I think I have a confession to make.." Max said and the crowd fell silent.
" beautiful're the only woman who captured my heart.. when I haven't met you, I was all alone..but when you gave me joy and hope!.. Sara.. please." Max kneeled.."make me the happiest man on Earth right now..will you be my wife?"
Sara gasped. tears rolled down her cheeks.
" yes!..."
"well"? the pope said, "do you have the rings?"
Max nodded still staring at Sara.
and when the questions were asked, Sara screamed the answer. the crowd clapped and laughed.
when it was time to kiss the bride, Sara climbed Max like a tree and kissed him first. Max laughed harder, happiness flowed around him.

A year later.

" Sara!" Tiffany screamed through their bedroom door.
" yes, babe!"Sara said and smiled poking her head through the kitchen door.
" Get your ass down here. the baby is screaming!"
Sara laughed. although Tiffany wasn't a perfect mother, she wasn't a bad one either. she loves her baby.
little Sandra smiled when Sara appeared with her favorite toy.
"you're going to be a wonderful mother," Tiffany said whilst setting hot pancakes on the table for lunch.
"hmm. I think I'll try" Sara said stroking her swollen stomach.
"I think little Sandra knows it's a girl..' tiff said.
"'s a boy..and she's happy that one day, she'll get a real friend."
" hah" Max Interrupted strolling in and taking his wife in his arms." what were you two talking about?"
" our baby" Sara whispered leaning close to him.
" Alright let's play a game.." Ben suggested coming towards them." I assure you..we are going to win".
Tiffany giggled.

Sara felt contented and Happy.
she realizes that there is no perfect man but a suitable one.
But to walk that road isn't easy. Every one has a tale to tell. complications would come that would test her love. but love conquers it all...she lay her head on her husband's shoulders, ready with him any problems to come...

😃😃😃😃😃 thanks for reading!.

The End.

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