Rant 113

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Today's day

(Warning: lots of cussing)

I fucking hate everything.

It's just one of those days (I tell myself every day)

You know why?

1. Science. I sit next to the most bitchiest person in the world. All my fucking friends are together but I'm not. Literally fuck my life.

2. PE sucked because I kept getting pushed over by this blonde fucker

2.5. This is I guess a good one. I grew 1 1/2 inches throughout the school year

3. Women's Ensemble. My fucking teacher. My fucking mother fucking teacher. I wanted to shoot him. Just put a gun to his head and BANG you're fucking dead.

4. Horse back riding. I could do 1000 pages on this one. But I'll keep it shortened. My fucking pony decides to be an ass today. I'm out in the arena. He decides to run away with me like its some sort of joke. He won't let me take him over to the fucking rail. When he does listen to me, he runs off again. I wanted to shoot him in the leg a million times, and make him walk 100 miles. That's the very shortened version

5. Helping. I need community hours. I told my trainer that. Does she listen?? Nope. My friends are helping out with this group and I can't. I just fucking can't.

Yeah. That was part of my fucking day.

I'm going to go dig a hole, jump in it, cover myself, and never come out again.

~pissed, Tomato

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