Rant 49

33 4 1

Breathing problems and Dreams


Last night

I tried to get up

And I couldn't breathe and I was like


And I felt really dizzy

So I fell on the floor.

The doctor said that I don't have asthma so I hope that's true.

So I'll probably die...

OMG I had the weirdest dream last night.


So I was at this island and it was this thing where you had to find these gems and stuff so Garry from Ib was there but he was on a nother team. And I swear I saw this before because I had this other dream where you had to find gems but idk


So I got 64/70 gems and then one night, I turned into Ib and I heard chain saw noises and I'm like

Oh it's just the tree cutting guy.

So then the next day everyone is frantically running around trying to find Garry but I just go off to find gems. Then all of a sudden I'm walking and there are lions running everywhere and I got to pet one!!! They were soooooo cute.


That night I go out to get something to eat and then I see blood at the corner of the room so I go over to it and step on it and a panel opens. All of a sudden there is a smell of blood everywhere and so I go down and walk in and find these cells that look like cells in boats.

So I look in one of them and see bloody hands hanging there...

Then I look into the next one and see legs that are chopped up and then in the last stall made me almost throw up.

Garry was there, his head smashed against the wall and brain matter everywhere...

Yeah and then I started screaming and this guy who's skin was torn off of his skull came over and pointed to Garry. Garry for some reason had been out back together and was crawling towards me but he only had half a body and was crawling towards me like
"Iiiibbbbb..." And the the skin guy pointed me to get Garry's body parts so I did and Garry put his arms and lags and hands back on and he was really bloody but I helped him out right as the bad things were coming...

And then Garry thanked me and the dream ended...

So I think I should write a book about it...


I can show everyone how mentally insane I am...

~crazy, Tomato

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