Rant 124

24 2 2


It's like 7:39 am

I stayed up all night.

I have to be somewhere in an hour.



My mom will kill me if she finds out ;~;

That's okay.

Ok so I had a dream about having six graders touring my classrooms.

It was terrifying ;~;


This is stupid

I think I'm drunk on tiredness.

I am one of those time perfectionists. It's like I have OCD but with time. I never actually noticed that I had it until I was 12 and started 7th grade.

Like, everything has to be on this time or I'll start freaking out.

For example, I'll wake up at 6:15 and I have to be out of bed no later than 6:18. Then I crawl to my mom's room and lay with her for ten minutes trying to wake her up.

At 6:30 I'll want her to take a shower. She can't start her shower any later than 6:40

During the period of my mom getting clean, I'm stuffing all my school supplies and binders into my back pack and I make myself breakfast which is a usual if a peanut butter Nutella waffle sandwich. I also feed my cat and clean his litter box. Then my mom pops out of the shower. It can't be any later than 6:57. I ask her "can you make it in 10 minutes" and if she says yes, I relax a little bit but if she says no, I start flipping out.

I always set my backpack near the closest door I leave.

Since we carpool with another family that I've known for 8 years of my life now, I always know that they will pick me up at the time When I actually want to be at school
And drop me off 2 minutes before the bell rings. But when we drive, we need to be out of here at 7:05 no later than 7:15. We drive to pick up my friend up the street then drive to get the other family. We have to be driving away no later than 7:23 as get to school at 7:30. School starts at 7:42 so we have 12 minutes to go to our lockers and talk before we have to get to class.

When they drive, I always keep my shades open, my backpack on the couch, my shoes near the front door, etc.

(Damn I'm writing this with Cry's voice in my head reading it back to me. This should become a cry reads XD)

When I got to school (and it isn't my week to drive), I always sprint to my first period which is on the third floor in the building farthest away where we get dropped off. I always calculate in my head exactly how long it will take me to go to my locker and then to class which only takes about 5 minutes max if I run.

I always get into class 3 minutes before the bell rings and sit down at my math table and say hello to everyone.

My math teacher will normally say hello to me, say something about my two different shoes I have on, or ask how my dad was doing since he got knee surgery last December.

Now, there was no real problem of time throughout the rest of the day since both my schedule and classes went nicely in time and place.

1st period- math

2nd period- history

History is three classrooms away from math and we have around 6 to 7 minutes to get to it.

Then we have break and then science on the bottom floor all the way in the front of the school.

~if you don't care about my schedule just skip to the interesting part~

Since I have break right before science, I have more than enough time to get my stuff from my locker, buy something from the vending machines, then get to class and listen to music with Nami.

After science we have lunch and my friend's science class is right next to mine so we always go to lunch together

Then I have English on the third floor so I have 30 minutes of lunch plus the passing period to get to my class.


5th period. No break in between classes, no lunch, no nothing.

I have PE 5th period. I have to go to the gym to get changed.

Since my friends have math 4th and I have English, and the classrooms are right next to each other, we all go down to PE together.

But, if one of them says, "I need to go to my locker," I start freaking out. I mean, we have 6 minutes to get all the way to the other side of the school, get dressed, and be outside.

I leave with out them.

That's the only problem in my schedule that drives me nuts every single day.

There's nothing I can do about it expect for wait for next year and get a new schedule where I'm not rushing to science or PE or English....

Look... It's 8:21 now.

It's kicking in again.

In the back of my mind I have this voice that tells me I have to do something and be there at exactly this time or else I become absolutely insane.

There it goes again.

Get dressed, go eat breakfast, you need to be out if here at 8:50.

The only conflict with my... Timing issue... Is that I love to stay up and watch movies, anime, read, talk, etc.

I mean, school nights I can't fall asleep or I won't get enough sleep if I go to bed before 10:30...

I just....

((Jesus cry. .__. I'm making this too serious. Yes this actually happens to me ._. So just read it with Cry's voice instead of your own. It will sound better I swear.))

It's almost 8:30. I have to leave in 15 minutes. I can't just lay in bed

I have to decide what I wear and brush my hair and teeth.

But I'm still laying in bed.

I don't know which part to kill.

My timing side of me

Or my night owl side.

I need both though but they can't seem to get along as well as I would like them to.
Fuck I'm getting up I'll probably make a book off of this.




Tomato out ~

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