(Chapter 1: Free from the city, but still trapped)

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After another rough day, working at Joja co. to get a little extra cash, I came home to the tiny apartment, where I lived with my mother, and younger brother. Lucky for me, they were out for the day, doing some shopping. "Why do I have to work there? Can't B do it? He's the one who can actually talk to people without feeling like he's gonna pass out!" I thought as I flop onto the couch, turn on the TV, and flip it to a random channel. "At least I usually just spend most of my time on a computer. I hardly need to actually talk to anyone. But OH BOY... When I do... I hate it." I said, thinking of the few people that I did have to talk to throughout the day. "Man, things were a lot better when I was a kid. Just having fun, not having to worry about getting a job, visiting Gramps on the weekends..." I said, before pausing for a bit, but then continuing. "Gramps... My word... Ever since that old dude kicked the bucket, things have sure seemed a lot more depressing. He left me something before he passed, but I haven't really thought that much about it." I said, before the thought of what her Grandfather gave me popped back into my head. "It was just some old letter, right? It couldn't have been much." I thought before getting up from the couch, and looking in the drawer nearby. "Huh. There it is." I said, before grabbing the letter, and opening it.

Dear Willow,

If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.

The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... Real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.

I've enclosed the deed to that place... My pride and joy: Sandy farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start a new life.

This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my girl.

Good luck.

Love, Grandpa

P.s. If Lewis is still alive, say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?

After reading the letter, I noticed that there were a few wet spots on the paper. Only then, did I notice that my eyes were watering. "Oh, come on. Why am I crying over an old letter?" I asked myself, wiping the tears from my face. I knew why I was crying, but I didn't know if I wanted to believe it or not. It was just the fact that my Grandfather wanted to give me his farm. Not my mom, or my brother, but me.

I then let out a loud sigh before saying "Man. I'm gonna need to tell them about this, aren't I? I can't just run away without saying anything... But I guess I could start packing up before they come home, so I'd at least be ready." I then went to my room, and started packing my things.

(A few hours later)

"Willow! We're home!" M said as she entered the room.

Soon after that, I left my bedroom, and said "Hey, uh... Guys? Do you think I'd ever be able to move out of here?" M then answered with "Willow, you know that none of us have any plans for moving anywhere, and even if we did, where would we go?"

After a moment of silence, I thought to myself. "We...?" And then I responded. "How about Stardew Valley? Y'know, the place we used to go on weekends before Grandpa... Well... Y'know..." I then gave the letter to her mother to read.

After reading the letter, she said "So. Dad gave you the old farm, huh?" I then responded with "Yep. Looks like it. I was actually thinking of going there eventually, but I figured I'd ask you about it first." B soon piped in, and said "Wait. Grampas old farm? Are we moving there?!"

I was starting to feel annoyed. I just wanted to go alone, and start a new life there... So, I responded with "Well, actually I- '' before getting cut off by my mother, like I had so many times before... "I guess we are! We'll finally be able to get out of this cramped apartment!" she said. "But... I jus-" I tried to say, but once again, got cut off by M. "Alright, you two! Pack your things. I need to call someone."

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